Topic: asp-net-core-mvc Goto Github
Some thing interesting about asp-net-core-mvc
Some thing interesting about asp-net-core-mvc
asp-net-core-mvc,Simple todo-list app built with core mvc
User: amoraitis
asp-net-core-mvc,🙌 ASP.NET Core 3.1 应用, 包含 DDD、CQRS、EDA 和ES事件回溯
User: anjoy8
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asp-net-core-mvc, ASP.NET Core banking system with secure communication capability between instances, cards, secure payments, etc.
Organization: banksystembg
asp-net-core-mvc,⚗️ Clean & extensible Sorting, Filtering, and Pagination for ASP.NET Core
User: biarity
asp-net-core-mvc,A simple Visual Studio solution using jQuery DataTable with Server-Side processing using .NET
User: davidsuescunpelegay
asp-net-core-mvc,This repository contains examples for .NET Role-based Access Control, Permission Management, and OData / Web / REST API Services for Entity Framework and XPO ORM
Organization: devexpress-examples
asp-net-core-mvc,Library for easily paging through any IEnumerable/IQueryable in ASP.NET
Organization: dncuug
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asp-net-core-mvc,Sample ASP.NET Core 8.0 reference application, powered by Microsoft, demonstrating a layered application architecture with monolithic deployment model. Download the eBook PDF from docs folder.
Organization: dotnet-architecture
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asp-net-core-mvc,Web Application ASP.NET 8 using Clean Architecture, DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing and a lot of good practices
User: eduardopires
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asp-net-core-mvc,This repo contains a sample application based on a Garage Management System for Pitstop - a fictitious garage. The primary goal of this sample is to demonstrate several software-architecture concepts like: Microservices, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Domain Driven Design (DDD), Eventual Consistency.
User: edwinvw
asp-net-core-mvc,:electron: Build cross platform desktop apps with ASP.NET Core (Razor Pages, MVC, Blazor).
Organization: electronnet
Home Page:
asp-net-core-mvc,ELMAH for Net.Standard and Net.Core
User: elmahcore
asp-net-core-mvc,This is the source code of the "ASP.NET MVC | Build a Complete eCommerce App" course on Udemy
User: etrupja
Home Page:
asp-net-core-mvc,Asp.Net Core Server Side for Jquery DataTables Multiple Column Filtering and Sorting with Pagination and Excel Export
User: fingers10
asp-net-core-mvc,CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for any entities
User: fluent-cms
Home Page:
asp-net-core-mvc,A basic implementation of an URL shortener web site using ASP.NET Core.
User: fxmauricard
asp-net-core-mvc,Asp.Net Example web application showing the capabilities of ASP.NET Core 2 MVC, EF (Entity Framework), Web API, Bootstrap, jQuery, datatables, adminlte template and many more. Web app created as helpdesk or ticket support portal.
User: go2ismail
asp-net-core-mvc,Demoing deployment of Docker containers into Kubernetes for both minikube and Azure AKS.
User: houssemdellai
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asp-net-core-mvc,A collection of extension methods providing strongly typed routing and link generation for ASP.NET Core MVC projects.
User: ivaylokenov
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asp-net-core-mvc,Fluent testing library for ASP.NET Core MVC.
User: ivaylokenov
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asp-net-core-mvc,เอกสารประกอบการสอนทุกเนื้อหาในช่องยูทูป KongRuksiam Official
User: kongruksiamza
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asp-net-core-mvc,A sample about how to create a dynamic plugins mechanism with ASP.NET Core Mvc at runtime. This sample is based on .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5
User: lamondlu
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asp-net-core-mvc,basic ecommerce website | ASP.NET Core
User: marklaygo
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asp-net-core-mvc,Auction system written in ASP.NET Core
User: melikpehlivanov
asp-net-core-mvc,PowerShell Web Portal
User: michaelburns
asp-net-core-mvc,💻 Unobtrusive Ajax Helpers (like MVC5 Ajax.BeignForm and Ajax.ActionLink) for ASP.NET Core
User: mjebrahimi
asp-net-core-mvc,📦 A curated list of awesome and best Nuget packages sorted by most popular ones.
User: mjebrahimi
asp-net-core-mvc,🚀 SeoTags generates All SEO Tags you need such as meta, link, Twitter card (twitter:), Open Graph (for Facebook) (og:), and JSON-LD schema (structured data).
User: mjebrahimi
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asp-net-core-mvc,Generate PowerShell scripts to map network drives on Intune managed Windows 10 devices
User: nicolonsky
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asp-net-core-mvc,NLog integration for ASP.NET & ASP.NET Core 2-8
Organization: nlog
Home Page:
asp-net-core-mvc,C# Asp.Net Core MVC Sample Registration/Login/Email Activation Form with MsSQL Server/Entity Framework/Onion Architecture
User: omansak
asp-net-core-mvc,Code Repository for the Book ASP.NET Core 5 and Angular 11 by Valerio De Sanctis, Published by Packt.
Organization: packtpublishing
asp-net-core-mvc,Piranha CMS is the friendly editor-focused CMS for .NET that can be used both as an integrated CMS or as a headless API.
Organization: piranhacms
Home Page:
asp-net-core-mvc,The original DasBlog reimagined with ASP.NET Core
User: poppastring
asp-net-core-mvc,Code samples for the book Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 (with updates for 2.1), Wrox Press
Organization: professionalcsharp
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asp-net-core-mvc,Helpers for handling the SEO-data for ASP.NET web-applications
User: sebnilsson
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asp-net-core-mvc,AdminLTE Template Setup with Core MVC 2.1 Project
User: shehryarkn
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asp-net-core-mvc,Popcorn is a .Net Middleware for your RESTful API that allows your consumers to request exactly as much or as little as they need, with no effort from you.
Organization: skywardapps
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asp-net-core-mvc,✔ [ SIOC ] Swastika I/O Core is an all in one platform (e.g CMS, eCommerce, Forum, Q&A, CRM...) ASP.NET Core / Dotnet Core System based on SIOH Framework.
Organization: swastika-io
Home Page:
asp-net-core-mvc,Code sample detailing role-based authentication and how to create custom roles in ASP.NET core (1.x and 2.x)
User: temilaj
asp-net-core-mvc,A minimalist library for creating sitemap files inside ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core MVC applications
User: uhaciogullari
asp-net-core-mvc,Asp.Net Core MVC 3.1 tutorial with Live application | Nitish
Organization: webgentle
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asp-net-core-mvc,The world’s first ASP.NET Core CMS
User: yogyogi
Home Page:
asp-net-core-mvc,Open source, easy to learn and use, cross platform .NET Core CMS. Fast, scalable, code-first, unobtrusive and extensible with powerful querying and Lucene integration.
User: yohsii
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asp-net-core-mvc,we will discuss all the basics, intermediate and advanced ASP. NET Core concepts to help you build data-driven web applications.
Organization: yoyomooc
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asp-net-core-mvc,BTK Akademi ASP.NET Core MVC Eğitimi
User: zcomert
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asp-net-core-mvc,A utility library for ASP.NET Core (both MVC and Razor Pages) websites to easily add and customize breadcrumbs.
User: zhaytam
Home Page:
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.
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