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depressurizer's Issues

[feature request]unset old catagories

i'm hoping for a way to unset catagories after they are no longer valid. i had catagories for ratings set for ever 10% rating. and then i noticed i had alot in 90 so i made that only valid to 94 instead of 99 and made one from 95-99 but all the ones that were set to 90 before are still set to 90 and now also any that are 95+ are in that too.

Feature request: ratings

How about ratings? "92 % gave a positive review" would translate to "92 %", maybe also include votes in a separate column.

Database is out of date

Hasn't been updated in 5 months, and many games have been released since then. The auto categories are not working properly because of this.

Updating from Local files Unexpected character

Error updating from local files:
Unexpected character '7' found when expecting key.

Pretty much says what it does.

When I open depressurizer it gives me that error.

Here is the log btw 💠

14:28:36.558735 - ERR: Exception when performing local update.
Depressurizer.ParseException: Unexpected character '7' found when expecting key.
at Depressurizer.VdfFileNode.LoadFromBinary(BinaryReader stream, Int64 streamLength)
at Depressurizer.VdfFileNode.LoadFromBinary(BinaryReader stream, Int64 streamLength)
at Depressurizer.VdfFileNode.LoadFromBinary(BinaryReader stream, Int64 streamLength)
at Depressurizer.PackageInfo.LoadPackages(String path)
at Depressurizer.GameList.UpdateGameListFromOwnedPackageInfo(Int64 accountId, SortedSet`1 ignored, AppTypes includedTypes, Int32& newApps)
at Depressurizer.FormMain.UpdateLibrary()

Auto-Categorize by number of players

Steam uses

  • Single-player
  • Multi-player
  • Cross-Platform Multiplayer
  • Co-op
  • Local Co-op

as a way to narrow searches down in the store. These would be useful for auto-categorization purposes.

Crash upon pressing empty space in advanced categories tab

This is the error message it provides
NullReferenceException: Objektreferensen har inte angetts till en instans av ett objekt.
vid Depressurizer.FormMain.HandleAdvancedCategoryItemActivation(ListViewItem i, Boolean reverse, Boolean updateView)
vid Depressurizer.FormMain.lstCategories_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
vid System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
vid System.Windows.Forms.ListView.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
vid System.Windows.Forms.ListView.WndProc(Message& m)
vid System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
vid System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
vid System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Display Store Scrape Info in Columns

Basically, I'd love to see the tags and genre info for each game but I don't want them to directly affect my categories like the autocat does.

Improve game filtering options

Currently, the program can only show all games that are in a particular category.

Provide an "advanced" category selector that allows categories to be:

  • Included: games with at least one of these may show up in the game list.
  • Required: games must be in all of these in order to show up in the game list.
  • Excluded: games in these categories will not show up in the games list.

The old category selector will remain in place, the advanced one would simply be a non-default option.

Sync changes to other computers?

I set up categories on one computer. but the changes are not showing up on my other computer. Do i need to do something else to make it sync the changes back up to the server?

Error in the log

19:05:17.693869 - ERR: Error opening Steam config file: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\userdata\85729560\760\screenshots.vdf'.
File name: 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\userdata\85729560\760\screenshots.vdf'
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks)
at Depressurizer.GameList.LoadShortcutLaunchIds(Int64 SteamId, StringDictionary& shortcutLaunchIds)

It still works fine though.

Feature/Idea: Automated Auto-Categorization

first of all, thanks for making this wonderful software, i've been using it for years and it's been really helpful with managing my steam library.

i propose a feature to automate a bit of Depressurizer.
the idea goes as follows:

  • launching depressurized with a command line argument (like -auto, for example).
    what it would do:
  • start and look for a user-defined auto-categorization preset. (by achievements, flags, genres, etc)
  • backup, auto-categorize using the preset and apply/export settings
  • close itself and launch steam in regular or big picture mode.

i hope you guys like the idea. :)

How to create a category for "Co-op" games ?

The coop identifier exists in the steam store, I would really want to have a Co-op category because sometimes me and my friends are trying to choose the next game to play and having a list to choose from would be very useful.

Allow creation of exclusive category sets

Sets of categories where adding a game to one category would remove it from all the others in the set. Could be used for a set like ["Finished"/"Unfinished"] where it doesn't make sense to have a game in both.

Autocategorize based on Steam store tags

Method would be to create a list of tags, sorted by popularity, with the more popular tags first. The user would then select the tags they wanted applied as categories from a list. The ones that they are more likely to want to use would be found close to the beginning of this list.

Tags that match store genre names could optionally be filtered out to avoid clutter at the top of the list.

Single Category Mode will assign multiple categories

When using the auto-category mode there appears to be no difference if single-category mode is enabled or disabled, and games will get the same categories either way. (i.e. Dark Souls II will be categorized as both action and rpg, which is more than a single category)

AutoCat by platform?

It would be useful if it was possible to categorize by supported platform (Win\OSX\Linux)

Games not being assigned categories

I have over 500 games, the summer sale pushing me over 500 only recently, and as soon as I hit over 500 I have about 98 games that have had their categories erased in the steam client. When I open depressurizer they are all still categorized. I use the Store Tags option most often and the other Auto-Cat options don't work either.

[Feature Request] Ability To Re-Name Default Categories

My apologies if this exists but I haven't figured it out yet...

The ability to be able to set custom names for the categories (pulled from Steam) would help tremendously! Why? Because currently Steam will list your categories alphabetically by name, the issue with that is I may want to list some categories higher than others (like my "Play ASAP" category or the "Co-Op" category) so to get around this I currently assign prefixes to the categories, like 01 Play Asap, 02 Co-Op etc. so that then the categories are listed in the order I wish them to appear...

Secondly, would it be possible to add multiple genres to a custom category? For example, I like to group Action and Adventure games into an Action-Adventure category, so an option to specify that ANY games that match the tag "Action" and "Adventure" will be instead added to the "Action-Adventure" category rather than their separate categories (optional).

Thanks in advance!

Extra Users?

I am setting this up for the first time, and it all ran smoothly, except in "Select User," it found two accounts. Mine, and someone named Plon. I have no idea who this is, or why the profile would be found on my machine. Literally not a single other person has ever used this machine. And not a single other person in the network has ever used Steam, either.

I can just choose my "real" account, which is listed, but I am more concerned at figuring out why this other profile is on my machine than just ignoring it.

Program crashes when anything entered into "Search" field

Program version:

A fatal error has occurred in Depressurizer. The program will now terminate.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Depressurizer.FormMain.ShouldDisplayGame(GameInfo g)
at Depressurizer.FormMain.ShouldHideGame(GameInfo g)
at System.Collections.Generic.List1.RemoveAll(Predicate1 match)
at Depressurizer.FormMain.UpdateGameList()
at Depressurizer.FormMain.txtSearch_TextChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.WmReflectCommand(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Just in case here is my prefs and library:

Add Friend Categories

Currently there is no way to create a category for games in common with friends. Would there be a way to add something like (create "X" category of games that are "Coop", In Common With "James952", and are "Open World and Sci-Fi")? Sorry if this does not go here, I did not know where else to put it.

Conditional (auto)categorization

Option would allow a user to set simple OR/AND/AND NOT conditions based on categories of a game. This would allow the user to set up more useful categories.

a) Category: Multiplayer only; Condition: Multiplayer AND NOT Singleplayer (means all games that have only the first category and not the second one)
b) Category: Indie RPG; Condition: Indie AND RPG (means all games that have both categories)
c) Category: Causal/Family; Condition: Causal OR Family (means all games that have one of the two categories)

This should also work with combinations of categories and flags of a specific game.

[bug] rename category not assigning games to renamed category

The rename category command isn't reassigning the games to the new category. It appears to delete the old category and create a new one, but any games in the deleted category are not automatically assigned to the new one so the renamed category ends up being empty.

Stabilize column sorting in main window

Example: With significant number of games / categories, go to and sort by title, and then sort by category.

Actual Result: The games are sorted by categories, but appear to be randomly shuffled on all other columns.

Desired Result: The game are sorted by category, then title, as would happen in excel with a two paramater sort, or in many other data-list-with-column widgets like this.

Filter game list for (manual) categorization

Option would allow the user to filter the displayed game list with a simple text input box based on the game title (like it's possible in the steam library).

Filter: "Beta"
Results displayed:
Left 4 Dead 2 Beta
Nexuiz Beta
Rising Storm Beta

In the next step this could also be used as a condition for auto categorization and could then be even more useful for the user.

Age check not passed

I tried updating the whole database from the steam store, but not one age check could be passed by Depressurizer. I've changed the log levels for the relevant errors to warning and had the following messages in the log (not complete, I've omitted most of them as they only differ in the app id):

23:24:17.671645 - WARN: Scraping 6900: Age check with no redirect
23:24:25.034196 - WARN: Scraping 8850: Age check with no redirect
23:24:26.207455 - WARN: Scraping 8870: Age check with no redirect
23:24:42.072053 - WARN: Scraping 21100: Age check with no redirect
23:24:44.355445 - WARN: Scraping 22380: Age check with no redirect
23:24:54.931404 - WARN: Scraping 39150: Age check with no redirect
23:25:03.095754 - WARN: Scraping 42160: Age check with no redirect
23:25:05.391116 - WARN: Scraping 42680: Hit age check for id 115300
23:25:05.888164 - WARN: Scraping 42690: Hit age check for id 115300
23:25:07.266372 - WARN: Scraping 44340: Age check with no redirect
23:25:13.424449 - WARN: Scraping 49520: Age check with no redirect
23:25:13.681610 - WARN: Scraping 50130: Age check with no redirect
23:25:16.840184 - WARN: Scraping 50300: Age check with no redirect
23:25:18.937677 - WARN: Scraping 55230: Age check with no redirect
23:25:18.954690 - WARN: Scraping 65930: Age check with no redirect
23:25:20.548070 - WARN: Scraping 67370: Age check with no redirect
23:25:24.510713 - WARN: Scraping 72850: Age check with no redirect
23:25:26.124131 - WARN: Scraping 92000: Age check with no redirect

It seems like the "birthtime"-cookie is not enough to circumvent the age check.

Possible bug: Categories change randomly for some games when non-Steam games are included

If I have categories named "Collection 1" and "Collection 2", both including Steam and non-Steam games. Then:

  1. I close Steam.
  2. I do any change within Depressurised (even if it does not involve those 2 collections). Close the program (exporting to Steam).
  3. When I reopen Stem, the games are scrambled on the two collections: some of those from collection 1 are in collection 2 and vice versa.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Some games not auto-categorized

105430 - Age of Empires Online
42710 - Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer
232210 - Chivalry BETA
228200 - Company of Heroes (New Steam Edition)
28050 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
205790 - Dota 2 Test
212220 - Dungeon Fighter Online
203190 - Evolve [Closed Beta]
267110 - Kingdoms Rise Test
223530 - Left 4 Dead 2 Beta
47830 - Medal of Honor(TM) Multiplayer
43160 - Metro: Last Light
203850 - Microsoft Flight
222710 - Music Creator 6 Touch
36630 - Rusty Hearts
34270 - SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics
208610 - Skullgirls ∞Endless Beta∞
241070 - SONAR X3

I noticed that a lot of these are games that come with a base game, but do not have a store page for themselves. Some of these are also games that are not available on steam anymore, could you make them not show up in the list? Also some of these are beta versions of games, could those be categorized in their own category, along with the categories for the base game.

Auto-Categorise by 'steamDate' year

and also the ability to order/add column for that field.
Categories in descending order.

+ Favourites
- 2002
  Rampart 12
  Back to the Future EVO
+ 2001
+ 2000
+ 1998
+ Unknown

[Enhancement] Additional autocat types

  • Developer/Publisher data (self-explanatory)
  • Profile achievement status could allow achievement completion percentage groupings, eg. the user sets up something like [0,0], (0-10], (10-50], [50, 75], (75, 100] and can have their games placed into up to five progress-based categories
    • Additionally could have something like remaining achievements, with raw integer values, or user groupings of them
  • Size on disk, with a similar scheme as above, maybe allow usage of mega/giga suffixes so that it could look something like [0, 650M), [650M, 4.7G), [4.7G, 25G], (25G, -1) which could be useful for someone willing to backup the installation directories into whole disk media such as CD, DVD, Bluray.

Installed games not saving in manual categories

Depressurizer shows the games as I have set them up, with manual categories (i.e. Beaten, Want to Beat, Won't play, etc) and exports cleanly.

When Steam loads however, any games that are installed are not recognizing category set in depressurizer and are showing as uncategorized.

This was working until recently. Running v 0.6.

Flag scrapping not working

following Problem:
i try to sort the Games by Store Genre, but its simply not working anymore.
Its not respecting the settings, sometimes it only creates an Early Access Group.
After setting the stuff again, its not creating any new groups at all. I tried this with several setups and with different genres checked. Once it created all Groups but not the one for Action.
Dunno what happend to my installation. I did a complete reset by deleting all related files for a fresh new start but i still cant get it to work.

Further, some Games are not correctly scraped: i.e. Koi Koi Japan is not getting the Steam Achievements Flag for me.

Sort <uncategorized> games below everything else

This is how the Steam client sorts. Any categories are listed first. After all the tagged games are listed, anything left over is listed under "games". But when you sort by the "Categories" column in Depressurizer, is listed first.

Request: Portable installation option

I'm going around my system saving files because I'm about to reflash from my Win7 image, and I noticed Depressurizer stores its settings in AppData\Roaming\Depressurizer. Darn, another thing to backup when I do this.

If the user prefers, would you mind letting Depressurizer store its settings in its own folder? Keeps things neater for folks like me.

Thanks for the great tool.

Provide a method of updating the game list without relying on the Steam Community site

The information about which games a user owns can be found in local config files.

Parsing and combining information from several files within the Steam folder can provide a more accurate list than downloading the profile info, and can do it much more quickly.

This would also eliminate the requirement for the Steam profile to be public.

This would be sensitive to file format changes and other issues, so the current method would remain in place as a backup information source.

Different/Alternative approach on how games are sorted into groups?

After using depressurizer regularly its sadly still a hassle of keeping games sorted the way i want...
I think there could be a different approach of how the sorting into groups may be done.
My idea:
I want to set up a group and I want to check different flags/tags/etc of games that will show up in that group.
So all i have to do is set up a group called Hidden Object Games and add the Hidden Object flag to that group. After an update all new games that got that information will be put into that group automatically. There may be more flags/tags as requirements, or tags that exclude games.
What do you think about it?

AutoCat/Tag Option: Narrow by number of players

First I want to say thank you very much for all your hard work. My library definitely is far more sane than it was. That said I do need one last thing if you could and the main goal of seeking your application out in the first place.

Could you please add the ability to create separate categories for the following:

Narrow by number of players:
Cross-Platform Multiplayer
Local Co-op

For me my biggest gripe with my library is trying to figure out what I can actually play with someone, or even gift them for that purpose.

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Export and import of custom categories

This option would allow users to categorize games manually and export that sets to make it possible for other users to import them. This would also require a mode where the whole steam library could be categorized, not only the games the user owns.
Example of the content of exported data (simple text file):
Hidden Object Games; 32140; 208620; 208630; 208640; 218700; ...

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