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node-common-errors's Introduction


Common error classes and utility functions

  • Full suite of node.js Error classes like most other modern languages
  • Append stack traces from other asynchronously generated Errors
  • Generate your own custom Error classes in one line
  • Map HTTP status codes to Errors for automatic handling in web services and applications

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npm install common-errors

Class Directory

Common Error Classes

Utility Functions

Express Middleware Functions

Common Error Classes


Applicable when a resource is already in use, for example unique key constraints like a username.

new AlreadyInUseError(entityName, arg1, [arg2, arg3, arg4, ...])


  • entityName - the entity that owns the protected resource
  • args - the fields or attributes that are already in use
// Example
throw new errors.AlreadyInUseError('user', 'username');


Applicable when there's a generic problem with an argument received by a function call.

new ArgumentError(argumentName[, inner_error])


  • argumentName - the name of the argument that has a problem
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.ArgumentError('username', err);


Applicable when an argument received by a function call is null/undefined or empty.

new ArgumentNullError(argumentName[, inner_error])


  • argumentName - the name of the argument that is null
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.ArgumentNullError('username', err);


Applicable when an operation requires authentication

new AuthenticationRequiredError(message, [inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.AuthenticationRequiredError("Please provide authentication.", err)


Applicable when an error occurs on a connection.

new ConnectionError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.ConnectionError('database connection no longer available', err);


Applicable when an error occurs on or with an external data source.

new DataError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new'Too many rows returned from database', err);


Applicable when an error occurs while using memcached.

new MemcachedError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new'Expected value not found', err);


Applicable when an error occurs while using MongoDB.

new MongoDBError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new'Retrieved value not in expected format', err);


Applicable when an error occurs while using redis.

new RedisError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new'expected value not found in redis', err);


Applicable when a transaction was unexpectedly rolled back.

new RollbackError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new'database transaction was unexpectedly rolled back', err);


Applicable when an error occurs while using a SQL database.

new SQLError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new'foreign key constraint violated', err);


Applicable when an error unexpectedly interrupts a transaction.

new TransactionError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new'transaction already complete', err);


This is roughly the same as the native Error class. It additionally supports an inner_error attribute.

new Error(message, [inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.Error("Please provide authentication.", err)


Represents a message and a HTTP status code.

new HttpStatusError(status_code[, message])


  • status_code - any HTTP status code integer
  • message - any message
// Example
throw new errors.HttpStatusError(404, "Not Found");
new HttpStatusError(err[, req])

Figure out a proper status code and message from a given error. The current mapping of error codes to HTTP status codes is as follows:

    "ValidationError": 400,
    "ArgumentError": 400,
    "AuthenticationRequiredError": 401,
    "NotPermittedError": 403,
    "ArgumentNullError": 404 // , or 400 depending on what's wrong with the request
    "NotFoundError": 404,
    "NotSupportedError": 405,
    "AlreadyInUseError": 409,

To change the mappings, modify HttpStatusError.message_map and HttpStatusError.code_map


  • err - any instanceof Error
  • req - the request object
// Example
throw new errors.HttpStatusError(err, req);


Applicable when an invalid operation occurs.

new InvalidOperationError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.InvalidOperationError('divide by zero', err);


Base class for Errors while accessing information using streams, files and directories.

new IOError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new"Could not open file", err)


Applicable when part of a file or directory cannot be found.

new DirectoryNotFoundError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new"/var/log", err)


Applicable when trying to access a drive or share that is not available.

new DriveNotFoundError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new"c", err)


Applicable when reading is attempted past the end of a stream.

new EndOfStreamError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new"EOS while reading header", err)


Applicable when a file is found and read but cannot be loaded.

new FileLoadError(message[, inner_error])


  • file_name - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new"./package.json", err)


Applicable when an attempt to access a file that does not exist on disk fails.

new FileNotFoundError(message[, inner_error])


  • file_name - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new"./package.json", err)


Applicable when an error occurs on a socket.

new SocketError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.SocketError('socket no longer available', err);


Applicable when an attempt to retrieve data yielded no result.

new NotFoundError(entity_name[, inner_error])


  • entity_name - a description for what was not found
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.NotFoundError("User", err)


Applicable when a requested method or operation is not implemented.

new NotImplementedError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.NotImplementedError("Method is not yet implemented.", err)


Applicable when an operation is not permitted

new NotPermittedError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - any message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.NotPermittedError("username cannot be changed once set.", err)


Applicable when a certain condition is not supported by your application.

new NotSupportedError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - a message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.NotSupportedError('Zero values', err);


Applicable when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of a program.

new OutOfMemoryError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - a message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.OutOfMemoryError('Maximum mem size exceeded.', err);


Represents an error that occurs when a numeric variable or parameter is outside of its valid range. This is roughly the same as the native RangeError class. It additionally supports an inner_error attribute.

new RangeError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - a message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.RangeError("Value must be between " + MIN + " and " + MAX, err);


Represents an error when a non-existent variable is referenced. This is roughly the same as the native ReferenceError class. It additionally supports an inner_error attribute.

new ReferenceError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - a message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.ReferenceError("x is not defined", err);


Applicable when the execution stack overflows because it contains too many nested method calls.

new StackOverflowError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - a message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.StackOverflowError('Stack overflow detected.', err);


Represents an error when trying to interpret syntactically invalid code. This is roughly the same as the native SyntaxError class. It additionally supports an inner_error attribute.

new SyntaxError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - a message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.SyntaxError("Unexpected token a", err);


Applicable when an operation takes longer than the alloted amount.

new TimeoutError(time[, inner_error])


  • time - a time duration
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.TimeoutError('100ms', err);


Represents an error when a value is not of the expected type. This is roughly the same as the native TypeError class. It additionally supports an inner_error attribute.

new TypeError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - a message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.TypeError("number is not a function", err);


Represents an error when a value is not of the expected type. This is roughly the same as the native URIError class. It additionally supports an inner_error attribute.

new URIError(message[, inner_error])


  • message - a message
  • inner_error - the Error instance that caused the current error. Stack trace will be appended.
// Example
throw new errors.URIError("URI malformed", err);


Useful for denoting a problem with a user-defined value. Generally, you won't throw this error. It serializes to JSON, and it can also function as an envelope for multiple errors.

new ValidationError(message, [code], [field])


  • message - any message
  • code - an optional error code
  • field - an optional description of the data


  • addError(error) - add an error object to the errors array, and return this.
  • addErrors(errors) - append an array of error objects to the errors array, and return this.
// Example
function validateUsername(username){
	var errors = new errors.ValidationError();
	if(username.length < 3) errors.addError(new errors.ValidationError("username must be at least two characters long", "VAL_MIN_USERNAME_LENGTH", "username"));
	if(/-%$*&!/.test(username)) errors.addError(new errors.ValidationError("username may not contain special characters", "VAL_USERNAME_SPECIALCHARS", "username"));
	return errors;

Utility Functions


Modifies an error's stack to include the current stack and logs it to stderr. Useful for logging errors received by a callback.

log(err[, message])


  • err - any error or error message received from a callback
  • message - any message you'd like to prepend
// Example
mysql.query('SELECT * `FROM` users', function(err, results){
	if(err) return errors.log(err, "Had trouble retrieving users.");


Modifies an error's stack to include the current stack without logging it. Useful for logging errors received by a callback.



  • err - any error or error message received from a callback
// Example
mysql.query('SELECT * `FROM` users', function(err, results){
	if(err) {
		return errors.prependCurrentStack(err); // caller has better idea of source of err


Simple interface for generating a new Error class type.

helpers.generateClass(name[, options])


  • name - The full name of the new Error class
  • options
    • extends - The base class for the new Error class. Default is Error.
    • globalize - Boolean (default true) to store the Error in global space so that the Error is equivalent to others included from other versions of the module.
    • args - Array of names of values to accept and store from the class constructor. Default is ['message', 'inner_error'].
    • generateMessage - A function for defining a custom error message.
// Example
var ArgumentNullError = helpers.generateClass("ArgumentNullError", {
  extends: ArgumentError,
  args: ['argumentName'],
  generateMessage: function(){
    return "Missing argument: " + this.argumentName;

throw new ArgumentNullError("username");

Express Middleware Functions

Crash Protector

Express middleware for preventing the web server from crashing when an error is thrown from an asynchronous context.
Any error that would have caused a crash is logged to stderr.

// Example
var app = express();

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/../public'));

//insert new middleware here

app.get('/healthcheck', function (req, res, next){res.send('YESOK')});


module.exports = app;

Error Handler

Express middleware that translates common errors into HTTP status codes and messages.

// Example
var app = express();

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/../public'));

//insert new middleware here

app.get('/healthcheck', function (req, res, next){res.send('YESOK')});


module.exports = app;


This library was developed by David Fenster at Shutterstock


Please do! Check out our Contributing guidelines.


MIT © 2013-2017 Shutterstock Images, LLC

node-common-errors's People


cesine avatar dfenster avatar diversario avatar markstos avatar richardlitt avatar rpnzl avatar shmuga avatar skhvan1111 avatar


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node-common-errors's Issues

Unnecessary dependency bluebird.

Is is important to have bluebird not in devDeps.
I search for this module and found it's used only in tests.
Probably it's better to move it to devDeps?

`errors.NotFoundError instanceof Error` returns false

Is this expected?


{ [Function: NotFoundError]
   { [Function: Error]
     captureStackTrace: [Function: captureStackTrace],
     stackTraceLimit: 22,
     prepareStackTrace: [Function: prepareStackTrace] },
  captureStackTrace: [Function: captureStackTrace],
   { [Error]
     generateMessage: [Function],
     global_initialize: [Function: global_initialize] },
   { [Error]
     generateMessage: [Function],
     global_initialize: [Function: global_initialize] } }

Reduce module load time

It takes quite a long time to load this module at present.

npm install -g require-time
npm init
npm install common-errors
require-time common-errors
206ms   common-errors
  • There are a lot of files. Maybe bundling the app into a single file would help.
  • Lodash is pegged to an exact version. Use a semver range instead.

Append extra data to errors

Is it possible to append extra data to the errors? My particular interest is on the custom ones.


var TokenModelNotFoundError = helpers.generateClass('TokenModelNotFoundError', {
    extends: errors.NotFoundError,
    args: ['modelName','tokenName'],
    generateMessage: function(){
        return sprintf('The %s model from the given %s token was not found',this.modelName,this.tokenName);
    someExtraData : {
        journey : function(){
            // Do something, perhaps with the arguments given
            return someObject;

and have it on the generated JSON

    // ...
    someExtraData : {
        journey : { // The generated object }

[Q] Since SyntaxError is also built-in, how do you usually handle that?

I fully expect that as soon as I start using this library, someone will get confused between SyntaxError and errors.SyntaxError.

I just wrote this test and it doesn't pass:


It does pass if I say instanceOf(SyntaxError). How can I globally overwrite the default one to keep the code sanity?

Thank you!

[Feature] Internval vs External

I would like to propose an additional attribute to all the errors. Ideally, we should be able to assign whether an error is internal or external facing.

For example, if an error occurs while making a database call because let's say there is a problem with the query, I don't want to show that message to the user as that exposes my database schema. Whereas, I would like to show certain Validation errors to user (e.g. to inform them that credit card number is incorrect)


Is it possible to customize the error messages?

I find this very long - "An attempt was made to perform an operation that is invalid", especially because it seems the wrong message for NotPermittedError.

I know I can create my own classes, but the whole point for me is to have your thought-out list of errors, not the ability to create my own per-se.

So I thought to ask if that part of the error can be easily customized.


Make `new` optional?

What if every error took care of ensuring that new is called even if user instantiates it without one? The usual way of doing that is something like

function Foo() {
  if (!(this instanceof Foo)) {
    return new Foo() // pass arguments here, of course

I think it could save some time for users who, like me, forget to use new on errors.Error etc. and spend time trying to figure out what's wrong.

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