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A CSS preprocessor that acts like a polyfill for future versions of the spec.

Makefile 0.04% JavaScript 98.52% CSS 1.43% HTML 0.01%

myth's Issues

Declaration order


It would be nice if declarations are ordered automatically as proposed in the link below :

The recess project done this work but it does not handle all the functions used by myth like tint.

Parse error: error evaluating function `tint`: Object #<Object> has no method 'toHSL' on line 490

What do you think ?


Define variables in media-dependent @import

New @import support is working great, but not if I add media queries to it. Variables defined within a imported CSS-file are then being ignored.

Example import.css

/* Basic import */
@import "import.include-sm.css";

/* Media-dependent import */
@import "import.include-lg.css" (min-width: 64em);


:root {
  --font-size: 2em;
.Section {
  font-size: var(--font-size);


:root {
  --font-size: 3em;
.Section {
  font-size: var(--font-size);


/* Basic import */
.Section {
  font-size: 2em;

/* Media-dependent import */
@media (min-width: 64em) {
  :root {
    --font-size: 3em;
  .Section {
    font-size: 2em;

CSS variables persisting

So I made a sample site for testing Myth:

However I have noticed that variables persist across conversions, to replicate this you can delete or rename the variable green and it will still be operational in the converted code.

Effectively the code is doing:

var myth = require('myth');
  function updateCSS(css) {
    try {
      converted = myth(css);
    } catch(e) {
    toTextElement.value = converted.trim();

Which means somewhere within the myth or library code base those variables are being stored and not removed.

Support CSS variables inheritance

Current version 1.0.3 doesn't support CSS variables inheritance. So if we take the following HTML and CSS code :

<div class="block">
    Root Block
<div class="sidebar">
    <div class="block">
        Sidebar Block
:root {

.sidebar {

.block {

The expected output should be something like this :

.block {

.sidebar .block {

This way we respect CSS inheritance, but this may create other issues as it creates more specificity.

Bug with Windows.

Hi. I try to install myth today like this:

  • installing node.js for windows (node-v0.10.24-x86.msi)
  • restart windows
  • execute cmd.exe then npm install -g myth

But, i have some errors:

2458 error notarget No compatible version found: concat-stream@'visionmedia/node-concat-stream#0.0.1'
2458 error notarget Valid install targets:
2458 error notarget ["0.0.1","0.0.2","0.0.3","0.0.4","0.0.5","0.0.6","0.0.7","0.0.8","0.0.9","0.1.0","0.1.1","1.0.0","1.0.1","1.1.0","1.2.0","1.2.1","1.3.0","1.3.1"]
2458 error notarget
2458 error notarget This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
2458 error notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
2458 error notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
2459 error System Windows_NT 6.0.6002
2460 error command "G:\ProgrammeInstalled\NodeJs\node.exe" "G:\ProgrammeInstalled\NodeJs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install" "-g" "myth"
2461 error cwd C:\Users\Altaïr
2462 error node -v v0.10.24
2463 error npm -v 1.3.21
2464 error code ETARGET
2465 verbose exit [ 1, true ]

Did you have any idea to fix this?

Specification changes

I would like to bring up the issue of implementing draft specifications. It looks like the W3 are going to change the variables syntax from var- to --.

One of the stated goals of this project is to provide "future proof CSS", this suggests that when vendors start implementing these specifications my existing code will just work, currently this is very unlikely to happen.

Whilst I think it is great that this project is compiling pollyfills to make these specifications more easily realised, the practicality of the project just (to me) feels wrong.

I propose either:

  • making it very obvious a syntax is draft in the documentation and leave it up to the author to decide whether to actually use the syntax
  • using a prefix for draft syntax such as -myth- (potentially another kettle of fish)
  • only implement recommendation syntax (maybe have an --experimental flag when compiling?)

All of which have their drawbacks (namely backwards compatibility) but I feel this is something that should be addressed before it gets out of hand.


Could we have more information in the readme file about :
-v, --verbose write verbose output


# stdin and stdout
  $ cat input.css | myth | grep background-color

Thx !

SyntaxError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'declarations.forEach')

var less = {
    relativeUrls: false,
    rootpath: appRoot,
    postProcessor: function(styles){ console.log(styles); return myth(styles) }

Logging out styles gives me accurate CSS, and simply doing return styles works fine. Am I missing something somewhere?

Here is the full error:

SyntaxError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'declarations.forEach')
in init.less 
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@http://localhost:8000/vendors/less.js/dist/less-1.7.0.js:7921:3

Color function not outputting as spec'd

I began seeing unexpected outputs from my color functions, so I peeled them back to the examples given in the docs.

This input:

:root {
  var-green: #008752;
div {
  color: color(var(green) shade(20%));

Yields this output:

div {
  color: color(#008752 shade(20%));

I've checked my syntax enough that I have no idea if it's correct. Even read through Tab's spec here. Is anyone else seeing this behavior?

Manipulating colors inside media queries

Suppose my "blue" variable is = rgb(59, 98, 141)

When I try to do this inside of a media query:
color: color(var(blue) saturation(20%) lightness(65%));

I get this:
color: color(rgb(59, 98, 141) saturation(20%) lightness(65%));

Instead of the new rgb value.

add a site

with explanation of:

  • intro to what it is
  • preprocessor features supported
  • install instructions
  • why the heck its cool

CSS nesting support

Is this something that would be considered in Myth? Maybe as a flag-only feature or something?

Better error message when @import fail

Currently I just got

[gulp] Plumber found unhandled error: [gulp] TypeError in plugin 'gulp-myth': Cannot read property '0' of null

Which is clearly not easy to understand where the fuck I break something.

The stack trace help me to understand it was in rework-inline (I where using rework-npm that doesn't need .css ext) but I think it can be nice to catch the error somewhere to warn the issue came from @import. Do you think it's possible ?

Anyway thanks for Myth !

Grunt Myth error "toString"

Hey, guys!
I'm taking this out forever in grunt-myth, does anyone know what can be?

Running "myth:dist" (myth) task
Warning: Cannot call method 'toString' of null Use --force to continue.

My config

myth: {
      options: {
          sourcemap: true
      dist: {
        files: {
            './build/css/<%= %>.<%= pkg.version %>.min.css':'./build/css/<%= %>.<%= pkg.version %>.min.css'

var() doesn’t work when used in media query statement

For the following CSS:

:root {
    --breakpoint_a: 32em;
    --breakpoint_b: 48em;
    --breakpoint_c: 64em;

@media screen and (min-width: var(--breakpoint_a)) {
    .container {
        background-color: red;
@media screen and (min-width: var(--breakpoint_b)) {
    .container {
        background-color: blue;
@media screen and (min-width: var(--breakpoint_c)) {
    .container {
        background-color: green;

the following CSS is generated:

@media screen and (min-width: var(--breakpoint_a)) {
    .container {
        background-color: red;
@media screen and (min-width: var(--breakpoint_b)) {
    .container {
        background-color: blue;
@media screen and (min-width: var(--breakpoint_c)) {
    .container {
        background-color: green;

Variables work when used as values inside a media query, but not when part of the actual query statement.

Fix documentation

It's a bit misleading. Use the language from rework-vars so that people don't get upset that preprocessor variables aren't dynamic or scoped. Case of don't-feed-the-trolls.

Update Autoprefixer

Autoprefixer 0.8 is very old and 1.1 can do much more:

  • Myth now generates a lot of outdated prefixes, because it has no browsers updates.
  • Prefixes @keyframes inside CSS Media Queries.
  • Better ::placeholder and ::selection support.
  • Correct break-inside support.
  • Add touch-action support.
  • Add sticky support for WebKit.
  • Add text-decoration-* properties support.
  • Better Flexbox support.
  • Fix a lot of issues in gradient support.
  • Better CSS 3 cursors support.
  • Geneates less unnecessary -ms- prefixes.
  • Better hacks detects.
  • Readble browsers names.

Autoprefixer 1.x is totally new Autoprefixer with a lot of features ;).

I undestand that you prefer Rework version, but PostCSS requires only one addition very fast CSS parse, but will give actual prefixes for your users.

Just like:

css = rework(css).use(others)).toString();
return autoprefixer.compile(css).css;


Any plans to create a grunt plugin? I've been happy using grunt-autoprefixer as part of a dev environment and it'd be nice to get some of the additional myth features, while still being able to keep the grunt workflow.

Not working

I installed myth, but...


What am I doing wrong? In file example from

rework options in myth api

In particular, source maps. Something like:

  • myth.sourceMap(css, existingSourceMap)
  • myth(css, options) for options like compress

This would allow plugins such as grunt-myth to easily support them without depending on rework directly.

Source maps are an option of rework.toString()


Ok I have to ask (OCD). But isn't this a preprocessor? Since we are in fact processing the css before we add it to the html page? Wouldn't postprocessor imply that it processes the file in the browser?

Broken links (readme)

Chapter "Color Manipulation" :

  • Tab Atkins's soon-to-be-proposed draft
  • 4-digit and 8-digit hex color support. Spec

Windows 7 font rendering on site

First up, I'm monitoring Myth with interest and think the premise is very good. Congratulations on what could be a very useful tool.

This issue isn't related to your product but to your site, and I apologise if this is the wrong place to be adding this feedback.

But please please please check your site on any browser on Windows 7 (not VM). Attached is a grab of what it looks like. This isn't a pro Windows anti Apple thing. I run both systems in my own studio. It is just something I'm seeing cropping up a lot on websites, and it is beginning to feel like an accessibility elephant in the room.

Thanks for all your hard work on Myth, and sorry for being the one that brings to your attention this kind of thing :P


Option to convert units for rem/px fallback from base <html>

I see it's quite common these days to set the font-size on the html element to 62.5% – this is to allow for an easier rem declaration with px fallback. For example:

html {
    font-size: 62.5%;
body {
    font-size: 16px;
    font-size: 1.6rem;

However, when I try to use this with Myth I still see the px fallback value as calculated from a 100% base.

Is there any way to pass in an option to 'adjust' the calculated px value when using rems?

Color function for a variable

This code doesn't work

:root {
    var-brand-primary: #c40c28;
    var-brand-primary-darker: color( var(brand-primary) lightness(10%));

Any idea how to do this?

Run myth without output.css

How about making it, so that if I run myth input.css it will just compile it to input.css or maybe there is an option like a suffix.

So if I set the suffix to nothing, it will overwrite the file, and if I set it to something it will add it. The default could be -compiled so it would make input-compiled.css.

With this there could be an option to run myth on a directory. So that it will auto-compile every file in the dir.

Variables in a media query?

I have a breakpoint width defined as variable:
var-small: 20em;

However, it doesn't seem to work in a media query:
@media screen and (min-width: var(small)) {…

Any ideas? tia, Jake

Error installing myth : No compatible version found


I am trying to install myth and when i run "npm install myth" i get an error with dependencies that you can see below.

I am using node.js 0.10.24.

1453 error notarget No compatible version found: concat-stream@'visionmedia/node-concat-stream#0.0.1'
1453 error notarget Valid install targets:
1453 error notarget ["0.0.1","0.0.2","0.0.3","0.0.4","0.0.5","0.0.6","0.0.7","0.0.8","0.0.9","0.1.0","0.1.1","1.0.0","1.0.1","1.1.0","1.2.0","1.2.1"]
1453 error notarget
1453 error notarget This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
1453 error notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
1453 error notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
1454 error System Windows_NT 6.1.7601
1455 error command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install" "myth"
1456 error cwd C:\Users\user
1457 error node -v v0.10.24
1458 error npm -v 1.3.21
1459 error code ETARGET
1460 verbose exit [ 1, true ]

How can i solve this problem? Thanks!

Using different file extensions for Myth?

So using IDEs or text editors (Webstorm, sublime text), the myth file's contents are pretty much invalid. Anyone have any solutions for this? Different file extensions, or a myth syntax highlighter?

Passing options to autoprefixer

Is there a way to pass options to autoprefixer? I don't see it in the docs. Autoprefixer accepts arguments like so:

autoprefixer("last 1 version", "> 1%", "ie 8", "ie 7")

Is there a browser side work planned?

Couldn't find any reference to this in the documentation.

It would be nice to be able to pass (in the browser) a "modern" CSS string and get back a clean CSS string.

Unable to install due to dependency?

I'm not entirely sure, but it seems I'm unable to get a dependency for some reason. Is this an issue with my work pc?

2734 error notarget No compatible version found: concat-stream@'visionmedia/node-concat-stream#0.0.1'
2734 error notarget Valid install targets:
2734 error notarget ["0.0.1","0.0.2","0.0.3","0.0.4","0.0.5","0.0.6","0.0.7","0.0.8","0.0.9","0.1.0","0.1.1","1.0.0","1.0.1","1.1.0","1.2.0","1.2.1","1.3.0","1.3.1","1.4.0","1.4.1"]
2734 error notarget
2734 error notarget This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
2734 error notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
2734 error notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
2735 error System Windows_NT 6.1.7601

CSS custom properties (variables) polyfill?


I like the idea behind your work, but at the same time it seems very complex to shim some of the principes behind the spec of custom properties.

Custom properties take the cascade into account, for example:


body {
    var-default-font: sans-serif;
h1 {
    font-family: var(default-font);
#awesome {
    var-default-font: serif;


<h1>This text: sans-serif</h1>
<div id="awesome">
  <h1>This text: serif</h1>

How does Myth polyfill this use case? If it doesn't, can it be specified in the documentation?

Why refering to an obsolete specification in the manual?

Dear Myth developers,

Under the "Color Manipulation" section of the manual, there is a link to

However, this document is now decorated with an intimidating warning: "This specification is obsolete and has been replaced by the document at Do not attempt to implement this specification. Do not refer to this specification except as a historical artifact."

What is Myth policy regarding obsolete specifications support? Are these specs clearly removed from the engine? (Thus breaking down some Myth's users code, from time to time...) Would this be possible to put a tag on specs that are considered by Myth, in order to help users choose between wannabe/tentative/nearly accepted/accepted but not well-supported/etc. categories? (One could be inspired by Node.js "stability levels"...)

Thanks in advance for your attention.

Best regards,


development version?

I'd like to use this in dev like I do LESS because compiling every time really slows down workflow. Will this be possible?

Ability to define variables in @Imported CSS-file

Not sure if this is within scope/spec or not, but if I have a file called theme.css
that contains

:root {
    var-accent: #f00;

and a style.css with:

@import url(theme.css);

a {
    color: var(accent)

myth is not able to compile the output-file since the variable accent is defined in the imported css-file.

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