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camptix's Issues

Error when Quantity is set to 3

Trouble with camptix and paypal when the quantity of tickets is set to '3'. Sends a error that says "Unexpected Total"... is there anybody else that has experienced this issue?

Returned messages are scrolled out of the view

Whenever there is a success or error message generated, camptix scrolls to where div #tix starts. The problem is that the actual success/error message is before the div. On long pages this causes scrolling to go past the returned message and hide the message.

Maybe success/error/warning messages can be moved inside the div?

[Feature request] Assigned seating?

Would be great to be able to have assigned seating from Camptix; even if it was done with a simple dropdown (with an option removed each time someone purchases)

Thanks for considering


I'd love to see how to integrate this with Stripe so we could completely sell tickets on our site without having users go anywhere. Is there any documentation for that?

Can't use CampTix on home page?

I'm hoping to use CampTix on a landing page that I'm developing, but I'm having an issue getting it to work.

I've got it all set up, plugged in my Sandbox API information, created a few demo tickets, and put the shortcode on the home page, just how I want it. When I try to test it, the tickets all show up perfectly, so I select a few random tickets and click the "Register" button, but it gives me a "No Posts to Display" error.

Right now, I'm just using the Twenty Twelve theme, and there are (literally) no other active plugins on the site - what's going on?

* I saw this post, and I thought it might be related...?*

See what I'm working on here:

Thanks! notifications pick up camptix serialised post data

I got a mildly puzzling email from the notifications service when I bought my Summit ticket this morning. Apparently I'd been mentioned in a post which contained serialized PHP data… basically the tix_attendee post created to record my ticket has a term (simonwheatley) which triggers a notification to me.

I'm fairly savvy, so I worked out what was going on… but if Camptix is going to be used by regular folks for WordCamp ticketing, it might become an issue?

Perhaps the notification service could allow some post types to opt out of notications? Or perhaps the serialised data could be stored in a post meta field?

Customising default form field labels and registration form title

It seems to me that customising the contents of these fields requires changing the camptix.php code (e.g. line 4560) or inserting an EN translation file, both of which aren't upgrade compatible.

The html is returned from form_attendee_info(), but I can't find any already existing filter before it is output. Would it be suitable to add one before the output return?

Is there a filter or other upgrade-compatible method I'm unaware of?


Are you ready for CampTix 1.3?

Hey y'all, hope you had some good time off during the holidays!

First of all, thanks for all your code contributions, translations, bug reports and feature requests. Together, we've been able to make yet another step towards version 1.3. The main features are:

  • A new approach at questions, which are now actual custom post types
  • Improved questions interface including the ability to edit existing questions
  • E-mail templates in Setup, allows you to customize the wording of the e-mails sent out to buyers
  • Added more currencies supported by PayPal and other minor things

If you have translated CampTix into your own language, please take a few minutes to refresh your translation to be up to speed with 1.3, where some wording has changed. Other than that, tests and bug reports are always welcome.

We're planning to push 1.3 out in a day or two.

Cheers and have a good day!

Change input type from text to URL / email

Stanard question are first name, last name and email, but email is input type="text" and not input="email", which would be much better for smartphone and tablet user, because they get the right keyboard for this.

The same is for Websites. If you use "URL (puplic)" in CampTix th einput type is text and not url. Again it would be much better for smartphone and tablet user, because they get the right keyboard.

If quantity equals "999" in backend, change to "Unlimited" in frontend

I'm having trouble implementing this feature into the camptix.php.

When entering the amount of tickets available in the backend, I'd love for it to say "Unlimited" on the [camptix] page in the "Remaining" column - no matter how many tickets will be purchased.

I'm sure it's just a quick if-statement, but I've no clue on how/where to write it into the code.

Thanks in advance!

Adding RTL support

Hi Konstantin,

I am currently working on organizing the upcoming WordCamp in Jerusalem, Israel with my fellow coworkers at illuminea. So basically since most WordCamp Jerusalem attendees speak Hebrew, we will have to adapt the site to support Hebrew (which means we'll need to RTL everything).

So I thought I could help with supplying a RTL stylesheet, which can also be a great benefit for other users that might need RTL support in their projects. Also, a Hebrew l10n file will come right after.

Do you mind if I go ahead and help with that?

Format of Questionaire and Payment methods

I have 2 questions.

  1. I want to implement a payment method called "by Cheque" and dont know where to put that code. I see the blackhole payment method in the code but it does not show up as a method in payment setup, or on a ticket . I'm probably missing something simple but need a basic " how to " for setting up another payment method.

  2. If a buyer wants to buy 4 tickets, they are presented with 4 questionaires to fill out. Is there a way to consolidate this into 1 questionaire ?
    Nice plugin

The revenue total does not match with the transactions total.

Error message on revenue page: "Woah! The revenue total does not match with the transactions total. The actual total is: £1,712.00. Something somewhere has gone wrong, please report this."

I did change 2 bookings by cancelling their PayPal booking and entering the replacement booking with a 100% off coupon. This might be the cause of the problem.


Small HTML formatting issues

Hi Konstantin,

I wanted to draw your attention towards an issue that I have spotted on the "Attendees" editing screen on the dashboard.

As you can see, classes are being populated with the name of the field, which is currently drawn from the localization functions. This is not a very good idea since classes should not contain non English characters, as that causes problems. Another thing is that as a result there are some rows that their text should be bold because they are titles. In the current state, the CSS rules cannot apply since the class attribute is malformed (classname--%d7%98%d7%9c%d7%a4%d7%95%d7%9f for instance)

This also happens on the front-end (on some fields, not all)

I wonder if there is a different way to format the "class" attribute's value. Like maybe trying to number the fields, thus avoiding the need to set their name as-is.

Obviously this doesn't stop the plugin from working, but it just makes it harder to explicitly style some elements (maybe there are some more disadvantages). Note that same problem happens in other languages. I tried to test it in Russian, this is what I got (not so great)

Hope that helps!

Payment Error

I installed the camptix plugin and setup a ticket. When trying to process a payment I get the error: A payment error has occurred, looks like chosen payment method is not responding. Please try again later.

I installed the Core Control plugin and ran the logger which told me I had a problem with the SSL certificate: http_request_failed SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed.

Turns out I didn't have a certificate installed. So I installed a certificate, deleted the plugin and reinstalled it. But when I tried to register I got the same message: A payment error has occurred, looks like chosen payment method is not responding. Please try again later.

so I am still stuck. Please guide me on to the next steps to take.Thanks.

VIP compat: Make update_user_option() filterable

On, we use a user_attributes table to avoid making the standard user meta memcache bucket too big. Use of update_user_option() should be filterable so we can instead plug in update_user_meta(). Similarly on get too.

Activation Error

After installation, when I attempt to activate the plugin, I receive this error message:

Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /homepages/21/d427003199/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/camptix/camptix.php on line 349

I'm on 1&1 Shared Hosting.

Suggestion: choose person to send email confirmations to, not just email address

If you are booking more than one ticket, you are asked to choose which email address to send the receipt to.

However, if person A books for himself and person B (who does not have an email address), it will ask him to choose which email address to use. This is okay, but if he selects the 'wrong' one, the email confirmation will have person B's name on it.

So, I would suggest something like the following example:

◦ Joe Bloggs ([email protected])
◦ Fred Bloggs ([email protected])
◦ Susan Bloggs ([email protected])

Email confirmations not being sent

Bookings seem to be going through fine, but people have not received their receipts. This used to work fine but all of a sudden stopped.

Set Campix and try to check out and I'm shown a PayPal error

Comes up with this message when I click register:

Error Detected
Error Message

Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again.
Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again.

Patial refund causing trouble

Someone booked 3 tickets and wanted to return 1. I send a PayPal refund for the amount of the 1 ticket, but all three are now showing in Camptix as 'pending' rather than 'publish'.

Sandbox not working

I've enabled sandbox and entered in my developer credentials, but upon testing purchases I get the following error:

"A payment error has occurred, looks like chosen payment method is not responding. Please try again later."

This is on site:

Keep getting an error when registering

I have installed CampTix into to process class registrations. However after entering the first name, last name, and email and selecting PayPal for payment and hitting "register", I get an error every time that says, "A payment error has occurred, looks like chosen payment method is not responding. Please try again later."

I have verified with PayPal that the API credentials work. I have uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled it. I can't figure out what else to try. Any help you can provide in trouble shooting this would be great. The page to register is I made sure that IPN was enabled as well and entered the url

PayPal moving to 2048-bit certificates for APIs

I've received this email from PayPal. Will this affect Camptix?

In keeping with industry standards set by the Certification Authority/Browser (CA/B) Forum, PayPal will discontinue supporting 1024-bit key length certificates and will migrate to 2048-bit certificates before the end of 2013.

We have completed the installation of 2048-bit certificates for all API endpoints in our PayPal Sandbox and Payflow Pilot environments, and we will be doing the same for our production environments starting on 6 August 2013.

We strongly encourage merchants to thoroughly test any existing integration(s) in the PayPal Sandbox and/or Payflow Pilot environments to ensure this migration will not cause any unforeseen issues.

Please have the team or person responsible for your integration refer to the following:

If you need to import the new PayPal Sandbox and/or Payflow Pilot server certificates to your application or system truststore, you can download production and Sandbox certificates from

If you don't typically import the server certificates to your truststore, you can proceed with testing with no other action required.

If you have any questions, please contact PayPal Merchant Technical Services by filing a ticket; refer to PP-LIVE-3503. You may also visit our Live Site Status blog.

"An error has occurred."

Hi there, kudos on what looks like a fantastic plugin... Sadly, I haven't been able to make use of it due to this error I'm receiving.

Everything looks peachy on the back end, credentials inputted fine and tickets created with ease. However, the [camptix] short code simply outputs this to the front end:

An error has occurred.

Using latest WP version (3.4.2), on a server running PHP 5.2.17. Tried multiple themes, killed any other plugins, and on a page and post, and multiple PayPal accounts with API creds – same result all around.

Any idea what could be triggering this error? I'm lost on what could be the culprit.

Better error messaging far sandbox mode

When in PayPal sandbox mode, if the sandbox credentials are incorrect, during a ticket purchase it just shows the non-parsed [camptix] shortcode with no error message and no clue of what has gone wrong.

To reproduce this, try to switch to sandbox mode while leaving real-world API credentials for PayPal.

Question: Editing payment status

Hi there,

I've written my own payment method for wire transfer and upon completing the "order" it sets the payment status to "Pending". I would however need the option to be able to edit the payment status from the admin backend after the treasurer has confirmed the money have been wired to the account. From what I can see, there is currently no support for this. Any ideas as for how to fix it?


Any chance of adding GPB as a currency. Thanks Pete (new to GitHub and non tech)

Phone numbers when exporting to csv

When exported to Excel, phone numbers are shown without the leading 0.
Other numbers are displayed in standard form e.g. 4.41E+11
Could this be fixed by putting an ' before the number when exporting?

Request: attendees by ticket type

Love the plugin, I would like to be able to have a user click on an event and get a pop-up or page for the ticket type that showed the attendees for only that ticket type, not all attendees.

If possible, great!

Feature/Question Show Tickets

By default when a ticket isn't set to show (via date) then it doesn't show on the front end. Is there a filter where it can show but say "Not Started" yet..

Also is there another instance for future events since this really only covers one event.

'Book Now' shortcode for Posts and Pages

I'm using [camptix] to display all the available tickets but can I use some shortcode to display just one 'Book Now' button for one specific event?
I'd like to use it on the Posts and Pages that mention every event.
Kind regards,


Delete existing ticket questions

I added some custom questions for tickets but they are now not needed but still show up as columns on csv export etc. Can I delete them?



Thanks for this plugin!

I'm loving this plugin! I will translate it to pt_BR.

I hope this plugins keep simple as possible, no full editor, Google Maps etc by default, thoug the bellow I think woudl be great:

  • Categories for events
  • More options in shortcode such display events filtering by categories etc (though thi can lead to thousand filtering options asks)
  • Can view atendees by event on backend and also export it etc
  • Option to display or not the sold out events, future/past events etc

Customise quantity of each ticket that can be sold

Tickets can be sold in multiples of 1 - 10.

I'd like to customise this and have the value different for each type of ticket.

If this is possible, I can't see anything in tools/setup or under individual ticket details.


Edit token and other data missing when adding attendees manually

When adding attendees manually, (/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=tix_attendee), the edit token doesn't seem to be written (along with other data) to the post, making it impossible to edit the attendee further. The post title is also lost. I've tried deactivating other plugins, so assume it's a camptix issue in both the current master and v1.2.1.


Hello, I want to add a new payment method, micro payment (starspass)
How can you do it?


Two different prices for one ticket

I've had a look and can't see this issue coming up before.

Can we have different prices (e.g. adult/child) for a single ticket with a single maximum number of tickets across both prices?


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