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gulp-coffee's Issues

Strange bug with bare option

This is super weird, and I'm not totally sure it's gulp-coffee's fault, but hear me out on this one.

Gulp task, compiles coffeescript. I add in the { bare: true } option, assuming all will go well since I'm compiling node anyway. When they come out, the coffeescript extension __extends is not getting compiled at the top of files that use classes (this is breaking and causes all files with classes to immediately throw an error).

Get rid of the bare option and it's back, albeit with an extra useless function wrapper now. Looks like a bug in coffeescript to me, really. Make sure locally installed coffeescript is the same version as the one required by gulp-coffee (1.6.3, yep, but you guys should be using 1.x.x in your package.json, because semver), compile the file manually with the bare option. __extends is defined in the files, and no function wrapper, everything works perfectly. Wat?

So I checked the source and it looks like you guys are just compiling through coffee-script, as usual, but I figured I'd at least log this here because compiling with coffee manually didn't break anything, but the compilation through gulp caused breakage.

Any thoughts or help on this appreciated!

Converts variables with @$ to _at_$

I have some AngularJS modules written in coffeescript. They suddenly stopped working with error message like "at$stateProvider" not found. I compare the compiled javascript between gulp-coffee 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 and see that wherever I refer to a variable or parameter with @$, it gets converted to at$.

Support Source Maps

Right now, if you pass sourceMap: true as an option, it outputs empty files and no source maps. Would be really awesome if this feature could be supported!

generate question

sometimes it only generate a part of my coffee code ,but there is no error,i dont konw why

Is gulp-coffee broken

I just installed the latest verison...I am getting a blank .js file...what is happening.

 gulp =  require 'gulp'
 coffee = require 'gulp-coffee'
 gutil =  require 'gulp-util'

 gulp.task 'default', ->
            .pipe coffee({sourceMap:true}).on('error',gutil.log)
            .pipe gulp.dest('./routes/') 

would blank out index.js

"prettyErrorMessage" kills gulp process

I have a "watch" task that watches my coffee files:

coffee = require('gulp-coffee')
util = require('gulp-util')

gulp.task 'coffee', ->
    .pipe(coffee(bare: true).on('error', util.log))
    .pipe(concat('app.js', newLine: '/*---*/\n'))

gulp.task 'watch', -> 'src/*.coffee', -> 'coffee'

even though I have .on('error'), I still get this error and my gulp process dies:

  var msg = helpers.prettyErrorMessage(err, file.path, String(file.contents), 
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'prettyErrorMessage'
  at module.exports (D:\mydirectory\node_modules\gulp-coffee\lib\formatError.js:4:21)
  at Stream.modifyFile (D:\mydirectory\node_modules\gulp-coffee\index.js:27:22)
  at (D:\mydirectory\node_modules\gulp-coffee\node_modules\event-stream\node_modules\through\index.js:26:11)
  at Stream.ondata (stream.js:51:26)
  at Stream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
  at queueData (D:\mydirectory\node_modules\gulp\node_modules\vinyl-fs\node_modules\map-stream\index.js:43:21)
  at next (D:\mydirectory\node_modules\gulp\node_modules\vinyl-fs\node_modules\map-stream\index.js:71:7)
  at D:\mydirectory\node_modules\gulp\node_modules\vinyl-fs\node_modules\map-stream\index.js:85:7
  at D:\mydirectory\node_modules\gulp\node_modules\vinyl-fs\lib\src\bufferFile.js:8:5
  at fs.js:266:14
  at D:\mydirectory\node_modules\gulp-imagemin\node_modules\graceful-fs\graceful-fs.js:103:5
  at D:\mydirectory\node_modules\gulp\node_modules\vinyl-fs\node_modules\graceful-fs\graceful-fs.js:103:5
  at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)

wrong extensions for `` files

When compiling files with default options,
gulp-util only recognizes .md as the extension, thus the resulting output files are named


How to generate maps?

map: true does not work. A review of the source code seems to indicate that this flag is not passed through. Am I missing something?

How to use "require"


I'm trying to use the coffeescript function "require".

Ex. require('lib/setup');

but at the final file I just get an error about require not being definied.

What is the right way of doing it?

remove gulp-util using the following API replacements

gutil.File =>
gutil.replaceExtension => The .extname property on Vinyl objects or
gutil.colors => =>
gutil.log =>
gutil.template =>
gutil.env =>
gutil.beep =>
gutil.noop =>
gutil.isStream => Use the .isStream() method on Vinyl objects
gutil.isBuffer => Use the .isBuffer() method on Vinyl objects
gutil.isNull => Use the .isNull() method on Vinyl objects
gutil.linefeed => Use the string '\n' in your code
gutil.combine =>
gutil.buffer =>
gutil.PluginError =>

End event

I have a fairly large codebase and I would like to launch livereload when all the coffeescript files have been compiled. Right now, it's a race when I use the change event. Would love an end event that I could bind to.

Bump node version

I'm pretty sure bumping Node up a couple versions would allow this plugin to grow and do a lot more. Besides, many people even require Node ~0.10.x, this can probably go up to 0.6, no?

support for --eval option?

Is there a way to use the --eval (not to be confused with eval()) command line option? The readme says normal coffeescript cli options are available, but I coudn't get this one to trigger.

I'm compiling a js file which uses a local path / for staging, and a global path for production. Would be extremely helpful to pass in a variable into my gulpfile to use one or the other based on where the gulpfile lives.

var env = require('./env'); // This is where my dev environment string lives
var path = ''
if (env = 'dev') path = '/'
.pipe(coffee({bare: true, eval: 'path = ' + path})

do sourcemaps still work?

I'm copy/pasting the example from the readme, and am not getting sourcemaps in my output directory. Any hints to debug?

Move only files to dest, without the src directories.

I have a source dir like this:


that I want to end up like this:


but it keeps ending up like this:


Is there a way to avoid bringing the nested directories over to the dest dir?

Join compiled JS and sourcemaps

Im trying to find a way to concatenate a set of Coffeescript files into a single JS files, while still having sourcemaps available.

I first tried gulp-concat but that raises a problem where the sourcemap is referring to a js file which doesn't exist.

I noticed that the Coffeescript compiler has something to join files, the --join flag.
Tried to apply that but haven't succeed.

Any suggestion on how can I achieve this?
Just to recapitulate, the goal is to compile multiple '.coffee' files into a single '.js' file, while having the sourcemap also merged but still referencing the original coffee files.

I believe this is something already solved in the [](Grunt task), wonder if it could happen also here.

Formatting errors with gulp-util

I'm having trouble getting nicely formatted errors. Following the example, I have the following:

// Compile coffee into temp folder, unconcatenated and uniminified.
gulp.task('scripts', function (done) {
  return gulp.src(appSrc.scripts)
    .pipe(coffee({bare: false}).on('error', util.log))

But I get output that looks like this:

[10:53:53] { [SyntaxError: unexpected newline]
   { first_line: 849,
     first_column: 51,
     last_line: 849,
     last_column: 51 },
  toString: [Function],
  code: '\n# Not a good thing\nhandleError = (debug, task) -> (error) ->\n  debug.error \'Error\', error\n  alert "An error occured while performing #{ task }"\n\nangular.module \'hummingbirdControllers\', [\'hummingbirdConstants\', \'ngAnimate\']\n\n.controller \'LoginCtrl\' [CODE REDACTED...]',
  filename: '/Users/rhysvanderwaerden/Projects/hummingbird/hummingbird-frontend/app/scripts/',
  name: 'SyntaxError',
  message: 'unexpected newline',
  stack: '/Users/rhysvanderwaerden/Projects/hummingbird/hummingbird-frontend/app/scripts/ error: unexpected newline\n     "#{ invitationsRoute }/:invitationId": [\'GET\']\u001b[1;31m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;31m                                                   ^\u001b[0m',
  showStack: false,
  showProperties: true,
  plugin: 'gulp-coffee' }

How can I get this to be formatted and readable? I've updated gutil, gulp and gulp-coffee to the newest versions...

seems to exit the process when a compile error happens.


I'm trying to use gulp-watch to compile coffeescript amongst other things (less, browserify, jade, etc).

When I enable the error log handler below, when a coffeescript compile error occurs, it is printed.

The problem is that when I do consecutive writes, I will not get a second compile. Why is this?

gulp.task 'watch1', ->
    gulpWatch {
        glob: [ 'src/**/*' ]
        emitOnGlob: false
    }, (sourceStream) ->
        destinationStream = gulp.dest 'build'

        filterCoffee  = gulpFilter [ "**/*.coffee", "**/*.litcoffee" ]
        compileCoffee = gulpCoffee bare: true

        #compileCoffee.on 'error', (error) ->
        #   log error

            .pipe filterCoffee
            .pipe compileCoffee
            .pipe destinationStream

gulp-coffee won't compile after an error occured(and handled) when used with gulp-watch

My gulpfile:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var watch = require('gulp-watch');
var coffee = require('gulp-coffee');
gulp.task('watch', function () {
  var src = ...;
  var dest = ...;
  return gulp.src(src)
               .pipe(watch(src).on(change, gutil.log))
               .pipe(coffee().on('error', gutil.log))

I used gulp watch, and wrote a coffee file which was then compiled. Then I made a syntax error in that coffee file, so gulp logged an error. Gulp still logged file changes when I fixed that syntax error & saved, however coffee file was not compiled again.

Error handler being ignored

coffeeStream = coffee().on('error', (error) ->
    {filename} = error
    extension = path.extname(error.filename)
    dirname = path.dirname(filename)
    basename = path.basename(error.filename, '.coffee')
    target = path.join(dirname, "#{basename}.js")

gulp.task("coffee", () ->
    return gulp.src(dedupeGlobs(

I have a syntax error in one of the files being loaded into the task.

The following prints to the console:

      throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
Error: [stdin]:1:1: error: unexpected &

I've tried adding gulp-plumber, but all it did was prevent gulp from exiting.

What's the canonical way to do partial rebuilds?

I have a directory of files, which I am compiling 1-to-1:


|_ foo/


|_ foo/
    |_ foo.js
|_ bar.js

What's the right way to watch and do partial rebuilds when a file changes (ie. only recompile the changed file)? An example would be nice.

Update Node versions tested in CI

coffeescript Dropped support for old Node versions (pre Node 6 it seems) but CI for this package is running on Node 0.10, 0.11 and 4 so it always fail.
It would also be nice to update the engines.node field in the package.json.

Errors stops even though they were already handled

My gulpfile in coffee:

gulp = require 'gulp'
coffee = require 'gulp-coffee'
gutil = require 'gulp-util'
connect = require 'gulp-connect'

gulp.task 'coffee', ->
  gulp.src ['', '!']
  .pipe coffee( bare: true ).on('error', gutil.log)
  .pipe gulp.dest '.'
  .pipe connect.reload()

gulp.task 'watch', -> ['', '!'], ['coffee']

gulp.task "connect", connect.server(
  root: __dirname
  port: 3000
  livereload: true

gulp.task 'default', ['coffee', 'connect', 'watch']

When error occurred, still stops. when new files changes, nothing happens.

Then i tried to switch to gulp-watch plugin, problem still there.

So I'm wondering if the problem belong to gulp-coffee itself.

If there something wrong with my gulpfile, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm not sure where the problem is.

Remove lock files

I see that your library is using lock files but I believe that you should avoid it.
Lock files are great to get reproducible builds for applications (top level packages) but should be avoided in libraries (non top level packages) because it prevents CI to automatically get the latest version of the dependencies: devs have to update it manually. This is a problem because lock files are not used for library consumers. It means that consumers are always the first to be affected by breakage in transitive dependencies while it would be better to catch it in your own CI.

Needs new release to remove merge vulnerability

I notice that your latest commits removed the unneeded "merge" library. Many of us who use gulp-coffee just got a security alert email (or a jillion of them) saying that we depend upon an insecure merge library through gulp-coffee. We can't fix the problem until those commits go into npm. Can you do a point release please, or whatever you think is appropriate? Thank you!

Expose path information on failure

I would like to write an error handler that writes a small JS file when gulp-coffee fails. For example if has a syntax error, I want to create a.js with:

throw new Error('Error compiling <syntaxerror.stack>');

For this, my gulp task needs access to the name of the JS file that gulp-coffee was trying to create.

Be able to configure Source Map Directory

Currently the * files are generated as siblings to the *.coffee files.

A convenient sourceMapDir option would make this configurable.

For example:

var coffee = require('gulp-coffee');

gulp.task('coffee', function () {
    .pipe(coffee({sourceMapDir: 'maps/'}))

supporting IcedCoffeeScript and Coco

This was just a one-liner to scratch an immediate itch, but I guess a proper solution from someone with more free time would involve somehow handling the conditional dependencies of ICS/Coco in the package.json or eliminating coffee-script from that file. I figure that opening this issue (even if it's immediately closed) will probably be helpful to someone.



Thank you for gulp-coffee. :-)

Support the --join option

This was touched on in #14, but here is the problem:

coffee(join:true) is not the same as coffee() + concat()

The latter will have extra cruft because each input file will be wrapped with the function safety wrapper.

Here's the code that doesn't work:

gulp.task 'concat', ->
  gulp.src myFilesInOrder, baseDir: myBaseDir
  .pipe coffee
    join: true
  .on 'error', gutil.log
  .pipe gulp.dest myDestFile

How not to strip empty lines?


console.log 1

console.log 2

coffeescript compiler output:

(function() {



expected output:

(function() {



How not to strip empty lines?


The error you are emitting when coffee fails compiling does not have any syntax error information just the message so its hard to debug and find out where and which file the error occurred .

this.emit('error', new Error(err));

Right now i'm doing

this.emit('error', err);

and handling it like this,

console.log("file: "+err.filename)
console.log("line: "+err.location.first_line)

Although i think this reporting should be inbuilt ...

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