Detect the language of text.
- franc can support more languages(†) than any other library
- franc is packaged with support for 82, 186, or 419 languages
- franc has a CLI
† - Based on the UDHR, the most translated copyright-free document in the world.
franc supports many languages, which means it’s easily confused on small samples. Make sure to pass it big documents to get reliable results.
👉 Note: this installs the
package, with support for 187 languages (languages which have 1 million or more speakers).franc-min
(82 languages, 8m or more speakers) andfranc-all
(all 414 possible languages) are also available. Finally, usefranc-cli
to install the CLI.
This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 14.14+, 16.0+), install with npm:
npm install franc
In Deno with
import {franc, francAll} from ''
In browsers with
<script type="module">
import {franc, francAll} from ''
import {franc, francAll} from 'franc'
franc('Alle menslike wesens word vry') //=> 'afr'
franc('এটি একটি ভাষা একক IBM স্ক্রিপ্ট') //=> 'ben'
franc('Alle menneske er fødde til fridom') //=> 'nno'
franc('') //=> 'und' (language code that stands for undetermined)
// You can change what’s too short (default: 10):
franc('the') //=> 'und'
franc('the', {minLength: 3}) //=> 'sco'
console.log(francAll('Considerando ser essencial que os direitos humanos'))
//=> [['por', 1], ['glg', 0.771284519307895], ['spa', 0.6034146900423971], …123 more items]
console.log(francAll('Considerando ser essencial que os direitos humanos', {only: ['por', 'spa']}))
//=> [['por', 1 ], ['spa', 0.6034146900423971]]
console.log(francAll('Considerando ser essencial que os direitos humanos', {ignore: ['spa', 'glg']}))
//=> [['por', 1], ['cat', 0.5367251059928957], ['src', 0.47461899851037015], …121 more items]
This package exports the identifiers franc
, francAll
There is no default export.
Get the most probable language for the given value.
) — value to testoptions
, optional) — configuration
The most probable language (string
Get the most probable language for the given value.
) — value to testoptions
, optional) — configuration
Array containing language—distance tuples (Array<[string, number]>
Configuration (Object
, optional) with the following fields:
Languages to allow (Array<string>
, optional).
Languages to ignore (Array<string>
, optional).
Minimum length to accept (number
, default: 10
npm install franc-cli --global
CLI to detect the language of text
Usage: franc [options] <string>
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output version number
-m, --min-length <number> minimum length to accept
-o, --only <string> allow languages
-i, --ignore <string> disallow languages
-a, --all display all guesses
# output language
$ franc "Alle menslike wesens word vry"
# afr
# output language from stdin (expects utf8)
$ echo "এটি একটি ভাষা একক IBM স্ক্রিপ্ট" | franc
# ben
# ignore certain languages
$ franc --ignore por,glg "O Brasil caiu 26 posições"
# src
# output language from stdin with only
$ echo "Alle mennesker er født frie og" | franc --only nob,dan
# nob
Package | Languages | Speakers |
franc-min |
82 | 8M or more |
franc |
187 | 1M or more |
franc-all |
414 | - |
👉 Note: franc returns ISO 639-3 codes (three letter codes). Not ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-2. See also GH-10 and GH-30.
To get more info about the languages represented by ISO 639-3, use
There is also an index available to map ISO 639-3 to ISO 639-1 codes,
, but note that not all 639-3 codes can
be represented in 639-1.
These packages are fully typed with TypeScript.
They export the additional types TrigramTuple
and Options
These package are at least compatible with all maintained versions of Node.js. As of now, that is Node.js 14.14+ and 16.0+. They also works in Deno and modern browsers.
Franc has been ported to several other programming languages.
- Elixir —
- Erlang —
- Go —
- R —
- Rust —
- Dart —
- Python —
The works franc is derived from have themselves also been ported to other languages.
Franc is a derivative work from guess-language (Python, LGPL), guesslanguage (C++, LGPL), and Language::Guess (Perl, GPL). Their creators granted me the rights to distribute franc under the MIT license: respectively, Kent S. Johnson, Jacob R. Rideout, and Maciej Ceglowski.
Yes please! See How to Contribute to Open Source.
This package is safe.
franc's People
elmor34 jeffhuys mgreschke hacksparrow cs1000 inno-v davidtran641 zingysain cchongxd giantliu22 lazycrazyowl paultol1988 weaver-viii surfcao yulongheli nvdnkpr alihalabyah andreireitz eiriklv muminoff karimabdul siathalysedi kamilbielawski dj31416 godeep lemonhall mokraft uyghurdev yeondudad 47billion wehlutyk borderlessnomad jaambee smari occrp johnantoni qq40660 srogov sankycse anukat2015 bouriate cainoeraabele gitterebi nbpalomino munzuruleee maniacs-js agtlucas amilajack rybnik zectbynmo loretoparisi namjae ravinderjitsidhu oyeanuj modulexcite anikets geeza krodyx touch2hussain r21-iot poudelprakash tngamemo geraldoramos thequail hhy5277 nilportugues benjamesbabala alvarlaigna pombredanne rubythonode athiwatp shazom manucutillas maxali compareagences stethd aakashapoorv garlandrileyjr jdrew1303 xs-bot amirjamil90 gitadept 7rin0 mohammedsabi vunb praveenmunagapati 3kraft solertis duckywang1 kostasx bedosport fengweijp revolunet roshanweb timdiggins abhinavm24 nihsmik sidneys vo0doo naustudiofranc's Issues
digits are treated as 'cmn'
any reason?
// meanwhile I have misunderstood cmn
as common
instead of Mandarin Chinese.
Support ISO 639-1 codes alongside ISO 639-3
The two-letter ISO 639-1 codes are quite widely used, for example in MongoDB's text index. Are there plans for adding support for this language code variant in the future?
Mapping between the two is trivial as a post-process, but creates unnecessary clutter whereas getting the desired language code variant straight from Franc would be very neat and tidy.
Performance: Exit early when high accuracy is reached
When the probability of a given document for a certain language is over X, the process could exit early and return the language.
It’s at least interesting to research, maybe by splitting the input in parts of N characters/trigrams...
This also touches on another problem: normalising probability-values. Currently, franc returns [languageCode, 1]
for a very-probable language, which might be confusing for further processing.
How to contribute languages
Hi! I'm curious to know how to contribute new languages to franc? Do you have a standard method for creating the definition lines?
Browser Version
Is it possible to use franc directly in the browser?
Consistency on ISO standards for easier integration.
Revisiting #10
I think its great that you support other languages not found in any of the ISO standards.
But to those that can be found, the fact that Franc sometimes returns the 2T and others the 2B , makes it really hard to map without huge lists.
For instance:
- arm matches 2B for Armenian but not 2T nor 3 which are 'hye'
- ces, on the other hand, matches 2T and 3 while 2B is 'cze'
So it makes for difficult integration with standards that you return one or the other without consistency.
I agree that with languages you wouldn't find, then we must find a solution and it is great! But for those that match, adhering to one or the other would be very helpful.
Thanks, best regards,
Wrong language detection even for simple texts
I was using franc in my project, but just to discover it is detecting wrong language even for simple texts --
$ franc "Red Deer stags relaxing at sunrise"
While and google language detects it correctly --
{ reliable: true,
languages: [ { name: 'ENGLISH', code: 'en', percent: 97, score: 1152 } ],
chunks: [ { name: 'ENGLISH', code: 'en', offset: 0, bytes: 39 } ] }
Text is from -
Question about language accuracy
Is it normal that a sentence such as "show me my services" gets classified as spanish before english?
> franc.all('show me my services', {minLength:1, whitelist:['eng','spa']})
[ [ 'spa', 1 ], [ 'eng', 0.9074778200253486 ] ]
It looks weird to me since tokens like "sh", "my"... and some letters ("w" or "y" in a sentence) are really uncommon in spanish.
English and Chinese mixed text results in invalid scottish match with 100% probability
Run the following snippet:
text = 'That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest. 能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。— 梭罗',
langs = franc.all(text);
The result is:
[ [ 'sco', 1 ],
[ 'eng', 0.9541225122770742 ],
[ 'src', 0.7208581028689585 ],
[ 'rmn', 0.7191780821917808 ],
[ 'nds', 0.7121995347635048 ],
[ 'ron', 0.6665805117601448 ],
[ 'hat', 0.665158955802533 ],
[ 'ita', 0.6585681054536056 ],
[ 'als', 0.6544326699405532 ],
[ 'fra', 0.6509433962264151 ],
[ 'yao', 0.6367278366502973 ],
[ 'ayr', 0.627681571465495 ],
[ 'por', 0.6112690617730681 ],
[ 'afr', 0.608942879296976 ],
[ 'est', 0.6075213233393641 ],
[ 'tzm', 0.6062289997415353 ],
[ 'deu', 0.6039028172654433 ],
[ 'bug', 0.6032566554665288 ],
[ 'glg', 0.6000258464719566 ],
[ 'nld', 0.5965365727578186 ],
[ 'bin', 0.595890410958904 ],
[ 'pam', 0.5922719048849832 ],
[ 'ace', 0.5916257430860687 ],
[ 'nso', 0.586585681054536 ],
[ 'mad', 0.5864564486947532 ],
[ 'nhn', 0.5861979839751874 ],
[ 'sna', 0.5823210131817007 ],
[ 'nno', 0.5753424657534247 ],
[ 'run', 0.5721116567588524 ],
[ 'cat', 0.5708193331610235 ],
[ 'epo', 0.5692685448436288 ],
[ 'ban', 0.569139312483846 ],
[ 'min', 0.5682346859653657 ],
[ 'snn', 0.5650038769707935 ],
[ 'tiv', 0.5580253295425175 ],
[ 'kin', 0.5569914706642543 ],
[ 'tpi', 0.5568622383044715 ],
[ 'tgl', 0.555052985267511 ],
[ 'spa', 0.5547945205479452 ],
[ 'gax', 0.553889894029465 ],
[ 'quz', 0.5494959937968467 ],
[ 'bci', 0.5478159731196692 ],
[ 'war', 0.546911346601189 ],
[ 'ibo', 0.5448436288446628 ],
[ 'quy', 0.5403204962522616 ],
[ 'jav', 0.5383820108555182 ],
[ 'sot', 0.5377358490566038 ],
[ 'tsn', 0.5373481519772552 ],
[ 'snk', 0.5356681313000775 ],
[ 'qug', 0.5339881106229 ],
[ 'dip', 0.5324373223055052 ],
[ 'dan', 0.5317911605065908 ],
[ 'uig', 0.5306280692685448 ],
[ 'bcl', 0.5273972602739726 ],
[ 'ckb', 0.5252003101576634 ],
[ 'hil', 0.5226156629620057 ],
[ 'ilo', 0.5213233393641767 ],
[ 'ndo', 0.5201602481261307 ],
[ 'nya', 0.5160248126130783 ],
[ 'tur', 0.5104678211424141 ],
[ 'plt', 0.5089170328250194 ],
[ 'ceb', 0.5064616179891445 ],
[ 'aka', 0.5054277591108813 ],
[ 'nob', 0.5045231325924011 ],
[ 'ibb', 0.5036185060739209 ],
[ 'emk', 0.5001292323597829 ],
[ 'ind', 0.4957353321271647 ],
[ 'sun', 0.4927629878521582 ],
[ 'tem', 0.4919875936934608 ],
[ 'ada', 0.4919875936934608 ],
[ 'mos', 0.488239855259757 ],
[ 'kde', 0.488239855259757 ],
[ 'hau', 0.48216593434996124 ],
[ 'rmy', 0.4797105195140863 ],
[ 'hms', 0.47777203411734304 ],
[ 'fuc', 0.4771258723184285 ],
[ 'hun', 0.4768674075988627 ],
[ 'ewe', 0.47389506332385634 ],
[ 'bam', 0.47118118376841556 ],
[ 'suk', 0.47066425432928405 ],
[ 'uzn', 0.4685965365727578 ],
[ 'tuk', 0.4609718273455673 ],
[ 'lav', 0.4608425949857844 ],
[ 'fin', 0.4605841302662187 ],
[ 'pol', 0.4604548979064358 ],
[ 'lit', 0.45993796846730417 ],
[ 'som', 0.45838718014990953 ],
[ 'xho', 0.4569656241922978 ],
[ 'azj', 0.45463944171620574 ],
[ 'vmw', 0.45076247092271904 ],
[ 'bem', 0.45024554148358753 ],
[ 'knc', 0.44339622641509435 ],
[ 'swh', 0.44313776169552854 ],
[ 'lin', 0.441457741018351 ],
[ 'vie', 0.44029464978030497 ],
[ 'ces', 0.44003618506073916 ],
[ 'toi', 0.43874386146291033 ],
[ 'zul', 0.4377100025846472 ],
[ 'slk', 0.43473765830964073 ],
[ 'ssw', 0.4340914965107263 ],
[ 'cjk', 0.4334453347118118 ],
[ 'gaa', 0.43254070819333157 ],
[ 'men', 0.43228224347376587 ],
[ 'srp', 0.4302145257172396 ],
[ 'kbp', 0.4256913931248385 ],
[ 'bos', 0.42401137244766085 ],
[ 'lua', 0.4210390281726545 ],
[ 'lun', 0.41664512794003616 ],
[ 'hrv', 0.41250969242698377 ],
[ 'tso', 0.40759886275523394 ],
[ 'sag', 0.4073403980356681 ],
[ 'slv', 0.40462651848022746 ],
[ 'nyn', 0.40372189196174724 ],
[ 'wol', 0.4025588007237012 ],
[ 'fon', 0.4011372447660895 ],
[ 'yor', 0.39622641509433965 ],
[ 'swe', 0.3900232618247609 ],
[ 'kng', 0.38097699663995865 ],
[ 'umb', 0.37645386404755754 ],
[ 'lug', 0.36495218402688034 ],
[ 'kmb', 0.3509950891703283 ] ]
Obviously, this is invalid. Also, there is not a single occurance of cmn
in the results list.
Should be MIT
It would be really awesome to create a version (?) which MIT/BSD licensed instead of LGPL.
Numbers of speakers outdated
Currently Hindi is on the 2nd place of the native speakers and not Spanish. On the third place there is English and on the fourth Spanish.
Of course could could also change the numbers to show the total speakers of the language (and not the native ones).
Ignored env THRESHOLD
I have setup the
$ export THRESHOLD=100000
but when running the build
$ npm run build
> [email protected] build /Volumes/MacHDD2/Developmemt/Node/franc
> npm run build-bundle && npm run build-mangle && npm run build-fixtures && npm run build-support
> [email protected] build-bundle /Volumes/MacHDD2/Developmemt/Node/franc
> npm run build-bundle-small && npm run build-bundle-large && npm run build-bundle-medium
> [email protected] build-bundle-small /Volumes/MacHDD2/Developmemt/Node/franc
> export THRESHOLD=8000000 && node script/build-languages.js && browserify lib/franc.js --standalone franc --outfile franc.js
so franc
is built with a default settings
Franc will be created with support for languages with AT LEAST `8000000` speakers.
Input Encoding
in docs is not stated, if it is expecting input in some encoding. It is OK, if as text is used any encoding (cp1251, utf16, iso2022jp...?) I got huge db of text files and their encoding is unknown and I would like to know language of them. Thanks.
what steps to get franc-most.js
how do I get browser version of franc-most.js that can be included via script tag?
152 languages with npm, not 175
I may be counting wrong, but in data.json, there appear to be around 152 languages, not the 175 languages the README describes. Was that number an approximation?
Issue in detecting English
Hi, I found that language detection for basic English sentences is poor.
ex: var lan = franc.all( "I am not good at detecting languages." )
result: [ [ "dan", 1 ], [ "pam", 0.9966273187183811 ], [ "cat", 0.9858347386172007 ], [ "tpi", 0.9021922428330522 ], [ "nob", 0.8954468802698146 ], [ "tgl", 0.8671163575042158 ], [ "swe", 0.8526138279932547 ], [ "nno", 0.8094435075885329 ], [ "eng", 0.8084317032040472 ], [ "ind", 0.7925801011804384 ], [ "afr", 0.7895446880269814 ], [ "bcl", 0.7736930860033727 ], [ "jav", 0.7602023608768971 ], [ "ace", 0.742327150084317 ], [ "hil", 0.736593591905565 ], [ "ceb", 0.736256323777403 ], [ "lav", 0.7251264755480606 ], [ "hms", 0.7234401349072512 ], [ "tzm", 0.7234401349072512 ], [ "bug", 0.6934232715008432 ], [ "sco", 0.6664418212478921 ], [ "fra", 0.6657672849915683 ], [ "ban", 0.6620573355817876 ], [ "min", 0.6590219224283305 ], [ "deu", 0.6586846543001686 ], [ "ssw", 0.6344013490725127 ], [ "nld", 0.6259696458684654 ], [ "sun", 0.6236087689713322 ], [ "mos", 0.6145025295109612 ], [ "aka", 0.6040472175379427 ], [ "wol", 0.5854974704890388 ], [ "ilo", 0.5517706576728499 ], [ "war", 0.5450252951096122 ], [ "bem", 0.5386172006745362 ], [ "glg", 0.5365935919055649 ], [ "tiv", 0.5342327150084317 ], [ "src", 0.5338954468802698 ], [ "mad", 0.5258010118043845 ], [ "ckb", 0.5204047217537943 ], [ "nso", 0.5166947723440135 ], [ "run", 0.512310286677909 ], [ "uzn", 0.5119730185497471 ], [ "toi", 0.5089376053962901 ], [ "bci", 0.500168634064081 ], [ "nds", 0.49409780775716694 ], [ "tsn", 0.478920741989882 ], [ "als", 0.47858347386172007 ], [ "por", 0.47386172006745364 ], [ "tso", 0.47082630691399663 ], [ "spa", 0.4674536256323777 ], [ "sot", 0.466441821247892 ], [ "bam", 0.45834738617200677 ], [ "nya", 0.457672849915683 ], [ "lit", 0.45059021922428333 ], [ "rmn", 0.4499156829679595 ], [ "ndo", 0.44957841483979766 ], [ "tuk", 0.4458684654300169 ], [ "nyn", 0.4441821247892074 ], [ "snk", 0.44215851602023604 ], [ "kin", 0.4411467116357505 ], [ "uig", 0.4404721753794266 ], [ "ron", 0.4300168634064081 ], [ "zul", 0.4269814502529511 ], [ "emk", 0.42495784148397975 ], [ "lun", 0.42495784148397975 ], [ "nhn", 0.4215851602023609 ], [ "rmy", 0.41787521079258005 ], [ "hat", 0.41483979763912315 ], [ "ita", 0.41483979763912315 ], [ "ewe", 0.41180438448566614 ], [ "xho", 0.4101180438448566 ], [ "yao", 0.40775716694772346 ], [ "sna", 0.40067453625632377 ], [ "umb", 0.39932546374367617 ], [ "knc", 0.3942664418212479 ], [ "cjk", 0.3942664418212479 ], [ "kng", 0.39291736930860033 ], [ "hun", 0.3709949409780776 ], [ "plt", 0.37032040472175376 ], [ "kde", 0.36998313659359194 ], [ "som", 0.3595278246205733 ], [ "suk", 0.3591905564924115 ], [ "quy", 0.35750421585160197 ], [ "tur", 0.3534569983136594 ], [ "snn", 0.35143338954468806 ], [ "swh", 0.35109612141652613 ], [ "epo", 0.3504215851602024 ], [ "lug", 0.34974704890387853 ], [ "quz", 0.3490725126475548 ], [ "gaa", 0.34839797639123105 ], [ "men", 0.3463743676222597 ], [ "kmb", 0.34569983136593596 ], [ "ces", 0.3365935919055649 ], [ "dip", 0.33524451939291733 ], [ "est", 0.3349072512647555 ], [ "ayr", 0.33423271500843166 ], [ "hau", 0.3247892074198988 ], [ "dyu", 0.3163575042158516 ], [ "lin", 0.31365935919055654 ], [ "bin", 0.30826306913996626 ], [ "gax", 0.3032040472175379 ], [ "sag", 0.2930860033726813 ], [ "srp", 0.29072512647554805 ], [ "lua", 0.2897133220910624 ], [ "vmw", 0.28364249578414835 ], [ "vie", 0.2789207419898819 ], [ "ibb", 0.23440134907251264 ], [ "azj", 0.2249578414839798 ], [ "pol", 0.2236087689713322 ], [ "bos", 0.2165261382799325 ], [ "slk", 0.20674536256323772 ], [ "hrv", 0.2020236087689713 ], [ "qug", 0.19999999999999996 ], [ "tem", 0.19999999999999996 ], [ "ada", 0.18549747048903875 ], [ "slv", 0.18111298482293425 ], [ "fin", 0.1615514333895447 ], [ "kbp", 0.15210792580101185 ], [ "ibo", 0.13929173693086006 ], [ "yor", 0.127150084317032 ], [ "fon", 0.1183811129848229 ] ]
Problems with latin alphabet languages
A term like yellow flicker beat
suggest german, english (correct) quite far below.
Can you explain how this would work?
I would like to use franc in combination with a spell checker, first detecting the language and then looking up correct words with a spell checker using the identified language.
Almost got it right in one of the examples
franc('Alle mennesker er født frie og'); //=> 'nno'
This is actually nob
(Norwegian Bokmål), not nno
(Norwegian Nynorsk) :)
If you finish the sentence it gets it right.
franc('Alle mennesker er født frie og med samme menneskeverd og menneskerettigheter.'; //=> 'nob'
Still, great library!
I got NaN when runinng franc.all
I run the following code:
franc.all('פאר טסי', {minLength: 3})
// result: [ [ 'heb', NaN ], [ 'ydd', NaN ] ]
Why I got NaN
? Any quick fix?
TypeError when language not in whiteList
This fails, while it works if no whiteList is specified (the input is Hebrew):
const franc = require('franc');
var language = franc("הפיתוח הראשוני בשנות ה־80 התמקד בגנו ובמערכת הגרפית",
{ 'whitelist': ['eng'] });
The error is:
var min = distances[0][1];
TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
at normalize (/home/dnaber/nodejs/node_modules/franc/lib/franc.js:240:27)
at detectAll (/home/dnaber/nodejs/node_modules/franc/lib/franc.js:313:12)
at detect (/home/dnaber/nodejs/node_modules/franc/lib/franc.js:325:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/dnaber/crea/firefox-dict-switcher/nodejs/evaluation2.js:3:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
Possible on streaming data?
first of all thanks for sharing such a nice tool.
I'd like to ask know like is that possible to use this get accurate date from twitter streaming api using nodejs.
the app am creating let the people to get trusted data about politics. currently am getting some few datas with accuracy from retweets only but i would like to get more accurate data from raw streaming tweets.
am streaming datas based on tracking some keywords
for example if i said "track : donald trump " this will give realtime tweets about trump. but the problem is its also returns some unwanted funny quotes, mime etc. i just want to have exact tweets for the purpose.
many thanks for any help and thanks again for this tool
Franc ported to Elixir
Hi Titus,
I just ported your great library to Elixir -
Please, let me know if it's ok with you. :)
Czech language detection is not accurate
Results from franc().all()
are returning the wrong order of languages. I tried some online language detection tools (also Google Translate) - they all correctly recognize this is Czech.
já tenhle týden dopíšu, nahodím na Intercom Educate (pořídil jsem minulý týden) a bude to na první uživatele
npm versions of franc-all and franc-most?
I'd like to use franc-most or franc-all in a project, but if I can't use npm install
and my package.json, it makes the project more difficult to work with and more difficult to collaborate on. I wasn't able to find them on Are these available under a different name?
Inaccurate detection examples
Here are just a few inaccuracies I've come across testing this package:
franc('iphone unlocked') // returns 'ibb' instead of 'eng'
franc('new refrigerator') // returns 'dan' instead of 'eng'
franc('макбук копмьютер очень хороший') // returns 'kir' instead of 'rus'
Should make footnotes in Supported Languages a list
add persian to franc-min
Persian language has more than 110M speakers around the world.
I'm not reporting an issue at all but I want to know if I'm missing something or what.
Check this out:
franc.all('drink some coffee', { whitelist: ['eng', 'spa'] });
// outputs
[ [ 'spa', 1 ], [ 'eng', 0.949748743718593 ] ]
Where the main competitor cld
from Google (the one you mentioned on the outputs the following:
cld.detect('drink some coffee', function(err, data){
return data;
// outputs
{ reliable: true,
textBytes: 19,
languages: [ { name: 'ENGLISH', code: 'en', percent: 94, score: 1194 } ],
chunks: [] }
Is this the Franc's accuracy? Because is far beyond to be correct.
Add support for BCP 47 and output IANA language subtags
By default, Franc returns ISO-639-3 three-letter language tags, as listed in the Supported Languages table.
We would like Franc to alternatively support outputting IANA language subtags as an option, in compliance with the W3C recommendation for specifying the value of the lang
attribute in HTML (and the xml:lang
attribute in XML) documents.
(Two- and three-letter) IANA language codes are used as the primary language subtags in the language tag syntax as defined by the IETF’s BCP 47, which may be further specified by adding subtags for “extended language”, script, region, dialect variants, etc. (RFC 5646 describes the syntax in full). The addition of such more fine-grained secondary qualifiers are, I guess, out of Franc’s scope, but it would be very helpful nevertheless when Franc would be able to at least return the IANA primary language tags, which suffice, if used stand-alone, to be still in compliance with the spec.
On the Web — as the IETF and W3C agree — IANA language subtags and BCP 47 seem to be the de facto industry standard (at least more so than ISO 639-3). Moreover, the naming convention for TeX hyphenation pattern files (such as used by i.a. OpenOffice) use ISO-8859-2 codes, which overlap better with IANA language subtags, too.
If Franc would output IANA language subtags, then the return values could be used as-is, and without any further post-processing or re-mapping, in, for example CSS rules, specifying hyphenation:
@media print {
:lang(nl) { hyphenate-patterns: url(hyphenation/hyph-nl.pat); }
@wooorm :
- What is the rationale for Franc to default on ISO-639-3 (only)? Is it a “better” standard, and, if so, why?
- If you would agree it would be a good idea for Franc to support BCP 47 and outputting IANA language subtags as an available option, then how would you prefer it to be implemented and accept a PR? (We’d happily contribute.) Would it suffice to add and map them in
Greek (~13 million speakers) not supported in npm franc
I couldn't find greek in the data.json of the the npm version of franc, despite the fact that searches indicate that it has more than 13 million speakers. Did I miss it somewhere?
Only 3 letter code ISO 639 supported
As I and a lot of people use ISO 639-1 as a default way to define languages, it would be handy if there was an option to select this.
Should make data.json smaller
Every trigram has a value, which is exactly its index in the language model. That index could be generated in code.
English is not detecting properly.
I have entered "The Cell", it return 'und', or enter "Enzymes" it return 'und'.
Should treat Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese normally
Currently they receive lower scores than other languages, but are still returned as first-choice. The latter is correct, but the scores might result in problems for implementors.
Using franc in the browser?
How would you use franc without npm in the browser, and also how does one turn the 3 letter language code into the full name of the language as seen in the demo?
The underlying model seems wrong to me
Hi, Could you explain a little bit this function:
function getDistance(trigrams, model) {
var distance = 0;
var index = trigrams.length;
var trigram;
var difference;
while (index--) {
trigram = trigrams[index];
if (trigram[0] in model) {
difference = trigram[1] - model[trigram[0]];
if (difference < 0) {
difference = -difference;
} else {
difference = MAX_DIFFERENCE;
distance += difference;
return distance;
Especially, I don't get why you do difference = trigram[1] - model[trigram[0]];
Basically you are comparing the number of occurences of a specific trigram, trigram[1]
, in the input string, with its weight in a specific language model, model[trigram[0]]
. And this, for me, doesn't make a lot of sense. Am I getting something wrong here?
For instance I tested it with the simple input "de " which contains the two trigrams "de " and " de". Based on the language models defined in data.json, the expected output should have been "spa" as those two trigrams are in 1st and 3rd positions. However the result is "por", even if these two trigrams are ranked 2nd and 3rd.
How to improve single word detection with limited list of supported languages
Hello again.
I currently have this:
var q = 'отличный';
var guessedLanguageCode = franc(q, {
whitelist: ['eng', 'rus', 'spa']
}); // <- returns `und`
In this particular case, q
contains letters that clearly are not part of neither the English, nor Spanish alphabet. Nevertherless, franc
returns und
. Is there any way to improve detection of single words when there is just a handful of languages we need to support?
Could latin be added?
Here's a set of latin text you could use;
Getting weird results
Hey @wooorm am I doing something wrong here?
> apps.forEach(app => console.log(franc(app.description), app.description))
eng A universal clipboard managing app that makes it easy to access your clipboard from anywhere on any device
fra 5EPlay CSGO Client
nob Open-source Markdown editor built for desktop
eng Communication tool to optimize the connection between people
vmw Wireless HDMI
eng An RSS and Atom feed aggregator
eng A work collaboration product that brings conversation to your files.
src Pristine Twitter app
dan A Simple Friendly Markdown Note.
nno An open source trading platform
eng A hackable text editor for the 21 st Century
eng One workspace open to all designers and developers
nya A place to work + a way to work
cat An experimental P2P browser
sco Focused team communications
sco Bitbloq is a tool to help children to learn and create programs for a microcontroller or robot, and to load them easily.
eng A simple File Encryption application for Windows. Encrypt your bits.
eng Markdown editor witch clarity +1
eng Text editor with the power or Markdown
eng Open-sourced note app for programmers
sco Web browser that automatically blocks ads and trackers
bug Facebook Messenger app
dan Markdown editor for Mac / Windows / Linux
fra Desktop build status notifications
sco Group chat for global teams
src Your rubik's cube solves
sco Orthodox web file manager with console and editor
cat Game development tools
sco RPG style coding application
deu Modern browser without tabs
eng Your personal galaxy of inspiration
sco A menubar/taskbar Gmail App for Windows, macOS and Linux.
Russian is detected incorrectly.
Why Chinese is cmn and not chi?
According to standards Chinese should be chi
but the library detects it as cmn
Should allow white list AND/OR black list as options
Scoping trigram modelling to only certain (Western? African? &c.) languages could certainly speed things up.
Install franc-cli failed
node version v7.7.0
npm -v 4.1.2
$ npm install franc-cli --global
npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, chmod '/Users/FTAndy/.nvm/versions/node/v7.7.0/lib/node_modules/franc-cli/cli.js'
npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, chmod '/Users/FTAndy/.nvm/versions/node/v7.7.0/lib/node_modules/franc-cli/cli.js'
and idea?
Failing in Italian
Problems with franc and Uzbek (uzb, uzn, uzs)
I have implemented and found that uzbek (my native) language is not working properly. I tested with large data-sets. Can I make contribution? Also, there is some issue on naming convention of language code here, 'uzn' (Nothern Uzbek) language has never been in linguistics. But I wonder how it became ISO 639 identifier.
Should (better) explain what the "und" language code means
Option to return ISO 639-1 codes
Great library!
It would be useful in certain cases to have the option to return ISO 639-1 (i.e., the two letter language code) rather than the three-letter version. Might that be an option?
Explain the output of 'all'
The results of 'all' consist of the language code and a score number. I've guessed that the lowest number is the detected language, but what can be learned from the score number? Doesn't seem to be documented.
I'm looking to detect the language of job titles in English and French only (because Canada) and I was getting results all over the place using just franc(jobTitle)
but whitelisting english and french then applying a threshold to the score I was able to tune in a much more accurate result (still a 3.92% error rate over 1020 job titles, but it was in the 25% range before the threshold). Is this a good use for the score or am I just getting lucky?
“O Brasil caiu 26 posições em”?
The correct is: “O Brasil caiu em 26 posições”.
Readme with death sign
Do you really have to use †
in your Readme. It's Christian and (also) is a symbol for death, so it is probably not the best idea to use it there.
There are better Unicode characters... 😃
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