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The official distribution of Javidx9's YouTube videos and projects

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License: Other

C++ 97.28% Lua 0.40% C 2.32%

javidx9's Issues

CPU utilization too high

I've noticed that the CPU gets quite hot while running the ConsoleEngine, even when nothing is drawn/updated on the screen (and the update rate is 700 FPS).

Wouldn't it be cool to let the user define a FPS, and cool down the CPU?

Is it up to the user to try to do it in the Application level, or can the Engine handle it itself?

Thanks in advance, I'm not experienced in thread programming.

Where's Jario?

This file is looking for Jario.spr but it is missing. The video shows a sprite that doesn't match anything found in JarioSprites directory. That is, a Jario with a "J" on his chest.

The top of the file does not provide help. The note seems incomplete.

// PLEASE NOTE! The video shows the Spyro The Dragon Level - I can't redistribute that
// so this file is configured to show the textured Jario cube. Please ensure you have
// downloaded the "Jario.spr" file from

Jario-sprites to png

Hi there,

I'm trying to convert the platform tile of jario from the consoleGameEngine to the pixelGameEngine.
And as I learned today through the SHMUP video the DrawSprite function of the pixelGameEngine can only handle png and not spr files.

Question: is there a way to convert the jario sprites into png files?


solve the sprite overlay issue in the commandlineFPS part2

to solve the sprite list store order causing the sprite render overlay issue just simply change the 1D depthBuffer to a 2D depth buffer(now the column depth buffer create in the raytracing of the wall should change to adjust to the buffer size change.
And also at the sprite object render section just change the depth buffer column check to pixel by pixel.that's it.

olcConsoleGameEngine.h does not display correctly

I have been following the 3D Graphics Engine tutorials which use olcConsoleGameEngine.h. However, when I run the code, the console window appears shrunk and is no longer running. The other engines seem to run fine, so the issue isn't on Visual Studio's end. Has anyone else encountered the same issue?

Texturing 3D cmd Game Tutorial Getting 12 Errors and i have no idea what they mean

Everytime i compile i get 12 errors:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall olc::Pixel::Pixel(unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char)" (??0Pixel@olc@@QAE@EEEE@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall olc::Pixel::Pixel(unsigned int)" (??0Pixel@olc@@QAE@I@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::Draw(int,int,struct olc::Pixel)" (?Draw@PixelGameEngine@olc@@UAE_NHHUPixel@2@@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: int __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::ScreenHeight(void)const " (?ScreenHeight@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QBEHXZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: int __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::ScreenWidth(void)const " (?ScreenWidth@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QBEHXZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: struct olc::HWButton __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::GetKey(enum olc::Key)const " (?GetKey@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QBE?AUHWButton@2@W4Key@2@@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::OnUserDestroy(void)" (?OnUserDestroy@PixelGameEngine@olc@@UAE_NXZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: enum olc::rcode __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::Start(void)" (?Start@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QAE?AW4rcode@2@XZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: enum olc::rcode __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::Construct(int,int,int,int,bool,bool,bool)" (?Construct@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QAE?AW4rcode@2@HHHH_N00@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::~PixelGameEngine(void)" (??1PixelGameEngine@olc@@UAE@XZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::PixelGameEngine(void)" (??0PixelGameEngine@olc@@QAE@XZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK1120 11 unresolved externals ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\Release\ConFPS.exe 1

And here is my Code:

using namespace std;

#include "olcPixelGameEngine.h"

class GameWindow : public olc::PixelGameEngine
sAppName = "Game 3D";

virtual bool OnUserCreate()
	map += L"################";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#....###.......#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#.......########";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"################";
	return true;
virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime)
	// Controls
	// Handle CCW rotation
	if (GetKey(olc::Key::A).bHeld)
		fPlayerA -= (0.8) * fElapsedTime;

	if (GetKey(olc::Key::D).bHeld)
		fPlayerA += (0.8) * fElapsedTime;

	if (GetKey(olc::Key::W).bHeld)
		fPlayerX += sinf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
		fPlayerY += cosf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;

		if (map[(int)fPlayerY * nMapWidth + (int)fPlayerX] == '#')
			fPlayerX -= sinf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
			fPlayerY -= cosf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
	if (GetKey(olc::Key::S).bHeld)
		fPlayerX -= sinf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
		fPlayerY -= cosf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;

		if (map[(int)fPlayerY * nMapWidth + (int)fPlayerX] == '#')
			fPlayerX += sinf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
			fPlayerY += cosf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;

	for (int x = 0; x < ScreenWidth(); x++)
		// For each column, calculate the projected ray angle into world space
		float fRayAngle = (fPlayerA - fFOV / 2.0f) + ((float)x / (float)ScreenWidth()) * fFOV;

		float fDistanceToWall = 0;
		bool bHitWall = false;
		bool bBoundary = false;

		float fEyeX = sinf(fRayAngle);
		float fEyeY = cosf(fRayAngle);

		while (!bHitWall && fDistanceToWall < fDepth)

			fDistanceToWall += 0.1f;

			int nTestX = (int)(fPlayerX + fEyeX * fDistanceToWall);
			int nTestY = (int)(fPlayerY + fEyeY * fDistanceToWall);

			// Test if ray is out of bounds
			if (nTestX < 0 || nTestX >= nMapWidth || nTestY < 0 || nTestY >= nMapHeight)
				bHitWall = true;			// Just set distance to maximum depth
				fDistanceToWall = fDepth;
				if (map[nTestY * nMapWidth + nTestX] == '#')
					bHitWall = true;

					vector<pair<float, float>> p; // distance, dot
					for (int tx = 0; tx < 2; tx++)
						for (int ty = 0; ty < 2; ty++)
							float vy = (float)nTestY + ty - fPlayerY;
							float vx = (float)nTestX + tx - fPlayerX;
							float d = sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
							float dot = (fEyeX * vx / d) + (fEyeY * vy / d);
							p.push_back(make_pair(d, dot));
					// Sort pairs from closest to farthest
					sort(p.begin(), p.end(), [](const pair<float, float>& left, const pair<float, float>& right) {return left.first < right.first;  });

					float fBound = 0.01;
					if (acos( < fBound) bBoundary = true;
					if (acos( < fBound) bBoundary = true;
					if (acos( < fBound) bBoundary = true;

		// Calculate distance to ceiling and floor
		int nCeiling = (float)(ScreenHeight() / 2.0) - ScreenHeight() / ((float)fDistanceToWall);
		int nFloor = ScreenHeight() - nCeiling;

		// Shader walls based on distance
		short nShade = ' ';
		if (fDistanceToWall <= fDepth / 4.0f)			nShade = 0x2588;	// Very close	
		else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth / 3.0f)		nShade = 0x2593;
		else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth / 2.0f)		nShade = 0x2592;
		else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth)				nShade = 0x2591;
		else                                            nShade = ' ';

		if (bBoundary)		nShade = ' '; //Black it out

		for (int i = 0; i < ScreenHeight(); i++)
			if (i <= nCeiling)
				Draw(x, i, L' ');
			else if (i > nCeiling&& i <= nFloor)
				Draw(x, i, nShade);
				// Shade floor based on distance
				float b = 1.0f - (((float)i - ScreenHeight() / 2.0f) / ((float)ScreenHeight() / 2.0f));
				if (b < 0.25)		nShade = '#';
				else if (b < 0.5)	nShade = 'x';
				else if (b < 0.75)	nShade = '.';
				else if (b < 0.9)	nShade = '-';
				else				nShade = ' ';
				Draw(x, i, nShade);

	// Display Map
	for (int nx = 0; nx < nMapWidth; nx++)
		for (int ny = 0; ny < nMapWidth; ny++)
			Draw(nx + 1, ny + 1, map[ny * nMapWidth + nx]);
	Draw(1 + (int)fPlayerY, 1 + (int)fPlayerX, L'P');


	return true;

int nMapHeight = 16;
int nMapWidth = 16;
wstring map;

float fPlayerX = 8.0f;
float fPlayerY = 8.0f;
float fPlayerA = 0.0f;
float fFOV = 3.14159 / 4.0f;
float fDepth = 16.0f;


int main()

GameWindow game;
game.Construct(120, 80, 8, 8);

return 0;


olcConsoleGameEngineSDL leads to crash on MacOS

Following the first video in the 3D Graphics series ( and being on Mac I'm using olcConsoleGameEngineSDL.h rather than olcConsoleGameEngine.h. The minimal code for the instantiation of the game engine

int main() {
    olcEngine3D demo;
    if(demo.ConstructConsole(256, 240, 4, 4))

    return 0;

leads to the following crash:

$ ./olcEngine3D
2019-09-07 23:07:38.647 olcEngine3D[36851:411276] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'nextEventMatchingMask should only be called from the Main Thread!'
*** First throw call stack:
	0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff4e8d72fd __exceptionPreprocess + 256
	1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff78fa7a17 objc_exception_throw + 48
	2   AppKit                              0x00007fff4be16f8e -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 4180
	3   libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib                 0x000000010a4b8074 Cocoa_PumpEvents + 126
	4   libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib                 0x000000010a432e56 SDL_PumpEvents_REAL + 23
	5   libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib                 0x000000010a432edf SDL_WaitEventTimeout_REAL + 75
	6   olcEngine3D                         0x000000010a3efb55 _ZN20olcConsoleGameEngine10GameThreadEv + 709
	7   olcEngine3D                         0x000000010a3f25f1 _ZNSt3__1L8__invokeIM20olcConsoleGameEngineFvvEPS1_JEvEEDTcldsdeclsr3std3__1E7forwardIT0_Efp0_Efp_spclsr3std3__1E7forwardIT1_Efp1_EEEOT_OS5_DpOS6_ + 113
	8   olcEngine3D                         0x000000010a3f24fe _ZNSt3__1L16__thread_executeINS_10unique_ptrINS_15__thread_structENS_14default_deleteIS2_EEEEM20olcConsoleGameEngineFvvEJPS6_EJLm2EEEEvRNS_5tupleIJT_T0_DpT1_EEENS_15__tuple_indicesIJXspT2_EEEE + 62
	9   olcEngine3D                         0x000000010a3f1cf6 _ZNSt3__114__thread_proxyINS_5tupleIJNS_10unique_ptrINS_15__thread_structENS_14default_deleteIS3_EEEEM20olcConsoleGameEngineFvvEPS7_EEEEEPvSC_ + 118
	10  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff7a9692eb _pthread_body + 126
	11  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff7a96c249 _pthread_start + 66
	12  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff7a96840d thread_start + 13
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

Debugging shows that an exception is raised in olcConsoleGameEngineSDL.h in the line containing while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)). Similar issues elsewhere (lvgl/lv_port_pc_eclipse#12) suggest that SDL might need special treatment under MacOS.

Want to join game jam, can't login anywhere

Sorry for abusing this, but I tried to find a way to contact you to no avail besides this.
YouTube won't let me use the account, I created years ago and new accounts can't be created atm. either.

So, I would like to take part in the game jam.
Is there a way for me to join without a social network account?

Btw, contact.html on your web site throws a 404.


olcConsoleGameEngineSDL.h error with std::ofstream and std::ifstream

When I run the code, it returns the following error (I run my conde on Linux ubuntu 18 + vs code) on olcConsoleGameEngineSDL.h.

error: no matching function for call to ‘std::basic_ofstream::basic_ofstream(const wchar_t*, std::_Ios_Openmode)’
std::ofstream f(sFile.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

Can you tell me what is going on?

errata in worm series

in the code

// Do 10 physics iterations per frame - this allows smaller physics steps
		// giving rise to more accurate and controllable calculations
		for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++)
...some code using fElapsedTime

I think the fElapsedTime should change according to the iteration step

int nPhysicsStep=10;
float newStepTime=fElapsedTime/(float)nPhysicsStep;
for(int z=0;z<nPhysicsStep;z++)
...code here now using newStepTime

so change the time will not affect the speed of the object and will remain constant and the calculation will be more accurate for smaller deltaTime

in the original code the only way to return to AI_ASSESS_ENVIRONMENT is in the fire mode and have to meet fireEnergy >requireEnergy condition so if something bad happen(like the AI cant turn the aim in time for animation purpose) then the next cycle AI will not correctly do as the AI logic intended.To assure the behave correct I think could change the code in GS_CAMERA_MODE

// Lock controls if AI team is currently playing	
					if (nCurrentTeam == 0) // Player Team
						bEnablePlayerControl = true;	// Swap these around for complete AI battle
						bEnableComputerControl = false;
					else // AI Team
						bEnablePlayerControl = false;
						bEnableComputerControl = true;
                                        nAIState = AI_ASSESS_ENVIRONMENT;//《《---add this line because the AI logic is written after game state logic
                                       nAINextState = AI_ASSESS_ENVIRONMENT;//《《---add this line

Reevaluate the license used or be more explicit about it?

I noticed a recent discussion about code used without crediting you. Following the story, I checked the source code and the license and noticed that it's either unknowingly or unintentionally sending conflicting messages.

For example in the file olcConsoleGameEngine.h you mention:

Ultimately I don't care what you use this for. It's intended to be
educational, and perhaps to the oddly minded - a little bit of fun.
Please hack this, change it and use it in any way you see fit. You acknowledge
that I am not responsible for anything bad that happens as a result of
your actions. However this code is protected by GNU GPLv3, see the license in the
github repo. This means you must attribute me if you use it. You can view this
license here:

But GPLv3 and "do what ever you want as long as you credit me" just don't go together.

Anyone who uses GPLv3 code (e.g. any code from this repository) is required to publish their own code, that uses the GPLv3 licensed code, under GPLv3 as well.

But by telling people that you don't care (as long as they credit you), you're promising them a different license. Given that your English text is easier to understand than the pages long GPLv3 lawyer text, people will generally of course follow what you said and not what GPLv3 requires.

Like I said, I assume you probably didn't realize the full extend of GPLv3 either, as such, my suggestion would be to pick a license that actually represents what you're telling people.

Personally, I like to release my work into the public domain, but I understand that's not what everyone wants. Widely used license, but maybe a bit too open for your taste, are MIT or BSD 3. One that might fit your setup even better is the Apache 2.0 license, which requires people to also disclose changes.

Alternatively, if you know the implications of GPLv3, I think it's only fair to everyone, that you don't tell them, that they can do whatever, but instead tell them exactly what the license requires.

Just to be clear, I think everyone should be allowed to require being credited. I just find it unfair, to make videos, showing off code, telling people that it's educational and they can use it for whatever the want and then putting it under GPLv3, which has massive restrictions bound to it. 😉

axis.obj has X axis/bar on negative X axis?

Thanks a lot for your videos.

I'm using them to experiment with some things in 3D.

One question I have is whether the axis.obj is the correct orientation?

It appears to me like the X bar and X symbol are on the negative X axis rather than the positive X axis.

Is this correct? If so, why was it done this way?

I would think that each axis bar and symbol should be on the positive axis for that direction.

If not, what am I missing?

If so, could it be re-drawn/modeled with the X axis on the positive X axis?

The main reason I mention it is because it caused me a lot of confusion when I was trying to debug my 3D routines, the numbers kept coming out opposite or negative to what I thought they should, until I realized that the model was drawn that way.

I don't know any way to fix it other than to re-do the model.

Maybe I'll try importing it into Blender and re-working it.


Non-circular Spline - looks strange or I don't get it :)
Looks like this would give me the point at index 1 when I ask for index 0 and
looks like it gives me the gradient at index 1 instead of index 0.

Some thoughts:
in GetSplinePoint one could return the first control point if t==0 but I guess there simply is no gradient at the start of the spline?!

Easier to use SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx

Big Fan! But...
In ConcstructConsole(...) you jump through a lot of unnecessary hoops (as per your 2017 update notes).
It is much easier to:

  • use GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx
  • modify the resulting CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX dwSize, dwMaximumWindowSize and, srWindow
  • use SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx


No worrying about the order of things and shrinking to zero size etc.

Atomic initialization error

MinGW 4.9.1 (rather old, but it's on the Qt-wiki) has the following error: (explanation?)

olcConsoleGameEngine.h:889:52: error: use of deleted function 'std::atomic<bool>::atomic(conststd::atomic<bool>&)'
 atomic<bool> olcConsoleGameEngine::m_bAtomActive = false;

With the following fix at olcConsoleGameEngine.h#L889:

- atomic<bool> olcConsoleGameEngine::m_bAtomActive = false;
+ atomic<bool> olcConsoleGameEngine::m_bAtomActive(false);

PS: While at it I tested the newer mingw-64 5.0.3 in case it complained of the same thing. It complained of many things, so I deleted it. Happy ending.

olcConsoleGameEngine.h - ERROR: Screen Height / Font Height Too Big

I am having - ERROR: Screen Height / Font Height Too Big - when running my game ( which is based on olcRolePlayingGame )

Here is the code

int main()
Game game;
if (game.ConstructConsole(256, 240, 4, 4))
return 0;


here is the result in Microsoft Visual Studio Debug Console


ERROR: Screen Height / Font Height Too Big
The operation completed successfully.

C:\Dev\C++\Game\Debug\Game.exe (process 6392) exited with code 0.
To automatically close the console when debugging stops, enable Tools->Options->Debugging->Automatically close the console when debugging stops.
Press any key to close this window . . .


olcEngine3D_Part3 and Part4, unused variable calculating distance to plane

When calculating the distance from the point to the plane, the variable n below is never used, and instead the original point p is used.

    // Return signed shortest distance from point to plane, plane normal must be normalised
    auto dist = [&](vec3d &p)
        vec3d n = Vector_Normalise(p);
        return (plane_n.x * p.x + plane_n.y * p.y + plane_n.z * p.z - Vector_DotProduct(plane_n, plane_p));

Should the fix be to use n instead of p,

    // Return signed shortest distance from point to plane, plane normal must be normalised
    auto dist = [&](vec3d &p)
        vec3d n = Vector_Normalise(p);
        return (plane_n.x * n.x + plane_n.y * n.y + plane_n.z * n.z - Vector_DotProduct(plane_n, plane_p));

or remove n altogether?

    // Return signed shortest distance from point to plane, plane normal must be normalised
    auto dist = [&](vec3d &p)
        return (plane_n.x * p.x + plane_n.y * p.y + plane_n.z * p.z - Vector_DotProduct(plane_n, plane_p));

Also - huge thanks for your videos! I found this series particularly interesting, i really enjoyed it :)

PathFinding_AStar and VK codes

great job with the examples. I will definitely suggest your videos to my students.

In order to make the OneLoneCoder_PathFinding_AStar.cpp compile on linux, besides changing the include directive to include olcConsoleGameEngineSDL.h instead of olcConsoleGameEngine.h, I also had to change VK_SHIFT and VK_CONTROL to VK_LSHIFT and VK_LCONTROL. This because the first two are not defined in olcConsoleGameEngineSDL.h, and there does not seem to exist scancodes in SDL that can be mapped directly to them.

I know this is restrictive because the user can only press the left keys, but would you consider the change to make the code more portable?

Thank you

Console size not working properly when using pixels of size 1

Hey David,

I'm having some issues when using the olcConsoleGameEngine.h with pixel size (font size) of 1. For some reason, when I do this:

test.ConstructConsole(240, 240, 1, 1)

The window created is distorted, not a square (something like 240x480 or something like that, much taller than wider). For other pixel sizes such as:

test.ConstructConsole(240, 240, 2, 2)

It works fine.

Any idea on what is causing this? Am I missing some command prompt configuration that is required for the console engine to work properly on a 1:1 pixel scale?

I'm running VS Community 2017 and Windows 10 1809.


VS2017 access violation error

Using the latest version of the Header file,
I've tried the code given in the video : (Absolute Beginners Guide To "olcConsoleGameEngine.h")

Here's the error message I get at runtime:

Exception thrown: write access violation. this->m_bufScreen was 0x1110112.

The line that gives the error is the last one here:

virtual void Draw(int x, int y, short c = 0x2588, short col = `0x000F)

		if (x >= 0 && x < m_nScreenWidth && y >= 0 && y < m_nScreenHeight)
			m_bufScreen[y * m_nScreenWidth + x].Char.UnicodeChar = c;

Note: I have already changed the Project settings to UNICODE.

onUserSoundSample bug at 127 seconds after start

On Windows 10 x64, I've been getting a bug where the frequency passed from onUserSoundSample is a lower frequency I expect.
In order to reproduce this, the following should create a constant, 440hz sine wave for the first 127 seconds from the start. Afterwards, the pitch should lower:

virtual float onUserSoundSample(int nChannel, float fGlobalTime, float fTimeStep) {
    return sinf(440.0f * 2.0f * 3.14159f * fGlobalTime);

ConsoleGameEngine with NetBeans = Several errors

I'm trying to use the ConsoleGameEngine with NetBeans (on Windows 10).

For those who wonder why:

  1. I gave up VS 2017 Community edition, I don't want to sign up anywhere.
  2. I also gave up using VS Code, it doesn't properly give me a debug environment (even the console doesn't show).

First problem, as expected, was to set UNICODE (UTF-8), and I couldn't do it properly, although I tried a few solutions that I came across on the Web.

I guess that:

  1. my include files (related to windows) are problematic,
  2. I couldn't set Unicode properly.

Here's the console error logs:

g++ -std=gnu++11 -c -g -MMD -MP -MF "build/Debug/Cygwin-Windows/ConsoleApplication1.o.d" -o build/Debug/Cygwin-Windows/ConsoleApplication1.o ConsoleApplication1.cpp
In file included from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:0:
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:127:2: error: #error Please enable UNICODE for your compiler! VS: Project Properties -> General -> Character Set -> Use Unicode. Thanks! - Javidx9
#error Please enable UNICODE for your compiler! VS: Project Properties -> General ->
In file included from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:0:
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In member function 'bool olcSprite::Save(std::wstring)':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:280:37: error: '_wfopen_s' was not declared in this scope
_wfopen_s(&f, sFile.c_str(), L"wb");
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In member function 'bool olcSprite::Load(std::wstring)':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:302:37: error: '_wfopen_s' was not declared in this scope
_wfopen_s(&f, sFile.c_str(), L"rb");
In file included from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:0:
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: At global scope:
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1329:43: error: use of deleted function 'std::atomic::atomic(const std::atomic&)'
std::atomic m_bAudioThreadActive = false;
In file included from olcConsoleGameEngine.h:138:0,
from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/include/c++/atomic:66:5: note: declared here
atomic(const atomic&) = delete;
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/include/c++/atomic:70:15: note: after user-defined conversion: constexpr std::atomic::atomic(bool)
constexpr atomic(bool __i) noexcept : _M_base(__i) { }
In file included from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:0:
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1330:43: error: use of deleted function 'std::atomic::atomic(const std::atomic&)'
std::atomic m_nBlockFree = 0;
In file included from olcConsoleGameEngine.h:138:0,
from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/include/c++/atomic:631:7: note: declared here
atomic(const atomic&) = delete;
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/include/c++/atomic:635:17: note: after user-defined conversion: constexpr std::atomic::atomic(std::atomic::__integral_type)
constexpr atomic(__integral_type __i) noexcept : __base_type(__i) { }
In file included from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:0:
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1333:37: error: use of deleted function 'std::atomic<_Tp>::atomic(const std::atomic<_Tp>&) [with _Tp = float]'
std::atomic m_fGlobalTime = 0.0f;
In file included from olcConsoleGameEngine.h:138:0,
from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/include/c++/atomic:187:7: note: declared here
atomic(const atomic&) = delete;
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/include/c++/atomic:191:17: note: after user-defined conversion: constexpr std::atomic<_Tp>::atomic(_Tp) [with _Tp = float]
constexpr atomic(_Tp __i) noexcept : _M_i(__i) { }
In file included from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:0:
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In member function 'int olcConsoleGameEngine::ConstructConsole(int, int, int, int)':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:399:37: error: 'wcscpy_s' was not declared in this scope
wcscpy_s(cfi.FaceName, L"Consolas");
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:414:48: warning: narrowing conversion of '(((int)((short int)((olcConsoleGameEngine*)this)->olcConsoleGameEngine::m_nScreenWidth)) + -1)' from 'int' to 'SHORT {aka short int}' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
m_rectWindow = { 0, 0, (short)m_nScreenWidth - 1, (short)m_nScreenHeight - 1 };
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:414:76: warning: narrowing conversion of '(((int)((short int)((olcConsoleGameEngine*)this)->olcConsoleGameEngine::m_nScreenHeight)) + -1)' from 'int' to 'SHORT {aka short int}' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
m_rectWindow = { 0, 0, (short)m_nScreenWidth - 1, (short)m_nScreenHeight - 1 };
In file included from ConsoleApplication1.cpp:5:0:
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In member function 'void olcConsoleGameEngine::DrawWireFrameModel(const std::vector<std::pair<float, float> >&, float, float, float, float, short int, short int)':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:765:78: error: 'cosf' was not declared in this scope
vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first = vecModelCoordinates[i].first * cosf(r) - vecModelCoordinates[i].second * sinf(r);
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:765:120: error: 'sinf' was not declared in this scope
vecTransformedCoordinates[i].first = vecModelCoordinates[i].first * cosf(r) - vecModelCoordinates[i].second * sinf(r);
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In member function 'void olcConsoleGameEngine::GameThread()':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:954:124: error: 'swprintf_s' was not declared in this scope
swprintf_s(s, 256, L" - Console Game Engine - %s - FPS: %3.2f", m_sAppName.c_str(), 1.0f / fElapsedTime);
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:955:22: error: cannot convert 'wchar_t*' to 'LPCSTR {aka const char*}' for argument '1' to 'WINBOOL SetConsoleTitleA(LPCSTR)'
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In constructor 'olcConsoleGameEngine::olcAudioSample::olcAudioSample(std::wstring)':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1004:41: error: '_wfopen_s' was not declared in this scope
_wfopen_s(&f, sWavFile.c_str(), L"rb");
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In static member function 'static void olcConsoleGameEngine::waveOutProcWrap(HWAVEOUT, UINT, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD)':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1196:27: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast]
((olcConsoleGameEngine*)dwInstance)->waveOutProc(hWaveOut, uMsg, dwParam1, dwParam2);
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In member function 'void olcConsoleGameEngine::AudioThread()':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1209:59: error: 'pow' was not declared in this scope
short nMaxSample = (short)pow(2, (sizeof(short) * 8) - 1) - 1;
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In lambda function:
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1236:31: error: 'fmin' was not declared in this scope
return fmin(fSample, fMax);
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1238:32: error: 'fmax' was not declared in this scope
return fmax(fSample, -fMax);
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In member function 'void olcConsoleGameEngine::AudioThread()':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1246:84: error: invalid operands of types 'void' and 'float' to binary 'operator*'
nNewSample = (short)(clip(GetMixerOutput(c, m_fGlobalTime, fTimeStep), 1.0) * fMaxSample);
olcConsoleGameEngine.h: In member function 'int olcConsoleGameEngine::Error(const wchar_t*)':
olcConsoleGameEngine.h:1362:124: error: cannot convert 'wchar_t*' to 'LPSTR {aka char*}' for argument '5' to 'DWORD FormatMessageA(DWORD, LPCVOID, DWORD, DWORD, LPSTR, DWORD, char**)'
make[2]: *** [nbproject/ build/Debug/Cygwin-Windows/ConsoleApplication1.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/Projects/ConsoleGameEngine'
make[1]: *** [nbproject/ .build-conf] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/Projects/ConsoleGameEngine'
make: *** [nbproject/ .build-impl] Error 2

BUİLD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 3s)

Library unusuable in Linux

Tried using your library on my Linux machine and it fell flat because of the "windows.h" library. I do not own a Windows machine and don't intend to get one.

Wrong piece counting in Tetris

Update difficulty every 50 pieces - says the comment but actually in the code we update this value every one forcing down, not every locking. I think we should increment this value (nPieceCount) when we're taking a new piece.

Issues when using olcConsoleGameEngine.h with multiple translation units

In olcConsoleGameEngine.h there are a few global/static variables

// Define our static variables
std::atomic<bool> olcConsoleGameEngine::m_bAtomActive(false);
std::condition_variable olcConsoleGameEngine::m_cvGameFinished;
std::mutex olcConsoleGameEngine::m_muxGame;

If you try and include olcConsoleGameEngine.h in multiple translations units these will cause linker errors.
Apparently this means you should be using olcConsoleGameEngineOOP.h but just by getting the linker error it is hard to realise that you should be using a different library instead and in the comment in olcConsoleGameEngine.h there is no mention of olcConsoleGameEngineOOP.h

This should be documented in the source code since it's easy for beginners to not understand what is going on with those linker errors.

Tetris if(bForceDown)

I've been following along first in your 04/03/17 youtube video and now in the revised version here and I found that line 193 as written causes my tetrominos to cease falling after the first jolt, and though the key inputs all still work, the pieces don't stick to the bottom. I made one change, to if (!bForceDown), as you have it in your video, and it worked fine.

Thank you very much for this tutorial. I learned quite a bit just following along and I appreciate that.

ERROR: SCREEN Height / Font Height Too Big


When running your exact code using Console App interface on Vs 2019 Community (checked on VS 2017 C too, same) the window shrinks and shows nothing, I resized it and it showed "Press any key to close this window . . . ". After I used the slide too (there should be no slide?) It says:
"ERROR: Screen Height / Font Height Too Big
The operation completed successfully."

I also tried to resize the pixels sizes within the ConstructConsole, nothing's changed.
It seems that the window isn't even constructed because non of the title nor the frames show as in the video, the title on my window is: "Mircosoft Visual Studio Debug Console" and not the title I typed/want.
Any help?


Basically what you need to do is, lessen the the size of the window or the pixels to numbers that works for you.

	olcEngine3D demo;
	if (demo.ConstructConsole(117, 117, 5, 5)) //Those are the exact numbers that works on my screen

Exception Thrown During Debug

Exception thrown: write access violation.
this->m_bufScreen was 0x1110112. occurred

^^I assume something is wrong with the parameters of drawing the screen but I do not know. Any help is appreciated.

a errata of perlin noise tutorial

when sampling the coordinate of the Noise Seed the code should change from

int nSampleX2 = (nSampleX1 + nPitch) % nWidth;		
int nSampleY2 = (nSampleY1 + nPitch) % nWidth;


int nSampleX2 = (nSampleX1 + nPitch) % nWidth;		
int nSampleY2 = (nSampleY1 + nPitch) % nHeight;

to avoid Noise Seed to go out of the boundary if nWidth >nHeight

Escapi.h file not found.

Nothing to do with the pixel engine, this is for running the olcConsoleEngine code for the video section.

When trying to run any of the cpp source files that contain a #include "escapi.h".

Where is this file?

Expectiones unhandeled

i have this problem while running the perlin noise but the problem generates from the olcconsolegameengin header file

m_bufScreen is null, causing write access violation


I'm just starting through your YouTube videos and I'm running into the following error when trying to follow "Absolute Beginners Guide to olcConsoleGameEngine.h"


I'm using VS2019 and just added olcConsoleGameEngine.h and FlappyBird into a new solution, tried, to run it, and I hit that. I also hit that whenever I'm trying to add my own code or if I jump down to VS2015.

Any help would be appreciated!

File stream leaking

You returned without closing the file stream.

    bool Save(std::wstring sFile)
  	FILE *f = nullptr;
  	_wfopen_s(&f, sFile.c_str(), L"wb");

  	//if (f == nullptr)
  	//	return false;
                      return false;

  	fwrite(&nWidth, sizeof(int), 1, f);
  	fwrite(&nHeight, sizeof(int), 1, f);
  	fwrite(m_Colours, sizeof(short), nWidth * nHeight, f);
  	fwrite(m_Glyphs, sizeof(short), nWidth * nHeight, f);


  	return true;

  bool Load(std::wstring sFile)
  	delete[] m_Glyphs;
  	delete[] m_Colours;
  	nWidth = 0;
  	nHeight = 0;

  	FILE *f = nullptr;
  	_wfopen_s(&f, sFile.c_str(), L"rb");
  	//if (f == nullptr)
  	//	return false;
                      return false;

  	std::fread(&nWidth, sizeof(int), 1, f);
  	std::fread(&nHeight, sizeof(int), 1, f);

  	Create(nWidth, nHeight);

  	std::fread(m_Colours, sizeof(short), nWidth * nHeight, f);
  	std::fread(m_Glyphs, sizeof(short), nWidth * nHeight, f);

  	return true;

RGB LUT implementation(Update)

UPDATED: increase performance for searching color.
That lodepng.h is for loading png file for testing ,I'm suck at those stuff..
because my computer don't work well with the console game engine (10fps,wrong font size and so on..)
so I don't know whether it's good or not.
my test result
here's some explaination


std::vector<unsigned char> vecPng;
unsigned  imageWidth, imageHeight;

class testConsole :public olcConsoleGameEngine
	virtual bool OnUserCreate()
		pngWidth = imageWidth;
		pngHeight = imageHeight;
		dither = new  RGB[sizeof(RGB)*pngWidth*pngHeight * 3];

		memset(dither, 0, sizeof(RGB)*pngWidth*pngHeight * 3);
		for (int f = 0; f < 16; ++f)
			for (int b = 0; b < 16; ++b)
				for (int p = 0; p < 4; ++p)
					ccbToRGB.push_back({ {f,b,p} ,ColorTable[f] * percent[p] + ColorTable[b] * (1 - percent[p]) });

		//delete  duplicate color
		for (auto i = ccbToRGB.begin(); i != ccbToRGB.end();)
			CTR::iterator next = i + 1;
			while (next != ccbToRGB.end())
				if (i->second == next->second)
					next = ccbToRGB.erase(next);
			if (i != ccbToRGB.end())++i;

		int n = 0;
		for (auto a : ccbToRGB)
			int r = a.second.r, b = a.second.b, g = a.second.g;
			_3DTABLE[r / 32][g / 32][b / 32].push_back(a);
		for (int _x = 0; _x < pngWidth; ++_x)
			for (int _y = 0; _y < pngHeight; ++_y)
				int pngIndex = (_y*pngWidth + _x);
				//how to find a color
				RGB color = { vecPng[pngIndex * 4 + 0],vecPng[pngIndex * 4 + 1],vecPng[pngIndex * 4 + 2] };
				color = color + dither[pngIndex];
				int foundr, foundg, foundb;
				// first find the cube surround it
				int l = 8192;
				size_t index = 0;
				for (int x = -1; x <= 1; ++x)
					for (int y = -1; y <= 1; ++y)
						for (int z = -1; z <= 1; ++z)
							int xr = color.r / 32 + x, yg = y + color.g / 32, zb = z + color.b / 32;
							if (xr >= 0 && xr <= 8 && yg >= 0 && yg <= 8 && zb >= 0 && zb <= 8)
								int  the_index = 0;
								for (auto i : _3DTABLE[xr][yg][zb])
									int newl = (i.second - color).sqr();
									if (newl < l)
										l = newl;
										index = the_index;
										foundr = xr;
										foundg = yg;
										foundb = zb;

				//maximum distance will not bigger than the cubic diagonal 
				CCB ccb = _3DTABLE[foundr][foundg][foundb][index].first;
				RGB error = color -_3DTABLE[foundr][foundg][foundb][index].second;// use for error diffusion, totally up to you
				if (_x + 1 < pngWidth)
					dither[_y*pngWidth + _x + 1] = error * (7.0f / 16.0f);
				if (_y + 1 < pngHeight)
					if (_x - 1 >= 0)
						dither[(_y + 1)*pngWidth + _x - 1] = error * (3.0f / 16.0f);
					dither[(_y + 1)*pngWidth + _x] = error * (5.0f / 16.0f);
					if (_x + 1 < pngWidth)
						dither[(_y + 1)*pngWidth + _x + 1] = error * (1.0f / 16.0f);
				Draw(_x, _y, pixelP[ccb.p], ccb.f | (ccb.b << 4));


		return true;

	virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float _fDeltaTime)
		return true;

	struct RGB
		int r;
		int g;
		int b;
		RGB operator+(RGB _t)
			return { r + _t.r,g + _t.g,b + _t.b };
		RGB operator-(RGB _t)
			return { r - _t.r,g - _t.g,b - _t.b };
		RGB operator*(float _f)
			return { (int)((float)r*_f),(int)((float)g*_f),(int)((float)b*_f) };
		bool operator==(RGB _t)
			return  r == _t.r&&g == _t.g&&b == _t.b;
		int sqr()
			return r * r + g * g + b * b;
		void clip()
			if (r < 0) r = 0;
			if (r > 256) r = 256;
			if (g < 0) g = 0;
			if (g > 256) g = 256;
			if (b < 0) b = 0;
			if (b > 256) b = 256;
	//console color block
	struct CCB
		//foreground color
		int f;
		//background color
		int b;
		//block type
		int p;
	RGB ColorTable[16] =
	typedef std::vector<std::pair<CCB, RGB>> CTR;
	std::vector<std::pair<CCB, RGB>> ccbToRGB;
	CTR _3DTABLE[9][9][9];
	float percent[4] = { 1,0.75,0.5,0.25 };
	RGB *dither;
	unsigned pngWidth, pngHeight;
int main()
	const char* filename = "C:/test_PNG/van_gogh.png";
	//const char* filename = "C:/test_PNG/mario2.png";
	//const char* filename = "C:/test_PNG/olc.png";
	unsigned error = lodepng::decode(vecPng, imageWidth, imageHeight, filename);
	if (error) {
		std::cout << "decoder error " << error << ": " << lodepng_error_text(error) << std::endl;
		return false;
	testConsole test;
	test.ConstructConsole(imageWidth, imageHeight, 4, 4);
	//	test.ConstructConsole(100, 100, 8, 8);

	return 0;

Strange behaviour with console under a certain size.

The Console Game Engine is great for quick prototyping, however, I noticed that in visual studio 2017, when I create a console whose title does not show the FPS counter, any operation to the console itself is sluggish and creates a ghost of a cursor until the operation is completed. This was reproduces many times with a console of size 50,50 and font 10,10. The solution I encountered was to increase the width of the console itself which alleviates the problem immediately.

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