Topic: webapi-core Goto Github
Some thing interesting about webapi-core
Some thing interesting about webapi-core
webapi-core,webAPI with Azure AD Authentication
User: ahsanrazauk
webapi-core,Windows Form uygulamasından Web Api Crud (Get,Post,Put,Delete) İşlemleri
User: aliyasindogan
webapi-core,Web API in C# with SQL Server, EntityFramework and Blazor
User: alysonsz
webapi-core,Web API with database MySQL in C#
User: alysonsz
webapi-core,CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET
User: amolines
webapi-core,Using JWT for authentication and authorization in dotNet 8.0 and using MongoDB to store users data and tokens
User: barzin144
webapi-core,Open source cross platform Trauma Registry
User: cmertz11
Home Page:
webapi-core,Basic Music Library app with blazor frontend
User: dawnshift
webapi-core,This is An Advance level Login and register with Use of Angular and .net web api. In this Project I use Jwt, password Hashing ,refresh Token ,Rolebase Authentication and Validation.
User: dhruvpatel-7
webapi-core,This repository is created for knowing and learning the capabilites of gRPC.
User: divyeshbhartiya
webapi-core,DevPlatform is a platform that meets software developer each other!
User: dogaanismail
webapi-core,Implementation of Audit.NET with ASP.NET Core3.1 and Entity Framework
User: erossini
webapi-core,Http Trigger Azure fnction with CosmosDB and clean architecture.
User: fullstackhub-io
webapi-core,ASP.NET Core 3.1 back-end boilerplate
User: hunteroi
webapi-core, is a full-fledged error management system for anything from simple console applications to enterprise-level web applications. To get you guys more excited, lets you push the logs of your .NET applications directly to the cloud. This is something really innovative to get started with. Read the entire blog post.
User: iammukeshm
Home Page:
webapi-core,Some examples for Topshelf Windowsservices - Basic Winservice / Scheduled Jobs / Scheduled Jobs & Enitity Framework Core / Web API & EF Core
User: inspgadget
webapi-core,dot net stuff => c sharp basics, leetcode solutions, web api, design patterns and micro services.
User: jay-study-nildana
webapi-core,How to get data as a stream from a WebAPI (.NET)
User: jzo001
webapi-core,Series of projects exploring the use of Dapper with .NET Core WebAPI
User: kiwibryn
webapi-core,ASP.NET Core 專案練習集合,ASP.NET Core Practice Projects
User: kkbruce
Home Page:
webapi-core,This is a 12-Step recovery meeting finder mapping website built with C#, Angular 2+, TypeScript, Bootstrap, OSM and Leaflet. The finished website is available at
User: lschmid83
Home Page:
webapi-core,A sample that shows how to write a Web API in which every Controller method is literally formed by a single line of code, yet with the ability to handle all response types, validation errors, etc.
User: marcominerva
webapi-core,Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for .NET WebAPI
User: marcosferreira17
webapi-core,Building an event driven .NET Core app with Dapr
User: masahigo
webapi-core,Rent-a-Car Backend Project, | C#
User: mcancankaya
webapi-core,Blazor Server JWT (Identity OR LDAP) Sample
User: miladashrafi
Home Page:
webapi-core,Small demo showing how to implement Pub/Sub with a BackgroundWorker in .NET Core
User: mizrael
webapi-core,Explore Clean Architecture principles in .NET Core 8 - An organized, scalable, and maintainable codebase following best practices
User: mohamedelareeg
webapi-core,A sample .NET Core project showcasing the implementation of Clean Architecture principles with MediatR pattern for separation of concerns and maintainability.
User: mohanedzekry
webapi-core,Dating App ( Angular / .Net WebAPI Core / Entity Framework core)
Organization: my-azure-projects
webapi-core,Share photos/albums, support auto-tag by object detection, developed on .NET Core 3.1 and Angular 8.0/React 16.12, deployed on Azure/Docker
User: nhattanvu
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webapi-core,This is my hobby project to spend time with Angular FrameWork. It is a mini project about restaurant using Angular8.
User: nisanurbulut
webapi-core,Microservices , API Gateway Pattern with Ocelot , Azure Functions v2.0 , .NET Core 2.1 Web API,.NET Core 2.1 MVC , Sakila DB for SQL 2016
User: prashantrsharma
webapi-core,ASP.NET Core WebApi + MongoDb
User: programando-ideas
webapi-core,Test project using Asp.NET Core, Microsoft Orleans and the Direct Client functionality
User: rallets
webapi-core,Provides the ability to send HttpWebRequest and get HttpWebResponse without a server
User: redisdev
webapi-core,ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC/Web API Application. Search National Dex Pokémon based on a variety of criterion. Create, modify, and view a personal Pokédex.
User: robynstanco
Home Page:
webapi-core,The objective of this project was to implement the most commonly used technologies, and to share as a base project for WEB API in NET Core 3.1
User: rodri-oliveira-dev
webapi-core,Ag-Grid with Web API
User: song2017
webapi-core,🗜 An example project using NUKE + Docker + GitHub Image Registry that shows how to publish Docker images via GitHub actions.
User: sonnyrr
webapi-core,File upload with ASP.NET CORE WEB API
User: techwithpat
webapi-core,Sample Application of a Store website in Angular7, .NET Core and SQL Server.
User: tiagoavila
webapi-core,Dating App ( Angular / .Net WebAPI Core / Entity Framework core)
User: tripat86
webapi-core,E-commerce application with .Net Core and Angular
User: tripat86
webapi-core,A set of useful C# reusable classes and components that could be used with any Net Core Web application IT ALLOW TO REDUCE AMOUNT OF CODE when IMPLEMENTING REST API (see examples in README)
Organization: wissance
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webapi-core,transform html to pdf/image ,base on wkhtmltox and dotnet core 2.0
User: zhujinyong
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