Topic: mvc-core Goto Github
Some thing interesting about mvc-core
Some thing interesting about mvc-core
mvc-core,MessagePack formatters for ASP.NET Core MVC
Organization: alphacloud
mvc-core,Implementing MVC architecture with PHP.
User: amirhnajafiz
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mvc-core,Stage test .NET-Roweb 2021 (.NET Internship Test-Roweb 2021)
User: andreeadraghici
mvc-core,PHP MVC Framework - web application framework for modern and rapid development of web applications
User: apphp
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mvc-core,sample web site with n-layer architecture on ASP.NET core and Code First EF Core and 2 area public and admin
User: armanab
mvc-core,Working with ASP.NET Core 2.2. Performing CRUD operations in Core-MVC with AJAX. Passed Complex Data and List of Complexed JSON Data to Action Using AJAX.
User: arslanameer
mvc-core,Working with ASP.NET Core 2.2. Performing CRUD operations in Core with MVC Architectural Pattern.
User: arslanameer
mvc-core,nopCommerce signal-r chat plugin
User: atlv24
mvc-core,Source code from my blog post - Using Blazor Components In An Existing MVC Application
User: chrissainty
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mvc-core,ELMAH for Net.Standard and Net.Core
User: elmahcore
mvc-core,Open source tech jobs portal. Made with .Net Core
Organization: emplea-do
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mvc-core,Repository for a tutorial on how to add React to a .NET Core MVC App
User: esausilva
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mvc-core,A simple eCommerce App build on top of Asp.Net Core MVC framework.
User: etrupja
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mvc-core,Free and Open Source CMS based on ASP.NET Core and MongoDB
User: hamed-shirbandi
mvc-core,Easily paging in ASP.NET Core MVC that gets data as chunks from database
User: hamed-shirbandi
mvc-core,AdminLTE v3 for MVC Core, Razor Pages and Tag Helpers
User: iyilm4z
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mvc-core,Demonstrates how to integrate Blazor into an existing MVC Core project. And guess what: it's easy!
User: kinetiq
mvc-core,Better approach to turn an ASP.NET Core Application Into Single Page Application using Ajax methodology.
User: kishornaik
mvc-core,An accounting software developed using ASP.NET Core Web Development Framework. Allows users to journalize transactions, post journals, prepare trial balances, close nominal accounts, adjust accounts, and prepare financial statements.
User: lajroni
mvc-core,Origin was a school-project
Organization: libericaner
mvc-core,DMP is the Data Management Platform using plain PHP, MVC, OOP, PDO, Namespaces, Composer Autoload, Friendly URL, etc.
User: maksimgru
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mvc-core,ASP.NET MVC + Dapper + Mysql simple demo & Core2.0开发的阅读类小Web项目,练手、学习使用 Core。
User: meowv
mvc-core,This is sample expample of repository pattern
User: mubassir-hasan
mvc-core, Core MVC 6 Pages with Admin LTE Template
User: mustafaalkan64
mvc-core,Small "To Do App" to manage things to do.
User: nadisla
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mvc-core,Aspnet core mvc movie website
User: nertilpoci
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mvc-core,ASP.NET Core MVC version of the California State Template
Organization: office-of-digital-services
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mvc-core,ASP.NET Core Razor Pages version of the original AdminLTE dashboard
User: pedmarquez
mvc-core,EShop website build with entityframework
User: pentr32
mvc-core,C# Authentication via LDAP. Works on ASP .NET, MVC and Console App.
User: pentr32
mvc-core,Prozesssimulations- und Ticketsystem
User: pseiringer
mvc-core,Bulky Book leverages Entity Framework Core for seamless CRUD operations, ensuring efficient creation, reading, updating, and deletion of categories with a responsive and dynamic web interface.
User: rafaykhattak
mvc-core,The application displays books accompanied by their its details, and apply CRUD operations to them. Also, authors can be added and apply CRUD operation applied to them as well. using User Authentication, authorized users can edit, add, delete and favor books.
User: rizkahmed
mvc-core,An MVC framework built with PHP just for learners with many features.
User: sagarmaheshwary
mvc-core,This Project is developed in MVC Core 1.0.0 with windows dependencies. This project is complete aim on Event Management Process in this we have to automate Process of Event Management.
User: saineshwar
mvc-core,Code Generators for SIlvermodel. Included Web, Mobile and Database Code Generators
Organization: silverdawnsoftware
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mvc-core,Softinux Base is a framework to help you make ASP Net CORE web applications. Base is extension free. You must develop your extensions.
Organization: softinux
mvc-core,YL MVC Structure (PHP MVC) is a pattern made in PHP used to implement user interfaces, data, and controlling logic. It is built based on the combination of ideas from the Yii framework and Laravel framework (yl).
User: tanhongit
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mvc-core,A C# .NET Core MVC Web Application for exploring data from the Transport for London Unified API.
User: timgrayson85
mvc-core,An open source shopping cart is written by ASP.NET MVC Core, EF Core and Angular 5
User: tuanna8687
Organization: yoyomooc
mvc-core,netcore+vue mvc role management 快速开发系统(菜单,角色,权限[精确到按钮])
User: yuzd
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mvc-core,CC98 software website
Organization: zju-cc98
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A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
A PHP framework for web artisans
Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.
A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art
Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.
We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.
Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.
Alibaba Open Source for everyone
Data-Driven Documents codes.
China tencent open source team.