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bitfield-struct-rs's Introduction

Bitfield Struct

Crate API

Procedural macro for bitfields that allows specifying bitfields as structs. As this library provides a procedural macro, it has no runtime dependencies and works for no-std environments.

  • Ideal for driver/OS/embedded development (defining HW registers/structures)
  • Supports bool flags, integers, and custom types convertible into integers (structs/enums)
  • Generates minimalistic, pure, safe rust functions
  • Compile-time checks for type and field sizes
  • Rust-analyzer/docrs friendly (carries over docs to accessor functions)
  • Exports field offsets and sizes as constants (useful for const asserts)
  • Generation of Default, fmt::Debug, or defmt::Format traits
  • Custom internal representation (endianness)


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

bitfield-struct = "0.7"


Let's begin with a simple example. Suppose we want to store multiple data inside a single Byte, as shown below:

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
P Level S Kind

This crate generates a nice wrapper type that makes it easy to do this:

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

/// Define your type like this with the bitfield attribute
struct MyByte {
    /// The first field occupies the least significant bits
    kind: usize,
    /// Booleans are 1 bit large
    system: bool,
    /// The bits attribute specifies the bit size of this field
    level: usize,
    /// The last field spans over the most significant bits
    present: bool
// The macro creates three accessor functions for each field:
// <name>, with_<name> and set_<name>
let my_byte = MyByte::new()



Additionally, this crate has a few useful features, which are shown here in more detail.

The example below shows how attributes are carried over and how signed integers, padding, and custom types are handled.

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

/// A test bitfield with documentation
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] // <- Attributes after `bitfield` are carried over
struct MyBitfield {
    /// Defaults to 16 bits for u16
    int: u16,
    /// Interpreted as 1 bit flag, with a custom default value
    #[bits(default = true)]
    flag: bool,
    /// Custom bit size
    tiny: u8,
    /// Sign extend for signed integers
    negative: i16,
    /// Supports any type with `into_bits`/`from_bits` functions
    custom: CustomEnum,
    /// Public field -> public accessor functions
    pub public: usize,
    /// Also supports read-only fields
    #[bits(1, access = RO)]
    read_only: bool,
    /// And write-only fields
    #[bits(1, access = WO)]
    write_only: bool,
    /// Padding
    __: u8,

/// A custom enum
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum CustomEnum {
    A = 0,
    B = 1,
    C = 2,
impl CustomEnum {
    // This has to be a const fn
    const fn into_bits(self) -> u16 {
        self as _
    const fn from_bits(value: u16) -> Self {
        match value {
            0 => Self::A,
            1 => Self::B,
            _ => Self::C,

// Usage:
let mut val = MyBitfield::new()
    .with_int(3 << 15)
    // .with_read_only(true) <- Would not compile

let raw: u64 = val.into();

assert_eq!(, 3 << 15);
assert_eq!(val.flag(), true);
assert_eq!(val.negative(), -3);
assert_eq!(val.tiny(), 1);
assert_eq!(val.custom(), CustomEnum::B);
assert_eq!(val.public(), 2);
assert_eq!(val.read_only(), false);

// const members
assert_eq!(MyBitfield::FLAG_BITS, 1);
assert_eq!(MyBitfield::FLAG_OFFSET, 16);

assert_eq!(val.negative(), 1);

The macro generates three accessor functions for each field. Each accessor also inherits the documentation of its field.

The signatures for int are:

use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter, Result};

// generated struct
struct MyBitfield(u64);
impl MyBitfield {
    const fn new() -> Self { Self(0) }

    const INT_BITS: usize = 16;
    const INT_OFFSET: usize = 0;

    const fn with_int(self, value: u16) -> Self { todo!() }
    const fn int(&self) -> u16 { todo!() }
    fn set_int(&mut self, value: u16) { todo!() }

    // other field ...
// Also generates From<u64>, Into<u64>, Default, and Debug implementations...

Hint: You can use the rust-analyzer "Expand macro recursively" action to view the generated code.

Custom Types

The macro supports any types that are convertible into the underlying bitfield type. This can be enums like in the following example or any other struct.

The conversion and default values can be specified with the following #[bits] parameters:

  • from: Function converting from raw bits into the custom type, defaults to <ty>::from_bits
  • into: Function converting from the custom type into raw bits, defaults to <ty>::into_bits
  • default: Custom expression, defaults to calling <ty>::from_bits(0)
use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Bits {
    /// Supports any convertible type
    #[bits(8, default = CustomEnum::B, from = CustomEnum::my_from_bits)]
    custom: CustomEnum,
    /// And nested bitfields
    nested: Nested,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum CustomEnum {
    A = 0,
    B = 1,
    C = 2,
impl CustomEnum {
    // This has to be a const fn
    const fn into_bits(self) -> u8 {
        self as _
    const fn my_from_bits(value: u8) -> Self {
        match value {
            0 => Self::A,
            1 => Self::B,
            _ => Self::C,

/// Bitfields implement the conversion functions automatically
struct Nested {
    lo: u8,
    hi: u8,

Field Order

The optional order macro argument determines the layout of the bits, with the default being Lsb (least significant bit) first:

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

#[bitfield(u8, order = Lsb)]
struct MyLsbByte {
    /// The first field occupies the *least* significant bits
    kind: usize,
    system: bool,
    level: usize,
    present: bool
let my_byte_lsb = MyLsbByte::new()

//                          .- present
//                          | .- level
//                          | |  .- system
//                          | |  | .- kind
assert_eq!(my_byte_lsb.0, 0b1_10_0_1010);

The macro generates the reverse order when Msb (most significant bit) is specified:

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

#[bitfield(u8, order = Msb)]
struct MyMsbByte {
    /// The first field occupies the *most* significant bits
    kind: usize,
    system: bool,
    level: usize,
    present: bool
let my_byte_msb = MyMsbByte::new()

//                          .- kind
//                          |    .- system
//                          |    | .- level
//                          |    | |  .- present
assert_eq!(my_byte_msb.0, 0b1010_0_10_1);

Custom Representation and Endianness

The macro supports custom types for the representation of the bitfield struct. This can be an endian-defining type like in the following examples (from endian-num) or any other struct that can be converted to and from the main bitfield type.

The representation and its conversion functions can be specified with the following #[bitfield] parameters:

  • repr specifies the bitfield's representation in memory
  • from to specify a conversion function from repr to the bitfield's integer type
  • into to specify a conversion function from the bitfield's integer type to repr

This example has a little-endian byte order even on big-endian machines:

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;
use endian_num::le16;

#[bitfield(u16, repr = le16, from = le16::from_ne, into = le16::to_ne)]
struct MyLeBitfield {
    first_nibble: u8,
    other: u16,

let my_be_bitfield = MyLeBitfield::new()

assert_eq!(my_be_bitfield.into_bits().to_le_bytes(), [0x41, 0x23]);

This example has a big-endian byte order even on little-endian machines:

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;
use endian_num::be16;

#[bitfield(u16, repr = be16, from = be16::from_ne, into = be16::to_ne)]
struct MyBeBitfield {
    first_nibble: u8,
    other: u16,

let my_be_bitfield = MyBeBitfield::new()

assert_eq!(my_be_bitfield.into_bits().to_be_bytes(), [0x23, 0x41]);

Automatic Trait Implementations

This macro automatically creates a suitable fmt::Debug and Default implementations similar to the ones created for normal structs by #[derive(Debug, Default)]. You can disable this with the extra debug and default arguments.

use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter, Result};
use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

#[bitfield(u64, debug = false, default = false)]
struct CustomDebug {
    data: u64
impl Debug for CustomDebug {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
        write!(f, "0x{:x}",
impl Default for CustomDebug {
    fn default() -> Self {

let val = CustomDebug::default();

Support for defmt::Format

This macro can automatically implement a defmt::Format that mirrors the default fmt::Debug implementation by passing the extra defmt argument. This implementation requires the defmt crate to be available as defmt, and has the same rules and caveats as #[derive(defmt::Format)].

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

#[bitfield(u64, defmt = true)]
struct DefmtExample {
    data: u64

Conditionally Enable Debug/Default/defmt::Format

Instead of booleans, you can specify cfg(...) attributes for debug, default and defmt:

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

#[bitfield(u64, debug = cfg(test), default = cfg(feature = "foo"))]
struct CustomDebug {
    data: u64

bitfield-struct-rs's People


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bitfield-struct-rs's Issues

Support backing via `[u8; N]`

First off: thanks for this crate!
The syntax is clean and intuitive, and is a lot easier to use than the other bitfield crates i've seen on

Right now, the generated bitfield can only be backed by various integer types, which has 3 pretty major limitations:

  1. It limits the size of the bitfield to at most sizeof(u128)
  2. It forces the addition of additional padding bytes into types that don't necessarily need them (e.g: a bitfield composed of 3xu8 fields)
  3. It enforces alignment on the type, making it difficult to naturally use as part of repr(packed) fields (or repr(C) fields + something like the zerocopy crate)

A clean solution to overcoming all 3 of these limitations would be to support backing the generated bitfield using a [u8; N] array.

Happy to brainstorm specifics of syntax / featureset, but I was thinking it could look something like:

#[bitfield] // no explicit backing type specified
struct Foo {
    foo: u64,
    bar: u64,
    extra: u8,
    _reserved: u8 // must include explicit "padding" bits

static_assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<Foo>(), 8 + 8 + 1);

// no `From`/`Into` for any specific backing integer, but instead have a From/Into `[u8; N]`


Struct that fully contains a signed integer causes clippy error.

This struct produces a clippy error:

/// X axis output value
pub struct OutX{
val: i16,

error: &-masking with zero
--> src/
564 | #[bitfield(u16)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: #[deny(clippy::bad_bit_mask)] on by default
= note: this error originates in the attribute macro bitfield (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

I have debugged it and tracked it down to a debug assert, and propose this change that captures the same logic without causing errors in clippy:

index d0e0c39..669947b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ fn parse_field(attrs: &[syn::Attribute], ty: &syn::Type, ignore: bool) -> syn::R
// Bounds check and remove leading ones from negative values
ret.into = quote! {{

  •            debug_assert!(if this >= 0 { this & !#mask == 0 } else { !this & !#mask == 0 }, "value out of bounds");
  •            debug_assert!(if this >= 0 { this | #mask == #mask } else { !(this | #mask) == 0 }, "value out of bounds");
               (this & #mask) as _

0.1.8's Debug trait impl is a breaking change

I'm very happy that Debug is now generated, but this is a breaking change--I have types where I have manually implemented Debug that now fail to compile. The semver version should have changed to 0.2.0.

Separately, it would be nice to have an opt-out on a per-type basis, maybe via an attribute. Sometimes I want a custom Debug impl.

Enum support

Hi! I started using your crate on embedded and really like it.
The only think I am missing is enum support, I use it to write structs for spi/i2c devices with often pack some modes settings into they registers.
Some examples:

pub struct PowerCtl {
    mesure_mode: u8,
    autosleep: bool,
    wakeup: bool,
    low_noise_mode: u8,
    ext_clk: bool,
    _unused: u8,

pub enum PowerCtlMesureMode {
    Standby = 0b00,
    Measurement = 0b10,

pub enum PowerCtlLowNoiseMode {
    Normal = 0b00,
    Low = 0b01,
    Ultralow = 0b10,

It would be nice if that could become this:

pub struct PowerCtl {
    mesure_mode: PowerCtlMesureMode,
    autosleep: bool,
    wakeup: bool,
    low_noise_mode: PowerCtlLowNoiseMode,
    ext_clk: bool,
    _unused: u8,

And in this case when reading a enum value from the struct it should return Option<Enum> so when the registers has a value with isn't allowed by the enum it returns None.
I would love to see that!

Read-Only Fields

I first want to say, I think this crate is great!

I am currently using it for OS development. When writing drivers for some x86 devices, the memory mapped registers used to control the devices sometimes contain read only bits. When programming the device, the register must be read in, other bits may be modified and then the register is written back (as not to modify the read only bits).

It would be useful to me, to be able to mark some members as read only (for example through [bits(2, read_only = true)], where read_only would be false by default for backwards compatibility.

I think I could implement that myself (add a field to Member and modify impl ToToken for Member I guess) but wanted to ask first

A way to specify bitfield ordering

The docs state that "The first field occupies the least significant bits".

I have the following snippet from a packet I am trying to parse;

// 0101 .... = length: 5
// .... 1... = a: true
// .... .0.. = b: false
// .... ..01 = flags: 1

Intuitively I would write the bitfield struct in the following order;

    pub len: u8,
    pub a: bool,
    pub b: bool,
    pub flags: u8,

But that is incorrect as the first field in my struct occupies the most significant bits.

Bellow is an example from the bitfield crate which seems to use the MSB first;

    struct IpV4Header(MSB0 [u8]);
    get_version, _: 3, 0;
    get_ihl, _: 7, 4;
    get_dscp, _: 13, 8;
    get_ecn, _: 15, 14;
    get_total_length, _: 31, 16;
    get_identification, _: 47, 31;
    get_df, _: 49;
    get_mf, _: 50;
    get_fragment_offset, _: 63, 51;
    get_time_to_live, _: 71, 64;
    get_protocol, _: 79, 72;
    get_header_checksum, _: 95, 79;
    get_source_address, _: 127, 96;
    get_destination_address, _: 159, 128;

Would it be possible/practical to implement in this crate?

how to put a small bitfield_struct into a big bitfield_struct

pub struct PMPcfgIn {
    pub r: bool,
    pub w: bool,
    pub x: bool,
    pub a: u8,
    _pad: u8,
    pub l: bool,

pub struct PMPcfg {
    pub pmp0cfg: PMPcfgIn, // err, unsupported type
    pub pmp1cfg: u8,
    pub pmp2cfg: u8,
    pub pmp3cfg: u8,
    pub pmp4cfg: u8,
    pub pmp5cfg: u8,
    pub pmp6cfg: u8,
    pub pmp7cfg: u8,

I just want to replace u8 with PMPcfgIn in the PMPcfg structure, is there any way to do that?

Support of raw identifiers

It looks like raw identifiers are currently not working.

I tried r#type as a field name, which panicked with

custom attribute panicked message: `"with_r#type"` is not a valid identifier

Support custom inner types

Hi Lars, thanks for the great library!

I'd like to define types from virtio with defined endianness such as:

le32 { 
  vqn : 16; 
  next_off : 15; 
  next_wrap : 1; 

See Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO) Version 1.2 โ€” 1.4 Structure Specifications for details on the notation.

It would be great if this crate allowed to change the storage type of the struct (independently of the number type used for internal bitshift operations).

I'd envision the macro to work similar to this:

#[bitfield(u32, inner = le32, from = le32::from_ne, into = le32::to_ne)]
pub struct NotificationData {
    pub vqn: u16,
    pub next_off: u16,
    pub next_wrap: bool,

le32 is from the endian-num crate.

Is it supposed to work for u16?


I'm getting a compilation error using u16 as the underlying type:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `u8: From<u16>` is not satisfied
   --> bmapi-sys/src/
298 | #[bitfield(u16)]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `From<u16>` is not implemented for `u8`
    = help: the following other types implement trait `From<T>`:
              <u8 as From<NonZeroU8>>
              <u8 as From<bool>>
    = note: required for `u16` to implement `Into<u8>`
    = note: this error originates in the attribute macro `bitfield` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

The struct definition is:

pub struct BMDataHeader {
    pub kind: u8,
    pub flags: u8,
    pub dchn: u8,
    pub schn: u8

How can I fix it?

Padding options


Thanks for the work on this crate its been very helpful. I was wondering if you thought it would be worth adding an option for the padding to specify pad with 0, or with 1. A coms protocol I am currently looking at pads with ones in some sections, I've generally got around this by specifying some extra enum type with a default value and implementing the From<> traits to make it work. Potentially a match on _0* and _1* which would not break the current implementation.

Overflow tests failing in Release mode

The tests negative_pos_overflow and negative_neg_overflow are failing in release mode, while passing otherwise.

$ cargo test -r
---- negative_pos_overflow stdout ----
note: test did not panic as expected
---- negative_neg_overflow stdout ----
note: test did not panic as expected


test result: FAILED. 13 passed; 2 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--test test`
$ cargo test
test result: ok. 7 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.18s

Version 0.6, commit 1f8620e

Toolchains tried:

  • nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, rustc 1.79.0-nightly (a07f3eb43 2024-04-11)
  • stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, rustc 1.77.2 (25ef9e3d8 2024-04-09)

panic with 32 bit signed int in 64b bitfield

Thanks for this cool macro!

This code is panicking with value out of bounds:

fn negative_signed() {
    struct MyBitfield {
        negative: i32,
        __: u32,

    let _ = MyBitfield::new().with_negative(-1);

When I change it to

fn negative_signed() {
    struct MyBitfield {
        negative: i32,

    let f = MyBitfield::new().with_negative(-1);
    assert_eq!(-1, f.negative())

then it's working fine.

#![warn(missing_docs)] fires within the proc macro because of missing documentation on new

When #![warn(missing_docs)] is used, bitfield-struct's new implementation doesn't contain a doc comment which results in the lint firing. For example, the following code causes the lint to fire:


//! My library.

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

pub struct MyBitfield {
    /// Look, a field.
    pub field_a: bool,
    /// Some field.
    pub field_b: bool,
    /// Another field.
    pub field_c: bool,
    /// Currently reserved.
    pub reserved: u64,

Looking at rust-analyzer's recursive expansion, it seems like the new function needs a doc comment for the lint not to fire?

// Recursive expansion of bitfield macro
// ======================================

#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MyBitfield(u64);

impl MyBitfield {
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
    const FIELD_A_BITS: usize = 1usize;
    const FIELD_A_OFFSET: usize = 0usize;
    #[doc = " Look, a field."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 0..1"]
    pub fn set_field_a(&mut self, value: bool) {
        *self = self.with_field_a(value);
    #[doc = " Look, a field."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 0..1"]
    pub const fn with_field_a(self, value: bool) -> Self {
        Self(self.0 & !(1 << 0usize) | (value as u64) << 0usize)
    #[doc = " Look, a field."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 0..1"]
    pub const fn field_a(&self) -> bool {
        ((self.0 >> 0usize) & 1) != 0
    const FIELD_B_BITS: usize = 1usize;
    const FIELD_B_OFFSET: usize = 1usize;
    #[doc = " Some field."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 1..2"]
    pub fn set_field_b(&mut self, value: bool) {
        *self = self.with_field_b(value);
    #[doc = " Some field."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 1..2"]
    pub const fn with_field_b(self, value: bool) -> Self {
        Self(self.0 & !(1 << 1usize) | (value as u64) << 1usize)
    #[doc = " Some field."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 1..2"]
    pub const fn field_b(&self) -> bool {
        ((self.0 >> 1usize) & 1) != 0
    const FIELD_C_BITS: usize = 1usize;
    const FIELD_C_OFFSET: usize = 2usize;
    #[doc = " Another field."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 2..3"]
    pub fn set_field_c(&mut self, value: bool) {
        *self = self.with_field_c(value);
    #[doc = " Another field."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 2..3"]
    pub const fn with_field_c(self, value: bool) -> Self {
        Self(self.0 & !(1 << 2usize) | (value as u64) << 2usize)
    #[doc = " Another field."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 2..3"]
    pub const fn field_c(&self) -> bool {
        ((self.0 >> 2usize) & 1) != 0
    const RESERVED_BITS: usize = 61usize;
    const RESERVED_OFFSET: usize = 3usize;
    #[doc = " Currently reserved."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 3..64"]
    pub fn set_reserved(&mut self, value: u64) {
        *self = self.with_reserved(value);
    #[doc = " Currently reserved."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 3..64"]
    pub const fn with_reserved(self, value: u64) -> Self {
        debug_assert!(if value> = 0 {
      value& !0x1fffffffffffffff =  = 0
    }else {
      !value& !0x1fffffffffffffff =  = 0
    },"value out of bounds");
            self.0 & !(0x1fffffffffffffff << 3usize)
                | (value as u64 & 0x1fffffffffffffff) << 3usize,
    #[doc = " Currently reserved."]
    #[doc = "\n\nBits: 3..64"]
    pub const fn reserved(&self) -> u64 {
        let shift = u64::BITS - 61u32;
        (((self.0 >> 3usize) as u64) << shift) >> shift
impl From<u64> for MyBitfield {
    fn from(v: u64) -> Self {
impl From<MyBitfield> for u64 {
    fn from(v: MyBitfield) -> u64 {
impl core::fmt::Debug for MyBitfield {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
            .field("field_a", &self.field_a())
            .field("field_b", &self.field_b())
            .field("field_c", &self.field_c())
            .field("reserved", &self.reserved())

I've worked around this by putting the structure inside it's own module where the lint is ignored, then pub re-exporting the bitfield, but it would be nice to not to have to do that workaround.

Markers are unsupported

The following sample

use std::marker::PhantomData;

pub struct Foo<T> {
    _unused: u32,

    _marker: PhantomData<T>,

Fails to compile with the following error:

error: unsupported type
9 |     _marker: PhantomData<T>,
  |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

While some types should indeed be unsupported, markers probably should be supported, maybe even all zero size types? Not sure how one would go about fixing this other than potentially just extending type_bits to support marker types, but this disqualifies user defined markers, so doesn't seem like the best solution.

Minor typo in error message

The error message when the size of a struct is wrong misspells 'bitfield' as 'bitfiled'. Not an urgent issue but should be an easy fix.

The code for this error message is here

Thanks! This crate is a lifesaver for doing OS development in rust.

u16 bitfield doesn't seem to work right

I have the following bits I need to parse;

0000 10.. .... .... = a: 2
.... ..00 0000 0000 = b: 0

I would expect the following to work:

pub struct Hdr {
    pub b: u16,
    pub a: u16,

assert_eq!(hdr.b(), 0); results in

assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `8`,
 right: `0`

assert_eq!(hdr.a(), 2); results in

assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `0`,
 right: `2`

I can however get the correct result for a if I split up b as follows;

pub struct Hdr {
    pub b1: u16,
    pub a: u16,
    pub b2: u16,

That doesn't feel right...
What am I doing wrong?

Array fields

Currently arrays are not supported as a field type:

#[bitfield(u128, order = Msb)]
struct LmsState {
    history: [i16; 4],
    weights: [i16; 4]

This fails, complaining that an explicit bit size is needed. When one is specified, the error becomes missing angle brackets in associated item path. The expansion contains [i16; 4]::from_bits(this), which should be <[i16; 4]>::from_bits(this). A workaround is explicitly specifying the conversion, like:

#[bitfield(u128, order = Msb)]
struct LmsState {
    #[bits(64, from = unpack, into = pack)]
    history: [i16; 4],
    #[bits(64, from = unpack, into = pack)]
    weights: [i16; 4]

fn unpack(mut v: u128) -> [i16; 4] {
    let mut r = [0; 4];
    for i in 0..4 {
        r[i] = (v >> 48) as i16;
        v <<= 16;

fn pack(v: [i16; 4]) -> u128 {
    v.into_iter().fold(0, |r, v|
        r << 16 | v as u128

Also, to specify the bit width of an array, it might help to add a way to specify the width of its elements, like:

#[bitfield(u128, order = Msb)]
struct LmsState {
    history: [i16; 4],
    weights: [i16; 4]

Converters instead of traits to support external types

Right now, custom types can only be supported by implementing into_bits and from_bits or From and Into. Since we can't implement methods for an external type, it has to be wrapped as another type to be used in a bitfield struct. For example:

enum CustomEnum {
    A = 0,
    B = 1,
    C = 2,

struct OptionalCustomEnum(Option<CustomEnum>);

impl OptionalCustomEnum {
    const fn into_bits(self) -> u32 {

    const fn from_bits(value: u32) -> Self {

struct MyBitfield {
    custom: CustomEnum,

    __: u32,

This makes the operations inconvenient:

let mut val = MyBitfield::new().with_custom(OptionalCustomEnum(Some(CustomEnum::A)));
let custom = val.custom().0;

// or impl From<Option<CustomEnum>> for OptionalCustomEnum and:
let mut val = MyBitfield::new().with_custom(Some(CustomEnum::A).into());
let custom = val.custom().0;

If the conversion can be specified through converters instead of traits, for example:

enum CustomEnum {
    A = 0,
    B = 1,
    C = 2,

struct CustomEnumConverter;

impl CustomEnumConverter {
    const fn into_bits(value: Option<CustomEnum>) -> u32 {

    const fn from_bits(value: u32) -> Option<CustomEnum> {

struct MyBitfield {
    #[bits(16, converter = CustomEnumConverter)]
    custom: Option<CustomEnum>,

    __: u32,

The operations can be simpler and more intuitive:

let mut val = MyBitfield::new().with_custom(Some(CustomEnum::A));
let custom = val.custom();

Bump `syn` to version 2

syn recently released version 2.

I'm just auditing all the deps in my Cargo.lock for syn 1, opening issues on projects that haven't switched over yet.

Any chance you could switch over? The quicker everyone moves to version 2, the sooner projects won't have to build both syn 1 and 2 at the same time :)

Positive signed integers fail

The following test fails when added to /tests/

fn positive_signed() {
    struct MyBitfield {
        negative: i32,

    let v1 = MyBitfield::new().with_negative(-3);
    assert_eq!(v1.negative(), -3);

    let v2 = MyBitfield::new().with_negative(0); // <-- panics here
    assert_eq!(v2.negative(), 0);

    let v3 = MyBitfield::new().with_negative(3); // <-- here as well
    assert_eq!(v3.negative(), 3);


---- positive_signed stdout ----
thread 'positive_signed' panicked at 'assertion failed: value <= 0xffffffff', tests/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

The problem is that the condition of the debug_assert here

debug_assert!(value <= #mask);

does not work for signed integers. The mask will be a hexadecimal number which rust interprets "literally" (ie the condition is value< = 0xfffffff which Rust sees as value <= -1)

Defining a 1-bit non bool member fails

The following sample:

use bitfield_struct::bitfield;

struct PageTableEntry {
    /// defaults to 32 bits for u32
    addr: u32,

    /// public field -> public accessor functions
    pub size: usize,

    /// padding: No accessor functions are generated for fields beginning with `_`.
    _p: u8,

    bug: u8,

    /// interpreted as 1 bit flag
    present: bool,

    /// sign extend for signed integers
    negative: i16,

Will fail with:

  --> src/
3  | #[bitfield(u64)]
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `u8`, found `bool`
17 |     bug: u8,
   |          -- expected `u8` because of return type
   = note: this error originates in the attribute macro `bitfield` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.

Nested struct bit fields support ?

Im not sure how nested fields should work, is there support for something like this ?

pub struct AccessByte {
    access: bool,
    rw: bool,

    direction: bool,

    executable: bool,

    descriptor_type: bool,

    privelege_level: u8,

    present: bool

impl AccessByte {
    pub const fn from_bits(value: u8) -> Self {

    pub const fn into_bits(self) -> u8 {
        self.0 as u8

pub struct GdtEntry {

    limit: u16,  

    base: u32,

    access_byte: AccessByte,

    limit2: u8,

    flags: u8,

    base2: u8


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