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flippy's Introduction


⚠️⚠️⚠️ Flippy is not longer developed, all development has moved to pixie. ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Flippy Logo

Flippy is a simple 2d image and drawing library.

Basic usage:

import flippy, vmath, chroma

# load an image
var image = loadImage("tests/lenna.png")
# print it out
echo image
# get a color pixel
echo image.getRgba(100, 100)
# put a color pixel
image.putRgba(10, 10, rgba(255, 0, 0, 255))
# blit a rectangular part from one place to another
blit(image, image, rect(0, 0, 100, 100), rect(100, 100, 100, 100))
# draw a line
image.line(vec2(11, 11), vec2(100, 100), rgba(0, 0, 0, 255))
# minify image by 2 or 1/2 or scale by 50%
image = image.minify(2)
# save the image to a file"tests/lenna2.png")

Alt text

API: flippy

import flippy

type Image

Main image object that holds the bitmap data.

Image = ref object
 filePath*: string
 width*, height*, channels*, format*: int
 data*: seq[uint8]

type Flippy

Flippy = object
 mipmaps*: seq[Image]

proc $

Display the image path, size and channels.

proc `$`(image: Image): string

proc newImage

Creates a new image with appropriate dimensions.

proc newImage(width, height, channels: int): Image

proc newImage

Creates a new image with a path.

proc newImage(filePath: string; width, height, channels: int): Image

proc loadImage

Loads a png image.

proc loadImage(filePath: string): Image {.raises: [IOError], tags: [ReadIOEffect, RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc copy

Copies an image creating a new image.

proc copy(image: Image): Image

proc save

Saves a png image.

proc save(image: Image) {.raises: [IOError], tags: [WriteIOEffect, RootEffect].}

proc save

Sets image path and save the image.

proc save(image: Image; filePath: string) {.raises: [IOError], tags: [WriteIOEffect, RootEffect].}

proc inside

Returns true if (x, y) is inside the image.

proc inside(image: Image; x, y: int): bool {.inline.}

proc getRgbaUnsafe

Gets a color from (x, y) coordinates.

  • No bounds checking *

Make sure that x, y are in bounds. Failure in the assumptions will case unsafe memory reads.

proc getRgbaUnsafe(image: Image; x, y: int): ColorRGBA {.inline.}

proc getRgbaUnsafe

Gets a pixel as (x, y) floats.

  • No bounds checking *

Make sure that x, y are in bounds. Failure in the assumptions will case unsafe memory reads.

proc getRgbaUnsafe(image: Image; x, y: float64): ColorRGBA {.inline.}

proc getRgba

Gets a pixel at (x, y) or returns transparent black if outside of bounds. Slower due to bounds checking.

proc getRgba(image: Image; x, y: int): ColorRGBA {.inline.}

proc getRgbaSmooth

Gets a pixel as (x, y) floats.

proc getRgbaSmooth(image: Image; x, y: float64): ColorRGBA {.inline.}

proc putRgbaUnsafe

Puts a ColorRGBA pixel back.

  • No bounds checking *

Make sure that x, y are in bounds. Failure in the assumptions will case unsafe memory writes.

proc putRgbaUnsafe(image: Image; x, y: int; rgba: ColorRGBA) {.inline.}

proc putRgbaUnsafe

Puts a ColorRGBA pixel back as x, y floats (does not do blending).

  • No bounds checking *

Make sure that x, y are in bounds. Failure in the assumptions will case unsafe memory writes.

proc putRgbaUnsafe(image: Image; x, y: float64; rgba: ColorRGBA) {.inline, tags: [].}

proc putRgba

Puts pixel onto the image or safely ignored if pixel is outside the image. Slower due to bounds checking.

proc putRgba(image: Image; x, y: int; rgba: ColorRGBA) {.inline.}

proc minifyBy2

Scales the image down by an integer scale.

proc minifyBy2(image: Image): Image

proc minify

Scales the image down by an integer scale.

proc minify(image: Image; scale: int): Image

proc magnify

Scales image image up by an integer scale.

proc magnify(image: Image; scale: int): Image

proc blitUnsafe

Blits rectangle from one image to the other image.

  • No bounds checking *

Make sure that src and dest rect are in bounds. Make sure that channels for images are the same. Failure in the assumptions will case unsafe memory writes.

proc blitUnsafe(destImage: Image; srcImage: Image; src, dest: Rect)

proc blit

Blits rectangle from one image to the other image.

proc blit(destImage: Image; srcImage: Image; src, dest: Rect)

proc blit

Blits rectangle from one image to the other image.

proc blit(destImage: Image; srcImage: Image; pos: Vec2)

proc blitWithAlpha

Blits rectangle from one image to the other image.

proc blitWithAlpha(destImage: Image; srcImage: Image; src, dest: Rect)

proc blitWithMask

Blits rectangle from one image to the other image with masking color.

proc blitWithMask(destImage: Image; srcImage: Image; src, dest: Rect; rgba: ColorRGBA)

proc getSubImage

Gets a sub image of the main image.

proc getSubImage(image: Image; x, y, w, h: int): Image

proc trim

Trims the transparent (alpha=0) border around the image.

proc trim(image: Image): Image

proc flipHorizontal

Flips the image around the Y axis.

proc flipHorizontal(image: Image): Image

proc flipVertical

Flips the image around the X axis.

proc flipVertical(image: Image): Image

proc blit

Blits one image onto another using matrix with alpha blending.

proc blit(destImage, srcImage: Image; mat: Mat4)

proc blitWithAlpha

Blits one image onto another using matrix with alpha blending.

proc blitWithAlpha(destImage: Image; srcImage: Image; mat: Mat4)

proc fill

Fills the image with a solid color.

proc fill(image: Image; rgba: ColorRGBA)

proc line

Draws a line from one at vec to to vec.

proc line(image: Image; at, to: Vec2; rgba: ColorRGBA)

proc fillRect

Draws a filled rectangle.

proc fillRect(image: Image; rect: Rect; rgba: ColorRGBA)

proc strokeRect

Draws a rectangle borders only.

proc strokeRect(image: Image; rect: Rect; rgba: ColorRGBA)

proc fillCircle

Draws a filled circle with antialiased edges.

proc fillCircle(image: Image; pos: Vec2; radius: float; rgba: ColorRGBA)

proc strokeCircle

Draws a border of circle with antialiased edges.

proc strokeCircle(image: Image; pos: Vec2; radius, border: float; rgba: ColorRGBA)

proc fillRoundedRect

Fills image with a rounded rectangle.

proc fillRoundedRect(image: Image; rect: Rect; radius: float; rgba: ColorRGBA)

proc strokeRoundedRect

Fills image with a stroked rounded rectangle.

proc strokeRoundedRect(image: Image; rect: Rect; radius, border: float; rgba: ColorRGBA)

proc ninePatch

Draws a 9-patch

proc ninePatch(image: Image; rect: Rect; radius, border: float; fill, stroke: ColorRGBA)

proc rotate90Degrees

Rotates the image clockwise.

proc rotate90Degrees(image: Image): Image

proc rotateNeg90Degrees

Rotates the image anti-clockwise.

proc rotateNeg90Degrees(image: Image): Image

proc shearX

Shears the image horizontally; resizes to fit.

proc shearX(image: Image; shear: float): Image

proc shearY

Shears the image vertically; resizes to fit.

proc shearY(image: Image; shear: float): Image

proc rotate

Rotates the image by given angle (in degrees) using the 3-shear method (Paeth method)

proc rotate(image: Image; angle: float): Image

proc removeAlpha

Removes alpha channel from the images by: Setting it to 255 everywhere.

proc removeAlpha(image: Image)

proc alphaBleed

PNG saves space by encoding alpha = 0 areas as black however scaling such images lets the black or gray come out. This bleeds the real colors into invisible space.

proc alphaBleed(image: Image)

proc blur

Blurs the image by x and y directions.

proc blur(image: Image; xBlur: int; yBlur: int): Image

proc resize

proc resize(srcImage: Image; width, height: int): Image

proc outlineBorder

Adds n pixel border around alpha parts of the image.

proc outlineBorder(image: Image; borderPx: int): Image

func width

func width(flippy: Flippy): int

func height

func height(flippy: Flippy): int

proc save

Flippy is a special file format that is fast to load and save with mip maps.

proc save(flippy: Flippy; filePath: string) {.raises: [Exception, IOError, OSError, SnappyException], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

proc pngToFlippy

proc pngToFlippy(pngPath, flippyPath: string) {.raises: [IOError, Exception, OSError, SnappyException], tags: [ReadIOEffect, RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}

proc loadFlippy

Flippy is a special file format that is fast to load and save with mip maps.

proc loadFlippy(filePath: string): Flippy {.raises: [Exception, IOError, OSError, ValueError, SnappyException], tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect].}

flippy's People


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flippy's Issues

Resizing Images using -d:useStl giving strange results

I have a test image:
as you can see, it's roughly 10mb big and has a resolution 10315y7049

if i run the following code, it results in that image:

     var image = loadImage(file)
      if image.width > maxWidth or image.height > maxHeight:
        var height = cast[float64](image.height)
        var width = cast[float64](image.width)
        var finalHeight, finalWidth: int
        #echo "Resolution old ", image.height, "x", image.width
        var vh = cast[float64](height / width)
        #echo "VH: ", vh
        if height >= width:
          finalHeight = cast[int](maxHeight)
          finalWidth = cast[int](width / vh)
          finalWidth = cast[int](maxWidth)
          finalHeight = cast[int](height * vh)
        #echo "Resolution:", image.height, "x", image.width, "-->", finalHeight, "x", finalWidth
        image.height = finalHeight
        image.width = finalWidth 

The resulting image has a size of 40MB and looks like this:

unable to rotate image?


I am trying to do a test rotation on an image.
I am using this code

var test = newImage(50,50,4)
discard test.rotate(2)

but it fails with the following error message:

/Users/teras/Works/Development/Nim/emailform/emailform.nim(7) emailform
/Users/teras/.nimble/pkgs/flippy-0.4.1/flippy.nim(684) rotate
/Users/teras/.nimble/pkgs/flippy-0.4.1/flippy.nim(578) getSubImage
/Users/teras/.nimble/pkgs/flippy-0.4.1/flippy.nim(159) getRgba
/Users/teras/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.0.6/lib/system/assertions.nim(27) failedAssertImpl
/Users/teras/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.0.6/lib/system/assertions.nim(20) raiseAssert
/Users/teras/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.0.6/lib/system/fatal.nim(39) sysFatal
Error: unhandled exception: /Users/teras/.nimble/pkgs/flippy-0.4.1/flippy.nim(159, 10) `y >= 0 and y < image.height`  [AssertionError]

Am I using it wrong?

Flippy is not loading an image

When trying to load an image into flippy i'm getting illegal storage access errors and a signature mismatch error as well
Error seems to originate at line 106 where it is assigning the image width from png.width to result.width

flippy version: 0.4.5
os: OSX

the code to load in an image: var mainImage: Image = loadImage(imagepath)
Full error below

signature mismatch
Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/__/Projects/Code/imgToGif/src/splitTga.nim(58) splitTga
/Users/__/Projects/Code/imgToGif/src/splitTga.nim(8) splitTgaToPng
/Users/__/.nimble/pkgs/flippy-0.4.5/flippy.nim(106) loadImage
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)

Unable to build/install other libraries (e.g. NSU) that depends on flippy

There's an issue when trying to install other libraries such as Senketsu/nsu which depends on flippy. According to the error, it seems the issue lies with flippy.nim having an undeclared identifier "Rect". I also tried the latest version of flippy and it produced the same error.

The error I am getting is
/root/.nimble/pkgs/flippy-0.4.0/flippy.nim(206, 58) Error: undeclared identifier: 'Rect'
Tip: 16 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them.
Error: Build failed for package: nsu
... Execution failed with exit code 1
... Command: /home/user/Desktop/nim-1.4.8/bin/nim c --colors:on --noNimblePath -d:release -d:NimblePkgVersion=0.1.5 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/x11-1.1 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/winim-3.6.1 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/flippy-0.4.0 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/vmath-1.0.8 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/chroma-0.2.5 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/print-1.0.0 --path:/root/.nimble/pkgs/stb_image-2.5 --hints:off -o:/home/user/Desktop/nsu/nsu /home/user/Desktop/nsu/src/nsu.nim

Loops in flippy access memory discontinuously

In procs in src/flippy.nim, most loop change y coordinate in inner loop and change x coordinate in outer loop.
That means these loops access memory discontinuously.
I think inner loop and outer loop in src/flippy.nim should be swapped for continuous memory access and better performance.

I swapped inner loop and outer loop of flippy.blit and measured time.


import flippy, times, vmath, chroma

template measure(body: untyped) =
  let before = epochTime()
  let after = epochTime()

  echo after - before, "sec"
#changed inner loop and outer loop of flippy.blit for continuous memory access
proc blit2(destImage: Image, srcImage: Image, pos: Vec2) =
  for y in 0..<int(srcImage.height):
    for x in 0..<int(srcImage.width):
      var rgba = srcImage.getRgba(x, y)
      destImage.putRgbaSafe(int(pos.x) + x, int(pos.y) + y, rgba)

proc main =
    width = 4000
    height = 4000

    src = newImage(width, height, 4)
    dst = newImage(width, height, 4)

  for y in 0..<height:
    for x in 0..<width:
      let v = uint8((x xor y) and 0xff)
      src.putRgba(x, y, ColorRGBA(r: v, g: v, b: v, a: 255))

    blit(dst, src, vec2(0.0, 0.0))
    #blit2(dst, src, vec2(0.0, 0.0))"test.png")


I compiled it with following command:

nim c -r -d:danger test.nim

When I measured flippy.blit, time was about 0.42 seconds.
When I measured blit2, time was about 0.083 seconds.

>nim -v
Nim Compiler Version 1.2.6 [Windows: amd64]
Compiled at 2020-07-29
Copyright (c) 2006-2020 by Andreas Rumpf

git hash: bf320ed172f74f60fd274338e82bdc9ce3520dd9
active boot switches: -d:release

Incorrect color after minifying image

var img = newImage(500, 500, 4)

img.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255))
img = img.minify(2)"out.png")

In the PNG file exported above, the background color is #FCFCFC (252, 252, 252).

Float precision ?


Thanks for flippy I have been using it on a few projects lately.
I was wondering if there is a plan to add float precision images?


flippy.nim(1, 22) Error: cannot open file: chroma/blends

When I run nimble test with the latest version I get this error:

$ nimble test
  Verifying dependencies for [email protected]
      Info: Dependency on vmath@>= 0.3.2 already satisfied
  Verifying dependencies for [email protected]
 Installing chroma@>= 0.1.5
Downloading using git
  Verifying dependencies for [email protected]
 Installing [email protected]
   Success: chroma installed successfully.
      Info: Dependency on nimPNG@>= 0.2.6 already satisfied
  Verifying dependencies for [email protected]
      Info: Dependency on supersnappy@>= 1.0.0 already satisfied
  Verifying dependencies for [email protected]
      Info: Dependency on bumpy@>= 0.2.1 already satisfied
  Verifying dependencies for [email protected]
      Info: Dependency on vmath@>= 0.4.0 already satisfied
  Verifying dependencies for [email protected]
  Compiling /Users/matt/lib/flippy/tests/test (from package flippy) using c backend
/Users/matt/lib/flippy/src/flippy.nim(1, 22) Error: cannot open file: chroma/blends
       Tip: 26 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them.
     Error: Execution failed with exit code 256
        ... Command: /Users/matt/.nimble/bin/nim c --noNimblePath -d:NimblePkgVersion=0.4.7 --path:/Users/matt/.nimble/pkgs/vmath-0.4.0 --path:/Users/matt/.nimble/pkgs/chroma-0.2.1 --path:/Users/matt/.nimble/pkgs/nimPNG-0.3.1 --path:/Users/matt/.nimble/pkgs/supersnappy-2.0.0 --path:/Users/matt/.nimble/pkgs/bumpy-0.2.1 --path:/Users/matt/.nimble/pkgs/vmath-0.4.0 --hints:off -r --path:. /Users/matt/lib/flippy/tests/test

image.putRgba issue or user error ?


Trying this simple test does not seem to work on OSX, Am I using it wrong 🙈 ?

import flippy, chroma

const w = 128
const h = 128

proc flipTest*() = 
  var image = newImage(w,h,4)
  for x in {0..w-1}:
    for y in {0..h-1}:
      if x < int(w/2):
        image.putRgba(x, y, rgba(255, 0, 0, 255))
        image.putRgba(x, y, rgba(0, 0, 255, 255))"test.png")


Error: undeclared identifier: 'Rect'

Thanks for this great library!

This error is on Linux (docker nim-lang/nim:1.4.2). The same code seems to work fine on macOS

# cat foo.nim 
import os
import flippy

proc resizePNG*(src:string, dst:string, width:int, height:int) =
  loadImage(src).resize(width, height).save(dst)

when isMainModule:
  resizePNG(paramStr(1), paramStr(2), 100, 100)
# nim c foo.nim 
Hint: used config file '/nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file '/nim/config/config.nims' [Conf]
/root/.nimble/pkgs/flippy-0.4.7/flippy.nim(311, 42) Error: undeclared identifier: 'Rect'
# nimble list -i
chroma  [0.1.5]
flippy  [0.4.7]
nimPNG  [0.3.1]
supersnappy  [2.0.0]
vmath  [0.4.0]
# nim --version
Nim Compiler Version 1.4.2 [Linux: amd64]
Compiled at 2020-11-30
Copyright (c) 2006-2020 by Andreas Rumpf

git hash: 3fb5157ab1b666a5a5c34efde0f357a82d433d04
active boot switches: -d:release -d:danger
# uname -a
Linux 883414a58802 5.4.39-linuxkit #1 SMP Fri May 8 23:03:06 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Getting an error when running the basic usage example: Error: undeclared identifier: 'rgba'

Hi, thank you for writing this library. I tried compiling the basic example:

import flippy
# load an image
var image = loadImage("tests/lenna.png")
# print it out
echo image
# get a color pixel
echo image.getRgba(100, 100)
# put a color pixel
image.putRgba(10, 10, rgba(255, 0, 0, 255))
# blit a rectangular part from one place to another
blit(image, image, rect(0, 0, 100, 100), rect(100, 100, 100, 100))
# draw a line
image.line(vec2(11, 11), vec2(100, 100), rgba(0, 0, 0, 255))
# minify image by 2 or 1/2 or scale by 50%
image = image.minify(2)
# save the image to a file"tests/lenna2.png")

I use nim c flippy_test.nim and this is the output:

Hint: used config file '/Users/owner/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.0/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file '/Users/owner/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.0/config/config.nims' [Conf]
/Users/owner/nim/flippy/flippy_test.nim(9, 23) Error: undeclared identifier: 'rgba'

My OS is macOS Catalina Version 10.15.6. I'm using Nim Compiler Version 1.4.0 [MacOSX: amd64].

I'm new to Nim, so perhaps I'm missing something pretty obvious... (having to do with the wrappers for the C image libraries being used or something like that? Really don't know. 😅) Also, it compiles if I take out the lines that use rgba, vec2, and rect parameters.

STBI Exception

When trying to use fllippy to minify an image I keep getting an error on

stb_image\read.nim(91) load
Error: unhandled exception: can't fopen [STBI Exception]

How did I call?
var a = reduceImage("C:\\Nim\\NimExamples\\MyRecipes\\a.png", "C:\\Nim\\NimExamples\\MyRecipes\\b.png", 3)
against proc

proc reduceImage*(inFile: string, outFile: string, scale: cint): cint {.cdecl, exportc, dynlib.} =
  ## reduces image
  var image = loadImage(inFile)
  image = image.minify(scale)
  result = scale

Is it my own stupidity, or is it a real issue? I am on windows as you probably guessed.

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