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Bayesian haplotype-based genetic polymorphism discovery and genotyping.

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License: MIT License

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freebayes's Introduction

freebayes, a haplotype-based variant detector

user manual and guide

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freebayes is a Bayesian genetic variant detector designed to find small polymorphisms, specifically SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms), indels (insertions and deletions), MNPs (multi-nucleotide polymorphisms), and complex events (composite insertion and substitution events) smaller than the length of a short-read sequencing alignment.

freebayes is haplotype-based, in the sense that it calls variants based on the literal sequences of reads aligned to a particular target, not their precise alignment. This model is a straightforward generalization of previous ones (e.g. PolyBayes, samtools, GATK) which detect or report variants based on alignments. This method avoids one of the core problems with alignment-based variant detection--- that identical sequences may have multiple possible alignments:

freebayes uses short-read alignments (BAM files with Phred+33 encoded quality scores, now standard) for any number of individuals from a population and a reference genome (in FASTA format) to determine the most-likely combination of genotypes for the population at each position in the reference. It reports positions which it finds putatively polymorphic in variant call file (VCF) format. It can also use an input set of variants (VCF) as a source of prior information, and a copy number variant map (BED) to define non-uniform ploidy variation across the samples under analysis.

freebayes is maintained by Erik Garrison and Pjotr Prins. See also RELEASE-NOTES.

Citing freebayes

A preprint Haplotype-based variant detection from short-read sequencing provides an overview of the statistical models used in freebayes. We ask that you cite this paper if you use freebayes in work that leads to publication. This preprint is used for documentation and citation. freebayes was never submitted for review, but has been used in over 1000 publications.

Please use this citation format:

Garrison E, Marth G. Haplotype-based variant detection from short-read sequencing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.3907 [q-bio.GN] 2012

If possible, please also refer to the version number provided by freebayes when it is run without arguments or with the --help option.


freebayes is provided as a pre-built 64-bit static Linux binary as part of releases.

Debian and Conda packages should work too, see the badges at the top of this page.

To build freebayes from source check the development section below. It is important to get the full recursive git checkout and dependencies.


Please report any issues or questions to the freebayes mailing list. Report bugs on the freebayes issue tracker


In its simplest operation, freebayes requires only two inputs: a FASTA reference sequence, and a BAM-format alignment file sorted by reference position. For instance:

freebayes -f ref.fa aln.bam >var.vcf

... will produce a VCF file describing all SNPs, INDELs, and haplotype variants between the reference and aln.bam. The CRAM version is

freebayes -f ref.fa aln.cram >var.vcf

Multiple BAM files may be given for joint calling.

Typically, we might consider two additional parameters. GVCF output allows us to have coverage information about non-called sites, and we can enable it with --gvcf. For performance reasons we may want to skip regions of extremely high coverage in the reference using the --skip-coverage parameter or -g. These can greatly increase runtime but do not produce meaningful results. For instance, if we wanted to exclude regions of 1000X coverage, we would run:

freebayes -f ref.fa aln.bam --gvcf -g 1000 >var.vcf

For a description of available command-line options and their defaults, run:

freebayes --help


Call variants assuming a diploid sample:

freebayes -f ref.fa aln.bam >var.vcf

Call variants on only chrQ:

freebayes -f ref.fa -r chrQ aln.bam >var.vcf

Call variants on only chrQ, from position 1000 to 2000:

freebayes -f ref.fa -r chrQ:1000-2000 aln.bam >var.vcf

Require at least 5 supporting observations to consider a variant:

freebayes -f ref.fa -C 5 aln.bam >var.vcf

Skip over regions of high depth by discarding alignments overlapping positions where total read depth is greater than 200:

freebayes -f ref.fa -g 200 aln.bam >var.vcf

Use a different ploidy:

freebayes -f ref.fa -p 4 aln.bam >var.vcf

Assume a pooled sample with a known number of genome copies. Note that this means that each sample identified in the BAM file is assumed to have 32 genome copies. When running with high --ploidy settings, it may be required to set --use-best-n-alleles to a low number to limit memory usage.

freebayes -f ref.fa -p 32 --use-best-n-alleles 4 --pooled-discrete aln.bam >var.vcf

Generate frequency-based calls for all variants passing input thresholds. You'd do this in the case that you didn't know the number of samples in the pool.

freebayes -f ref.fa -F 0.01 -C 1 --pooled-continuous aln.bam >var.vcf

Use an input VCF (bgzipped + tabix indexed) to force calls at particular alleles:

freebayes -f ref.fa -@ in.vcf.gz aln.bam >var.vcf

Generate long haplotype calls over known variants:

freebayes -f ref.fa --haplotype-basis-alleles in.vcf.gz \
                    --haplotype-length 50 aln.bam

Naive variant calling: simply annotate observation counts of SNPs and indels:

freebayes -f ref.fa --haplotype-length 0 --min-alternate-count 1 \
    --min-alternate-fraction 0 --pooled-continuous --report-monomorphic >var.vcf


In general, freebayes can be parallelised by running multiple instances of freebayes on separate regions of the genome, and then concatenating the resulting output. The wrapper, freebayes-parallel will perform this, using GNU parallel.

Example freebayes-parallel operation (use 36 cores in this case):

freebayes-parallel <( ref.fa.fai 100000) 36 \
    -f ref.fa aln.bam > var.vcf

Note that any of the above examples can be made parallel by using the scripts/freebayes-parallel script. If you find freebayes to be slow, you should probably be running it in parallel using this script to run on a single host, or generating a series of scripts, one per region, and run them on a cluster. Be aware that the freebayes-parallel script contains calls to other programs using relative paths from the scripts subdirectory; the easiest way to ensure a successful run is to invoke the freebayes-parallel script from within the scripts subdirectory.

A current limitation of the freebayes-parallel wrapper, is that due to variance in job memory and runtimes, some cores can go unused for long periods, as they will not move onto the next job unless all cores in use have completed their respective genome chunk. This can be partly avoided by calculating coverage of the input bam file, and splitting the genome into regions of equal coverage using the script. An alternative script will determine target regions based on the data within multiple bam files, with the option of choosing a target data size. This is useful when submitting to Slurm and other cluster job managers, where use of resources needs to be controlled.

Alternatively, users may wish to parallelise freebayes within the workflow manager snakemake. As snakemake automatically dispatches jobs when a core becomes available, this avoids the above issue. An example .smk file, and associated conda environment recipe, can be found in the /examples directory.

Calling variants: from fastq to VCF

You've sequenced some samples. You have a reference genome or assembled set of contigs, and you'd like to determine reference-relative variants in your samples. You can use freebayes to detect the variants, following these steps:

  • Align your reads to a suitable reference (e.g. with bwa or MOSAIK)
  • Ensure your alignments have read groups attached so their sample may be identified by freebayes. Aligners allow you to do this, but you can also use bamaddrg to do so post-alignment.
  • Sort the alignments (e.g. sambamba sort).
  • Mark duplicates, for instance with sambamba markdup (if PCR was used in the preparation of your sequencing library)
  • Run freebayes on all your alignment data simultaneously, generating a VCF. The default settings should work for most use cases, but if your samples are not diploid, set the --ploidy and adjust the --min-alternate-fraction suitably.
  • Filter the output e.g. using reported QUAL and/or depth (DP) or observation count (AO).
  • Interpret your results.
  • (possibly, Iterate the variant detection process in response to insight gained from your interpretation)

freebayes emits a standard VCF 4.1 output stream. This format is designed for the probabilistic description of allelic variants within a population of samples, but it is equally suited to describing the probability of variation in a single sample.

Of primary interest to most users is the QUAL field, which estimates the probability that there is a polymorphism at the loci described by the record. In freebayes, this value can be understood as 1 - P(locus is homozygous given the data). It is recommended that users use this value to filter their results, rather than accepting anything output by freebayes as ground truth.

By default, records are output even if they have very low probability of variation, in expectation that the VCF will be filtered using tools such as vcffilter in vcflib, which is also included in the repository under vcflib/. For instance,

freebayes -f ref.fa aln.bam | vcffilter -f "QUAL > 20" >results.vcf

removes any sites with estimated probability of not being polymorphic less than phred 20 (aka 0.01), or probability of polymorphism > 0.99.

In simulation, the receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) tends to have a very sharp inflection between Q1 and Q30, depending on input data characteristics, and a filter setting in this range should provide decent performance. Users are encouraged to examine their output and both variants which are retained and those they filter out. Most problems tend to occur in low-depth areas, and so users may wish to remove these as well, which can also be done by filtering on the DP flag.

Calling variants in a population

freebayes is designed to be run on many individuals from the same population (e.g. many human individuals) simultaneously. The algorithm exploits a neutral model of allele diffusion to impute most-confident genotypings across the entire population. In practice, the discriminant power of the method will improve if you run multiple samples simultaneously. In other words, if your study has multiple individuals, you should run freebayes against them at the same time. This also ensures consistent reporting of information about evidence for all samples at any locus where any are apparently polymorphic.

To call variants in a population of samples, each alignment must have a read group identifier attached to it (RG tag), and the header of the BAM file in which it resides must map the RG tags to sample names (SM). Furthermore, read group IDs must be unique across all the files used in the analysis. One read group cannot map to multiple samples. The reason this is required is that freebayes operates on a virtually merged BAM stream provided by the BamTools API. If merging the files in your analysis using bamtools merge would generate a file in which multiple samples map to the same RG, the files are not suitable for use in population calling, and they must be modified.

Users may add RG tags to BAM files which were generated without this information by using (as mentioned in "Calling variants" above) bamaddrg. If you have many files corresponding to many individuals, add a unique read group and sample name to each, and then open them all simultaneously with freebayes. The VCF output will have one column per sample in the input.

Performance tuning

If you find freebayes to be slow, or use large amounts of memory, consider the following options:

  • Set --use-best-n-alleles 4: this will reduce the number of alleles that are considered, which will decrease runtime at the cost of sensitivity to lower-frequency alleles at multiallelic loci. Calculating site qualities requires O(samples*genotypes) runtime, and the number of genotypes is exponential in ploidy and the number of alleles that are considered, so this is very important when working with high ploidy samples (and also --pooled-discrete). By default, freebayes puts no limit on this.

  • Remove --genotype-qualities: calculating genotype qualities requires O(samples*genotypes) memory.

  • Set higher input thresholds. Require that N reads in one sample support an allele in order to consider it: --min-alternate-count N, or that the allele fraction in one sample is M: --min-alternate-fraction M. This will filter noisy alleles. The defaults, --min-alternate-count 2 --min-alternate-fraction 0.2, are most-suitable for diploid, moderate-to-high depth samples, and should be changed when working with different ploidy samples. Alternatively, --min-alternate-qsum can be used to set a specific quality sum, which may be more flexible than setting a hard count on the number of observations.

Observation filters and qualities

Input filters

By default, freebayes doesn't

freebayes may be configured to filter its input so as to ignore low-confidence alignments and alleles which are only supported by low-quality sequencing observations (see --min-mapping-quality and --min-base-quality). It also will only evaluate a position if at least one read has mapping quality of --min-supporting-mapping-quality and one allele has quality of at least --min-supporting-base-quality.

Reads with more than a fixed number of high-quality mismatches can be excluded by specifying --read-mismatch-limit. This is meant as a workaround when mapping quality estimates are not appropriately calibrated.

Reads marked as duplicates in the BAM file are ignored, but this can be disabled for testing purposes by providing --use-duplicate-reads. freebayes does not mark duplicates on its own, you must use another process to do this, such as that in sambamba.

Observation thresholds

As a guard against spurious variation caused by sequencing artifacts, positions are skipped when no more than --min-alternate-count or --min-alternate-fraction non-clonal observations of an alternate are found in one sample. These default to 2 and 0.05 respectively. The default setting of --min-alternate-fraction 0.05 is suitable for diploid samples but may need to be changed for higher ploidy.

Allele type exclusion

freebayes provides a few methods to ignore certain classes of allele, e.g. --throw-away-indels-obs and --throw-awary-mnps-obs. Users are strongly cautioned against using these, because removing this information is very likely to reduce detection power. To generate a report only including SNPs, use vcffilter post-call as such:

freebayes ... | vcffilter -f "TYPE = snp"

Normalizing variant representation

If you wish to obtain a VCF that does not contain haplotype calls or complex alleles, first call with default parameters and then decompose the output with tools in vcflib, vt, vcf-tools, bcftools, GATK, or Picard. Here we use a tool in vcflib that normalizes the haplotype calls into pointwise SNPs and indels:

freebayes ... | vcfallelicprimitives -kg >calls.vcf

Note that this is not done by default as it makes it difficult to determine which variant calls freebayes completed. The raw output faithfully describes exactly the calls that were made.

Observation qualities

freebayes estimates observation quality using several simple heuristics based on manipulations of the phred-scaled base qualities:

  • For single-base observations, mismatches and reference observations: the un-adjusted base quality provided in the BAM alignment record.
  • For insertions: the mean quality of the bases inside of the putatively inserted sequence.
  • For deletions: the mean quality of the bases flanking the putatively deleted sequence.
  • For haplotypes: the mean quality of allele observations within the haplotype.

By default, both base and mapping quality are into the reported site quality (QUAL in the VCF) and genotype quality (GQ, when supplying --genotype-qualities). This integration is driven by the "Effective Base Depth" metric first developed in snpTools, which scales observation quality by mapping quality: P(Obs|Genotype) ~ P(MappedCorrectly(Obs))P(SequencedCorrectly(Obs)). Set --standard-gls to use the model described in the freebayes preprint.

Stream processing

freebayes can read BAM from standard input --stdin instead of directly from files. This allows the application of any number of streaming BAM filters and calibrators to its input. | | freebayes --stdin ...

This pattern allows the adjustment of alignments without rewriting BAM files, which could be expensive depending on context and available storage. A prime example of this would be graph-based realignment of reads to known variants as implemented in glia.

Using this pattern, you can filter out reads with certain criteria using bamtools filter without having to modify the input BAM file. You can also use the bamtools API to write your own custom filters in C++. An example filter is bamfiltertech [src/bamfiltertech.cpp]( rtech.cpp), which could be used to filter out technologies which have characteristic errors which may frustrate certain types of variant detection.


In principle, any gapped aligner which is sensitive to indels will produce satisfactory input for use by freebayes. Due to potential ambiguity, indels are not parsed when they overlap the beginning or end of alignment boundaries.

When calling indels, it is important to homogenize the positional distribution of insertions and deletions in the input by using left realignment. This is now done automatically by freebayes, but the behavior can be turned off via --dont-left-align-indels flag. You probably don't want to do this.

Left realignment will place all indels in homopolymer and microsatellite repeats at the same position, provided that doing so does not introduce mismatches between the read and reference other than the indel. This method computationally inexpensive and handles the most common classes of alignment inconsistency.

Haplotype calls

As freebayes is haplotype-based, left-alignment is necessary only for the determination of candidate polymorphic loci. Once such loci are determined, haplotype observations are extracted from reads where:

  1. putative variants lie within --haplotype-length bases of each other (default 3bp),
  2. the reference sequence has repeats (e.g. microsatellites or STRs are called as one haplotype),
  3. the haplotype which is called has Shannon entropy less than --min-repeat-entropy, which is off by default but can be set to ~1 for optimal genotyping of indels in lower-complexity sequence.

After a haplotype window is determined by greedily expanding the window across overlapping haplotype observations, all reads overlapping the window are used to establish data likelihoods, P(Observations|Genotype), for all haplotypes which have sufficient support to pass the input filters.

Partial observations are considered to support those haplotypes which they could match exactly. For expedience, only haplotypes which are contiguously observed by the reads are considered as putative alleles in this process. This differs from other haplotype-based methods, such as Platypus, which consider all possible haplotypes composed of observed component alleles (SNPs, indels) in a given region when generating likelihoods.

The primary adantages of this approach are conceptual simplicity and performance, and it is primarily limited in the case of short reads, an issue that is mitigated by increasing read lengths. Also, a hybrid approach must be used to call haplotypes from high-error rate long reads.

Re-genotyping known variants and calling long haplotypes

For longer reads with higher error rates, it is possible to generate long haplotypes in two passes over the data. For instance, if we had very long reads (e.g. >10kb) at moderate depth and high error rate (>5%) such as might be produced by PacBio, we could do something like:

freebayes -f ref.fa aln.bam | vcffilter -f "QUAL > 20" >vars.vcf

... thus generating candidate variants of suitable quality using the default detection window. We can then use these as "basis alleles" for the observation of haplotypes, considering all other putative variants supported by the alignment to be sequencing errors:

freebayes -f ref.fa --haplotype-length 500 \
    --haplotype-basis-alleles vars.vcf aln.bam >haps.vcf

These steps should allow us to read long haplotypes directly from input data with high error rates.

The high error rate means that beyond a small window each read will contain a completely different literal haplotype. To a point, this property improves our signal to noise ratio and can effectively filter out sequencing errors at the point of the input filters, but it also decreases the effective observation depth will prevent the generation of any calls if a long --haplotype-length is combined with high a sequencing error rate.

Best practices and design philosophy

freebayes follows the patterns suggested by the Unix philosophy, which promotes the development of simple, modular systems that perform a single function, and can be combined into more complex systems using stream processing of common interchange formats.

freebayes incorporates a number of features in order to reduce the complexity of variant detection for researchers and developers:

  • Indel realignment is accomplished internally using a read-independent method, and issues resulting from discordant alignments are dramatically reducedy through the direct detection of haplotypes.
  • The need for base quality recalibration is avoided through the direct detection of haplotypes. Sequencing platform errors tend to cluster (e.g. at the ends of reads), and generate unique, non-repeating haplotypes at a given locus.
  • Variant quality recalibration is avoided by incorporating a number of metrics, such as read placement bias and allele balance, directly into the Bayesian model. (Our upcoming publication will discuss this in more detail.)

A minimal pre-processing pipeline similar to that described in "Calling variants" should be sufficient for most uses. For more information, please refer to a post by Brad Chapman on minimal BAM preprocessing methods.


To download freebayes, please use git to download the most recent development tree:

git clone --recursive

If you have a repo, update the submodules with

git submodule update --init --recursive --progress

On Debian you'll need a gcc compiler and want packages:

  • bc
  • samtools
  • parallel
  • meson
  • ninja-build
  • libvcflib-tools
  • vcftools

Build dependencies are listed in guix.scm and travis. Builds have been tested with gcc 7 and clang 9.


Make sure to have dependencies installed and checkout the tree with --recursive.

Freebayes can target AMD64 and ARM64 (with Neon extensions).

Recently we added the meson build system which can be run with

meson build/ --buildtype release

For development/debugging use

meson build/ --buildtype debug

or to setup with clang instead

env CXX=clang++ CC=clang CC_LD=lld meson build --buildtype debug

Next compile and test in the build directory

cd build
ninja test

The freebayes binary should be in


Tests on ARM may be slow. If you get a TIMEOUT use a multiplier, e.g.

meson test -t 4 -C build/

See for more information.

Compile in a Guix container

After checking out the repo with git recursive create a Guix container with all the build tools with

guix shell -C -D -f guix.scm

See also the header of guix.scm.

freebayes's People


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freebayes's Issues

RUN flag is incorrect

RUN alwasy equals 1 in my output, but this is incorrect.

For example, I have
RUN=1 ... REPEAT=C:4

So RUN should be 4 in this example. Whole output:

1 20915194 . C CC 638.76 . NS=248;DP=10698;AC=18;AN=496;AF=0.03629;RA=10495;AA=183;HETAR=18;HOMA=0;HOMR=230;SRF=10495;SRR=0;SAF=183;SAR=0;SRB=1;SAB=1;SRP=22793;SAP=400.39;ABR=696;ABA=53;AB=0.92924;ABP=1201.7;RUN=1;MQM=138.54;RL=5;RR=178;RPP=358.15;EL=5;ER=178;EPP=358.15;BL=6611;BR=21911;LRB=0.53643;LRBP=17825;BVAR;REPEAT=C:4;INS;LEN=1

Inconsistent results

Hello, I'm currently trying to find indels among 19 different individuals. However, we noticed that many of the genotype values in the resulting VCF file are missing and instead have a period. I would expect that all samples would have a genotype call. The samples are all octoploids. To investigate, we ran freebayes on a single region with a known deletion across all 19 samples. In the debugging output from freebayes, reads from some samples with the deletion were not put into allele groups. It was as if those samples were completely ignored. So, I simplified the input list to just one sample that I knew had the deletion and which was showing up with a period as the genotype. When I ran freebayes with just the single sample it worked fine and was able to identify the deletion and provide a genotyp. I slowly added back in the other samples and I noticed that depending on the combination of samples I used sometimes I would get genotype calls for all samples and sometimes I would not. For these tests I was providing each bam file separately on the command line (multiple --bam options). Next, I merged all 19 bam files for that single region using samtools into a single bam file. When I ran freebayes on the single merged bam file then it successfully gave me a genotype for every single sample for the deletion.

Any ideas on why I would get inconsistent results?

Quality scale used by freebayes

While using the flags:

--min-base-quality Q1, and
--min-mapping-quality Q2

Should I use values of Q1 and Q2 in Phred or Phred+33 scale?

Thanks in advance

Left right aligning hides repeat information

I have a putative insert that is probably an artifact of 454 data. I would like to filter it based on the repeat flag.
The indel is TG(4)C/TG(5)C.

If I do not left right align, I get this SNP:

chr22   42525351        .       G       GG  REPEAT=G:4

Which is all good. If I do left right realign I get:

chr22   42525347        .       T       TG

With no repeat flag. This makes it harder to filter this kind of artifact. Presumably this is because the new location of the indel (the T base) is not part of the repeat.

Minor variants detection (i.e. subclones of ~1% reads)

I would like to ask you for feature addition to FreeBayes to detect mutant subclones in the biological samples with small fraction of reads(clone fraction around 1% or less). I have read first pages of and for that application it would be better not to expect any ploidy number.

As a first step, it would be nice to make it possible only to extract all variants detected regardless of how frequent they are and extract simply numbers of reads of each variants (vcf format is ok but no or very small filtering based on statistical model).

Thank you,
Vojtech Kulvait.

very huge SNP report file size

I'm trying to run FreeBayes with Human genomic sample. Here is my command.

freebayes --no-indels --no-mnps --no-complex  -v snp0.vcf -p 2 -f Homo_sapiens.nucleotide.fa -b sample1.bam

BAM file as SAM format

HWI-ST313_0162:7:46:20191:40694#CTTGTA  177 Y   2786195 0   100M    6   73049336    0   CATAGTATTCCATGGTGTATATGTGCCACATTTTCTTCATCCAGTCTATCATTGNTGGACATTTGGGTTGGTTCCAAGTCTTTGCTATTGTGAATAGTGC    ggffedccb_fcadefdcfdfceaedS`ddehdafgfggdgcggddddfd]]]]BbT`]bgaggbggggggeggggegggggggggffgggfgggggggg    XT:A:R  NM:i:1  SM:i:0  AM:i:0  X0:i:38 XM:i:1  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:54T45
HWI-ST313_0162:7:63:14158:88065#CTTGTA  113 Y   2925844 0   100M    =   2925844 0   AAAGGAGGCATCTCAAAGGAAATGGAATTTAGTTGAGCTGAAGGATAAGAATTAGATTGCACTGTATTAAAAGTTGGTGAAGGGCTTCCCAGGCAAAGAA    gdgggcedegfacfcggggggcgggefecffggggfdgeggfgggegggggggffgeeggcgggeggfggggggffgffegfgfggbggggggggggfgf    XT:A:R  NM:i:71 SM:i:0  AM:i:0  X0:i:2  X1:i:0  XM:i:1  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:0T1T1T0T1C2C0A0G0A1C0T0T0T0T0G0C0A0A0A0T0C1G2T1A0T2A0A0C0T0T0A0A0C0A0C1T0T0G1A0G0T0T0A1T0T0G0T0A1A0C0G2T0T0T2C0T0C1T0T0C0A1A0T1G0A0G1T0A0C2G3G0    XA:Z:X,-88657279,100M,1;
HWI-ST313_0162:7:63:14158:88065#CTTGTA  177 Y   2925844 0   100M    =   2925844 0   TATGTTGCCACAGAACTTTTGCAAATCTGTGTTATAGAACTTAACACATTGTAGTTATTTGTAGACGTATTTGTCTCTTTCAGATTGAGCTACCAGAGAG    eeeeea]acdafffdf\dfdefeefWddfdcgeedfgggggdgggb\ccagec_dgaggeggggegffeggeggbggggggggggggfgggggegggggg    XT:A:R  NM:i:1  SM:i:0  AM:i:0  X0:i:2  X1:i:0  XM:i:1  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:30A69  XA:Z:X,-88657279,100M,1;
HWI-ST313_0162:7:63:12456:81142#CTTGTA  65  Y   2925864 23  100M    =   2925864 0   TGTCACATATTAACTAAGAAACTACTATCTCTTAATCATACTGATGAGTGCTTCATTCAAGAAATATATAAATGACTAGAATGTCACCCGTTCTCTCTGG    a_ba_acccceadd_abcbafcfeffce__`d_ddfffcf__b_`dddQdZccVbadddaPSPUV_acbc\`_aacdbd\eece_dddcadedaefeffB    XT:A:U  NM:i:76 SM:i:23 AM:i:23 X0:i:1  X1:i:1  XM:i:1  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:0G0C0A0A1T0C1G1A0T0T0A2G0A1C0T0T0A2A0C0A0T1G1A0G0T1A0T1T0G1A0G0A0C0G0T0A0T0T1G0T0C1C0T0T0T0C1G2T0G1G0C0T1C0C1G0A0G0A0G1A0C0G0G0G0T0G0A0C0A1T0C0T0A0G1C0A0  XA:Z:X,+88657299,100M,2;
HWI-ST313_0162:7:63:12456:81142#CTTGTA  129 Y   2925864 23  100M    =   2925864 0   GCAAATCTGTGTTATAGAACTTAACACATTGTAGTTATTTGTAGACGTATTTGTCTCTTTCAGATTGAGCTACCAGAGAGAACGGGTGACATTCTAGTCA    fdddaafdfadddadfefeffdfcfedggeeb[f^dadad^c`a^^a]`acccb^dedeegfgedd_d_dffZfV[_`_^QSY]]aJ_BBBBBBBBBBBB    XT:A:U  NM:i:1  SM:i:23 AM:i:23 X0:i:1  X1:i:1  XM:i:1  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:10A89  XA:Z:X,+88657299,100M,2;
HWI-ST313_0162:7:8:15102:17763#CTTGTA   177 Y   2926340 0   100M    X   88657770    0   GACTGGATTAGAGAATATTAATATTCTAGAAAATAACAAGCTTATGACAGGAATACTATATCAGAGTCAAGAGAAAACAAAAGTATAGGTAAAGACTGAA    abe^eef\cffgagfcggggggfeggffgffgfdgegggdeggdgfffff]bfebggfge^ggfggggggggggggegegggeggffgggfgggcfffhg    XT:A:R  NM:i:0  SM:i:0  AM:i:0  X0:i:2  X1:i:0  XM:i:0  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:100    XA:Z:X,-88657770,100M,0;
HWI-ST313_0162:7:28:12949:47769#CTTGTA  113 Y   2926340 0   100M    =   2926340 0   CCGTAATTACTTTCCTCCACACTTGACTGACTGATCTCATTTCACCATTCTTGTAGCCTCATAAATTTCACCTAGGCCTTACATAGGAATATTTATTTGA    TbTabdad^d__cddZfdbfeefdfZdcc`^cccbUTgedddeacgee`gdggaeegeggggeggecffbfeegggggfgdggfggggggggfggecggg    XT:A:R  NM:i:72 SM:i:0  AM:i:0  X0:i:2  X1:i:0  XM:i:0  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:0G0A0C1G0G0A1T0A0G0A0G0A0A1A0T0T0A1T0A1T0C0T0A2A0A0A0T0A0A0C0A1G0C1T1T0G1C0A0G0G0A0A2C0T0A1A0T0C1G1G1C0A1G0A0G1A0A0A1A0A1A0G2T0A0G0G2A0A0G1C1G0A1  XA:Z:X,-88657770,100M,0;
HWI-ST313_0162:7:28:12949:47769#CTTGTA  177 Y   2926340 0   100M    =   2926340 0   GACTGGATTAGAGAATATTAATATTCTAGAAAATAACAAGCTTATGACAGGAATACTATATCAGAGTCAAGAGAAAACAAAAGTATAGGTAAAGACTGAA    ccd\dccc_bgfffgeeefedNhedggcdggdfgfgegggfg_dgffeeeeeeebdffgedgcggggffgggggggdfgggfggg_fffcffffefdfcf    XT:A:R  NM:i:0  SM:i:0  AM:i:0  X0:i:2  X1:i:0  XM:i:0  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:100    XA:Z:X,-88657770,100M,0;
HWI-ST313_0162:7:65:13614:56621#CTTGTA  113 Y   2928080 0   100M    =   2928080 0   GTAATTTATGTCTGATGTACATTGGCAGTCATCTAATTTTCTTTTTTGTGCTTTTTGTTTATCTGCCTGAATGAGAACCACCTTTTATGATCAAGTGAAT    _d^dda\eabdddaddZddadbddNfffdceeaeZYd`ddf_^Qfeeceed_fffdccedc`c_ccfcffeeeeeddcebffffffffffeeeeececca    XT:A:R  NM:i:74 SM:i:0  AM:i:0  X0:i:2  X1:i:0  XM:i:1  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:1C1T0A0G0A1C0T1A0A0T0T2G0T0A0G2T0C0T0T0C1G0G0G0T0C0C0T0A0G0G0A0A1A0A0A0G0A0A3A0C1G0A0T0A2C0A0T2A0T0G0C0T0C0A0C0T0A0C0T0A0G1T0T2A0A1G0C1G0A0C0T0A1T1C1  XA:Z:X,-88659510,100M,1;
HWI-ST313_0162:7:65:13614:56621#CTTGTA  177 Y   2928080 0   100M    =   2928080 0   GCATAGAACTTAATGTGGTAGTTTCTTCTGGGTCCTAGGAATAAAGAATGCACTGATATTCATTGATGCTCACTACTAGATTTTAAAGCAGACTATTACT    Bdddc^aYcb`^Z^JddadadedUfeWeceeefefffbcfcfcfggggggfeddfgfggdggaggdddaa^ccc_eeeeedfcageefffe_f_hdgggc    XT:A:R  NM:i:1  SM:i:0  AM:i:0  X0:i:2  X1:i:0  XM:i:1  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  MD:Z:14T85  XA:Z:X,-88659510,100M,1;

When result generated, it got all position as SNP.

Y   3044167 .   G   T   14.6236 .   AB=0.25;ABP=5.18177;AC=1;AF=0.5;AN=2;AO=1;CIGAR=1X;DP=4;DPRA=0;EPP=5.18177;EPPR=3.0103;HWE=-0;LEN=1;MEANALT=2;MQM=37;MQMR=37;NS=1;NUMALT=1;ODDS=0;PAIRED=0;PAIREDR=0;RO=2;RPP=5.18177;RPPR=3.0103;RUN=1;SAP=5.18177;SRP=7.35324;TYPE=snp;XAI=0;XAM=0.81;XAS=0.81;XRI=0;XRM=0.4;XRS=0.4;BVAR GT:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL0/1:4:2:90:1:33:-6.27,-3.72597,-11.48
Y   3044168 .   G   T   13.2124 .   AB=0.25;ABP=5.18177;AC=1;AF=0.5;AN=2;AO=1;CIGAR=1X;DP=4;DPRA=0;EPP=5.18177;EPPR=3.73412;HWE=-0;LEN=1;MEANALT=1;MQM=37;MQMR=37;NS=1;NUMALT=1;ODDS=2.99336;PAIRED=0;PAIREDR=0;RO=3;RPP=5.18177;RPPR=3.73412;RUN=1;SAP=5.18177;SRP=9.52472;TYPE=snp;XAI=0;XAM=0.79;XAS=0.79;XRI=0;XRM=0.276667;XRS=0.276667;BVAR   GT:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL    0/1:4:3:133:1:33:-3.3,-0.60206,-12.4133
Y   3044169 .   T   G   13.2124 .   AB=0.25;ABP=5.18177;AC=1;AF=0.5;AN=2;AO=1;CIGAR=1X;DP=4;DPRA=0;EPP=5.18177;EPPR=3.73412;HWE=-0;LEN=1;MEANALT=1;MQM=37;MQMR=37;NS=1;NUMALT=1;ODDS=2.99336;PAIRED=0;PAIREDR=0;RO=3;RPP=5.18177;RPPR=3.73412;RUN=1;SAP=5.18177;SRP=9.52472;TYPE=snp;XAI=0;XAM=0.79;XAS=0.79;XRI=0;XRM=0.276667;XRS=0.276667;BVAR   GT:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL    0/1:4:3:135:1:33:-3.3,-0.60206,-12.6
Y   3044170 .   A   T   13.2124 .   AB=0.25;ABP=5.18177;AC=1;AF=0.5;AN=2;AO=1;CIGAR=1X;DP=4;DPRA=0;EPP=5.18177;EPPR=3.73412;HWE=-0;LEN=1;MEANALT=1;MQM=37;MQMR=37;NS=1;NUMALT=1;ODDS=2.99336;PAIRED=0;PAIREDR=0;RO=3;RPP=5.18177;RPPR=3.73412;RUN=1;SAP=5.18177;SRP=9.52472;TYPE=snp;XAI=0;XAM=0.81;XAS=0.81;XRI=0;XRM=0.27;XRS=0.27;BVAR   GT:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL    0/1:4:3:162:1:33:-3.3,-0.60206,-15.12
Y   3044171 .   T   G   14.6236 .   AB=0.25;ABP=5.18177;AC=1;AF=0.5;AN=2;AO=1;CIGAR=1X;DP=4;DPRA=0;EPP=5.18177;EPPR=7.35324;HWE=-0;LEN=1;MEANALT=2;MQM=37;MQMR=37;NS=1;NUMALT=1;ODDS=0;PAIRED=0;PAIREDR=0;RO=2;RPP=5.18177;RPPR=7.35324;RUN=1;SAP=5.18177;SRP=7.35324;TYPE=snp;XAI=0;XAM=0.79;XAS=0.79;XRI=0;XRM=0.005;XRS=0.005;BVAR   GT:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL    0/1:4:2:130:1:33:-6.27,-3.72597,-15.2133
Y   3044172 .   C   G   14.6236 .   AB=0.25;ABP=5.18177;AC=1;AF=0.5;AN=2;AO=1;CIGAR=1X;DP=4;DPRA=0;EPP=5.18177;EPPR=7.35324;HWE=-0;LEN=1;MEANALT=2;MQM=37;MQMR=37;NS=1;NUMALT=1;ODDS=0;PAIRED=0;PAIREDR=0;RO=2;RPP=5.18177;RPPR=7.35324;RUN=1;SAP=5.18177;SRP=7.35324;TYPE=snp;XAI=0;XAM=0.81;XAS=0.81;XRI=0;XRM=0.005;XRS=0.005;BVAR   GT:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL    0/1:4:2:125:1:33:-6.27,-3.72597,-14.7467

and final file result like > 100 GB (my BAM file is 8 GB). Any advice?

std::out_of_range error

Hi Erik

We've hit another bug, when running freebayes as below we're getting this error with the build (2f4c924) and the previous couple:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::substr

I've sent you a subset bam that can reproduce the error, It's the same reference as last time.



./freebayes/bin/freebayes -v freebayes-output-0.9.4.vcf -f /data/seq/indexed-genomes/bos_taurus/umd31MT/umd31MT.fa -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/Denovo/sequence/346_pe_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/664221/sequence/664221_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/664195/sequence/664195_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/99592/sequence/99592_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/99593/sequence/99593_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/99594/sequence/99594_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/FJXB_Trio/F1-Sire-99591/aligned_sequence/99591_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/FJXB_Trio/F1-Dam-10841297/aligned_sequence/10841297_mated_v2.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/FJXB_Trio/F2-Daughter-17144784/aligned_sequence/17144784_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/Outliers/27/sequence/27_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/Outliers/363/sequence/363_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/Outliers/372/sequence/372_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/Outliers/586/sequence/586_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_17074197/sequence/17074197_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_17108826/sequence/17108826_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_17144783/sequence/17144783_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_17145716/sequence/17145716_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_18033109/sequence/18033109_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_18093560/sequence/18093560_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_18143602/sequence/18143602_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_18186561/sequence/18186561_mated.bam
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::substr

-dd Output

combo posterior prob: -70.0
{"17074197":["C/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.5], "17108826":["C/C",1.0], "17145716":["C/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.3], "18033109":["C/C",1.0], "18143602":["C/C",1.0], "18186561":["C/C",1.0], "27":["C/C",1.0], "363":["C/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "372":["C/C",1.0], "586":["C/C",1.0], "664195":["C/C",1.0], "664221":["C/C",0.0], "99591":["C/C",1.0], "99592":["C/C",1.0], "99593":["C/C",1.0], "99594":["C/C",1.0]}
combo posterior prob: -80.3
{"17074197":["C/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.5], "17108826":["C/C",1.0], "17145716":["C/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.3], "18033109":["C/C",1.0], "18143602":["C/C",1.0], "18186561":["C/C",1.0], "27":["C/C",1.0], "363":["C/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "372":["C/C",1.0], "586":["C/C",1.0], "664195":["C/C",1.0], "664221":["C/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "99591":["C/C",1.0], "99592":["C/C",1.0], "99593":["C/C",1.0], "99594":["C/C",1.0]}
combo posterior prob: -91.5
{"17074197":["C/C",0.0], "17108826":["C/C",1.0], "17145716":["C/C",0.0], "18033109":["C/C",1.0], "18143602":["C/C",1.0], "18186561":["C/C",1.0], "27":["C/C",1.0], "363":["C/C",0.0], "372":["C/C",1.0], "586":["C/C",1.0], "664195":["C/C",1.0], "664221":["C/C",0.0], "99591":["C/C",1.0], "99592":["C/C",1.0], "99593":["C/C",1.0], "99594":["C/C",1.0]}
combo posterior prob: -838.5
{"17074197":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",1.0], "17108826":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "17145716":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "18033109":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "18143602":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "18186561":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "27":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "363":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "372":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "586":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "664195":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "664221":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "99591":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "99592":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "99593":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "99594":["I:2983780:1M1I:CG/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0]}
combo posterior prob: -908.4
{"17074197":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "17108826":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "17145716":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "18033109":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "18143602":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "18186561":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "27":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "363":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "372":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "586":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "664195":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "664221":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "99591":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "99592":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "99593":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0], "99594":["C:2983780:1X1I:GG/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.0]}
got bestAlleleSamplingProb
pVar = 1.0 0.0 pHom = 0.0 1 - pHom = 1.0
1 - 0.0 >= 0.0
passed PVL threshold
calculating marginal likelihoods
generating banded genotype combinations from 16 sample genotypes in population DEFAULT
best combo: combo posterior prob: -34.3
{"17074197":["C/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.5], "17108826":["C/C",1.0], "17145716":["C/C:2983780:1X1I:GG",0.3], "18033109":["C/C",1.0], "18143602":["C/C",1.0], "18186561":["C/C",1.0], "27":["C/C",1.0], "363":["C/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "372":["C/C",1.0], "586":["C/C",1.0], "664195":["C/C",1.0], "664221":["C/I:2983780:1M1I:CG",0.0], "99591":["C/C",1.0], "99592":["C/C",1.0], "99593":["C/C",1.0], "99594":["C/C",1.0]}
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::substr

0.94 GQ=nan at complex sites

Just testing 0.94 and I see nan at complex sites.

For example


Seemingly clear Var/Var SNP reported as unlikely Ref/Var

I have a SNP that seems to be a clear G -> A substitution in two different cell lines. Indeed, mpileup reports it as

GT:PL:GQ 1/1:102,5,0:16 1/1:140,55,0:65

However, freebayes reports it as


Cell Line 1

Cell Line 2

So it reports this to be an AB variant and even a very unlikely one.

I'm using version 0.9.4 pulled from Git yesterday, last commit was 094879e.

The command I run is:

freebayes -f hg19.fa -v variants.vcf GM12878_sorted_proper.bam K562_sorted_proper.bam

Links to the bam-files in question:

The hg19 has the chromosomes from 1 to M, not the random ones.

EDIT: the snp coordinate is 14245

Support GCC 4.6

EDIT: this seems to be caused by GCC 4.6

I cannot find any way of specifying any option with a parameter, as below. Am I doing it wrong?

commit 0f42d54

(pgt)[pgt@beast test_gatk]$ freebayes -n1
could not parse use-best-n-alleles
(pgt)[pgt@beast test_gatk]$ freebayes -n 1
could not parse use-best-n-alleles
(pgt)[pgt@beast test_gatk]$ freebayes -n 1.0
could not parse use-best-n-alleles
(pgt)[pgt@beast test_gatk]$ freebayes -n "1.0"
could not parse use-best-n-alleles
(pgt)[pgt@beast test_gatk]$ freebayes -n "1"
could not parse use-best-n-alleles
(pgt)[pgt@beast test_gatk]$ freebayes --use-best-n-alleles 1
could not parse use-best-n-alleles
(pgt)[pgt@beast test_gatk]$ freebayes --use-best-n-alleles 2
could not parse use-best-n-alleles

segfault problem

I am having some seemingly bizarre segfaults with freebayes. We installed the latest version (0.9.7) on Nov. 18. In the project, I'm aligning HiSeq 100x100 PE reads to hg19 using tophat. I have had great success in previous projects, running tophat's accepted_hits.bam through freebayes, most recently with v. 0.9.4.

When I run freebayes with all defaults (specifying only input bam, output vcf, and reference fasta), it runs fine. However, it appears that if I add any other arguments, it ends in a segfault. (OK, I didn't try all the possible arguments). So, yesterday we recompiled with make DEBUG to try to get some useful error messages, and that is when an unexpected thing happened: if I run with all defaults, as above, but only adding either -d or -dd, it will segfault, but again, it does not fail if I omit those arguments.

I should also mention that, in addition to trying freebayes with the "raw" accepted_hits.bam, I also processed it through Picard tools ReorderSam and MarkDuplicates, and the resulting bam files performed in the same manner when run through freebayes. (So, I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with the bam files).


Monica Britton

Error with soft-clip at beginning of reference

I have a read at position 0 and cigar 1S100M. So the soft-clip base is actually at -1. In the soft clip condition in AlleleParser.cpp (around line 1627), the third argument in makeallele becomes the largest unsigned int and causes a substring function to fail. I wouldn't think a soft-clip base should be counted towards the allele at a position.

VCF output and downstream use with GATK


I've encountered a problem with filtering vcf files created with Freebayes using GATK. GATK seems to have a problem with insertion/deletions as excluding them solves the issue. This issue is also inconsistent and does not occur for every vcf file created by Freebayes.

Segfault issue


First time using freebayes, but can't seem to get it work at all. I receive the following segfault immediately upon running it:

lee$ freebayes -f ~/data/ucsc.hg19.fasta novoalign.sorted.bam > giab.vcf
Error: signal 11:
0 freebayes 0x000000010c13c371 _Z15segfaultHandleri + 33
1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff8ee3e5aa _sigtramp + 26
2 ??? 0x00007fff53b58908 0x0 + 140734597794056
3 freebayes 0x000000010c0f8575 _ZN12AlleleParser21buildHaplotypeAllelesERNSt3__16vectorI6AlleleNS0_9allocatorIS2_EEEER7SamplesRNS0_3mapINS0_12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS3_IcEEEENS1_IPS2_NS3_ISF_EEEENS0_4lessISE_EENS3_INS0_4pairIKSE_SH_EEEEEESP_RNS9_ISF_NS0_3setISF_NSI_ISF_EESG_EESR_NS3_INSK_IKSF_SS_EEEEEEi + 1765
4 freebayes 0x000000010c0a77d7 main + 4455
5 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff865185fd start + 1
6 ??? 0x0000000000000004 0x0 + 4

System information:
lee$ uname -a
Darwin wheatley 13.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.0.0: Tue Jul 2 15:57:48 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2422.1.35~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
lee$ clang -v
Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.1.61) (based on LLVM 3.3svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0
Thread model: posix

bad_alloc error

I'm trying to run freebayes for a single chromosome on a population of 25 animals but usually get the following error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
 what():  std::bad_alloc

this is the command I'm using:

freebayes  -f  reference.fa -0 -b merged-chr1.bam > chr1-snp.vcf

I'm running this with 20G of ram available. The input bam is 109G. It generally only seems to consume about 230m of ram.

It fails at various times and runs to completion sometimes.

any help would be much appreciated.

Failed to find @RG

I get the following error when trying to run freebayes:

Couldn't find read group id (@rg tag) for BAM Alignment 20_1_483_2:0:0_2:0:0_2050 at position 1 in sequence <...> EXITING!

This error occurs having read the first read in the BAM file, which contains the header line:

@rg ID:sim_all PI:500 PL:illumina SM:all

and the BAM entry contains all the standard fields as well as the following tag:


I modified the name of the read from "20_1_483_2:0:0_2:0:0_2050" to "sim_all.001" just in case that had something to do with it, but to no avail. I have sample BAM files for you to try!

nan's in output

GQ fields are sometimes left as "nan." This should not happen.

Correct use enquiry, not an issue with program

Apologies if this is not the correct place to put it. I have a best use question and a poor reference question.

I've run freebayes in a standard simple format but I'm starting to think since I'm comparing it with sam tools it would have been better to include BAQ and possibly left alignment?

Previously done this:
/home/rob/Downloads/SNP/freebayes/bin/freebayes -f S_lycopersicum.fa -v IB2975_LDI2549_novoalign.freebayes.variants.vcf IB2975_LDI2549_novoalign.bam"

Aiming to try this? (How do I incorporate the --left-align-indels flag into the below code?)
/home/rob/Downloads/samtools-0.1.19/samtools fillmd -br IB2975_LDI2549_novoalign.bam | /home/rob/Downloads/SNP/freebayes/bin/freebayes -f S_lycopersicum.fa -v IB2975_LDI2549_novoalign.freebayes.variants.vcf

One of the resequencing data I have does not have an exact reference but has a similar tomato variety hence why produces a 3.2gb vcf file rather than a 400 mb vcf file that resequencing with correct genome produces, however that is without filtering and I intend to keep those that match with mpileup. My question really relates to using a draft reference made of contigs and whether that is used as above and what is the best way to filter freebayes results, you mention by quality score but do you have some example code on how to do that based upon output from above?

I appreciate if your too busy to answer these general use questions.
best wishes
(Cranfield University, UK)

Freebayes gets stuck with cpu 100%

Freebayes seems to get 'stuck' with no log output with -d, so I recompiled with -dd flag
(Im on commit 1caf163 )

Now it works with the -dd flag...

$ time freebayes -dd -f /data/reference/newbler/human_g1k_v37.fasta -v test.freebayes.vcf -t test.freebayes ../map/bwa_clip.bam > fb.log 2>&1

real 2m54.806s
user 0m35.400s
sys 2m18.930s

but when I run without

$ time freebayes -d -f /data/reference/newbler/human_g1k_v37.fasta -v test.freebayes.vcf2 -t test.freebayes ../map/bwa_clip.bam

in ps list

17952 james 18 -2 32496 19792 1680 R 100. 0.2 11:04.01 freebayes

11.04 minutes already!

Problem compiling

Hi, here is the problem I saw when I tried to compile freebayes:

arch: x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linu

gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48)

g++ -O3 -Wno-deprecated -c Parameters.cpp
convert.h: In function โ€˜bool convert(const std::string&, T&)โ€™:
convert.h:9: error: ambiguous overload for โ€˜operator!=โ€™ in โ€˜iss.std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::tellg with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits != s->std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits, _Alloc = std::allocatorโ€™
convert.h:9: note: candidates are: operator!=(std::streamoff, size_t)
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/bits/postypes.h:143: note: bool std::fpos<_StateT>::operator!=(const std::fpos<_StateT>&) const [with _StateT = __mbstate_t]
make[1]: *** [Parameters.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lindenb/ekg-freebayes/src'

compilation of bamfiltertech and alleles

At least one set of errors without the INCLUDE not -I../bamtools/include/api

make alleles
g++ -O3 -I../bamtools/src -I../bamtools/include/api -c alleles.cpp
errors when compiling:
alleles.cpp:42: error: 'AlleleFreeList Allele::freeList' is not a static member of 'class Allele'
alleles.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char*
alleles.cpp:53: error: no matching function for call to 'AlleleParser::getNextAlleles(std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele_, std::allocator<Allele*> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> > > > >&, int&)'
AlleleParser.h:210: note: candidates are: bool AlleleParser::getNextAlleles(Samples&, int)

make bamfiltertech
g++ -O3 -I../bamtools/src -I../bamtools/include/api -c bamfiltertech.cpp
bamfiltertech.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char*)':
bamfiltertech.cpp:87: error: no matching function for call to 'BamTools::BamWriter::Open(const char [7], std::string&, const std::vector<BamTools::RefData, std::allocatorBamTools::RefData >&, bool&)'
../bamtools/include/api/BamWriter.h:50: note: candidates are: bool BamTools::BamWriter::Open(const std::string&, const std::string&, const BamTools::RefVector&)
../bamtools/include/api/BamWriter.h:54: note: bool BamTools::BamWriter::Open(const std::string&, const BamTools::SamHeader&, const BamTools::RefVector&)
make: *
* [bamfiltertech.o] Error 1

Compliation problems

A strange error occured when I typed make. Maybe you can help me ?

xapple@cluster freebayes ((03cb231...)) $ make
cd src && make
make[1]: Entering directory `~/test/freebayes/src'
cd ../bamtools && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make
-- The C compiler identification is unknown
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working C compiler: /bubo/sw/comp/gcc/4.6.3_kalkyl/bin/g++
-- Check for working C compiler: /bubo/sw/comp/gcc/4.6.3_kalkyl/bin/g++ -- broken
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:32 (MESSAGE):
  The C compiler "/bubo/sw/comp/gcc/4.6.3_kalkyl/bin/g++" is not able to
  compile a simple test program.

  It fails with the following output:

   Change Dir: ~/test/freebayes/bamtools/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp

  Run Build Command:/usr/bin/gmake "cmTryCompileExec/fast"

  gmake[2]: Entering directory

  /usr/bin/gmake -f CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/build.make

  gmake[3]: Entering directory

  /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report

  Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/testCCompiler.c.o

  /bubo/sw/comp/gcc/4.6.3_kalkyl/bin/g++ -o
  CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/testCCompiler.c.o -c

  error: #error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler"

  gmake[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/testCCompiler.c.o] Error 1

  gmake[3]: Leaving directory

  gmake[2]: *** [cmTryCompileExec/fast] Error 2

  gmake[2]: Leaving directory

  CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:9 (project)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
make[1]: *** [../bamtools/lib/libbamtools.a] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `~/test/freebayes/src'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Result.h missing from source

$ make
g++ -O3 -c freebayes.cpp
In file included from freebayes.cpp:27:0:
AlleleParser.h:30:20: fatal error: Result.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

I had to checkout ccd808c to get it to compile.

Invalid VCF output?

I've been trying out freebayes (date: 2011-07-20, version: 0.8.7, on ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS) and have been having issues using the resulting VCF files with IGV, due to error messages about being unable to parse header.

Running vcftools (current release) vcf-validator generates a large number of errors and warnings, see below for examples:

Is this a known problem with freebayes, and if so is there a workaround or a recommended stable commit/version to use? As looking at the data in the resulting VCF files the calls look good it's just the formatting of the VCF output that appears to be causing the issues.


Commands used:
freebayes --fasta-reference Btau/umd31MT.fa 17144784_mated.bam 99591_mated.bam 10841297_mated.bam --vcf output.vcf

Also used the indel example from the readme piping output through stout, same errors.

vcf-validator output.vcf
INFO field at Chr1:30 .. INFO tag [PAIREDR] not listed in the header
column 10841297 at Chr1:571 .. FORMAT tag [GL] expected different number of values (expected 3, found 4)
column 17144784 at Chr1:571 .. FORMAT tag [GL] expected different number of values (expected 3, found 4)
column 99591 at Chr1:571 .. FORMAT tag [GL] expected different number of values (expected 3, found 4)
INFO field at Chr1:15366 .. INFO tag [RUN=1,3] expected different number of values (1),INFO tag [technology.ILLUMINA=1,1] expected different number of values (1),INFO tag [PAIRED=1,1] expected different number of values (1)
Chr1:15366 .. AN is 6,6, should be 6

Segfault with recent releases


We've been attempting to run freebayes (have tried 0.9.2., 0.9.3, 0.9.4 (ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS x64b)) on a small population of of medium to high coverage animals, and are getting a segfault after a number of hours.

We've tried a variety of different versions and settings, none of which seem to have any effect. The group consists of 25 animals (cows), with coverage varying between 16x and 170x (total is ~1200x) the data is supplied to freebayes as BAM files (one for each animal) and is paired end Illumina data that's been mapped with RTG.

The run starts fine and we get a decent proportion of the way through chromosome 1 (between 14m and 30m bp) before the segfault occurs. I've run freebayes with -d and -dd but can't spot anything specific in the output (717GB output for -dd :-)) I've stuck the last ~40 lines of the -dd option below.

Previously we've had success running freebayes (date: 2011-07-20, version: 0.8.7, on ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS) on a much smaller subset of the data (~180x coverage).

Any idea what might be causing this? Is it an issue with the dataset size (~1200x a 2.95Gb Genome), Though I've tried with a smaller (900x coverage) set and still got the segfault. Anything you can think of that we should test or any other additional information we can provide?

gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3
g++ --version
g++ (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3


./freebayes/bin/freebayes -j -dd --min-coverage 6 --left-align-indels -P 1 -v freebayes-output.vcf -f /data/seq/indexed-genomes/bos_taurus/umd31MT/umd31MT.fa -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/664221/sequence/664221_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/664195/sequence/664195_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/99592/sequence/99592_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/99593/sequence/99593_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F1_Sires/99594/sequence/99594_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/FJXB_Trio/F1-Sire-99591/aligned_sequence/99591_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/FJXB_Trio/F1-Dam-10841297/aligned_sequence/10841297_mated_v2.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/FJXB_Trio/F2-Daughter-17144784/aligned_sequence/17144784_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_17074197/sequence/17074197_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_17108826/sequence/17108826_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_17144783/sequence/17144783_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_17145716/sequence/17145716_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_18033109/sequence/18033109_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_18093560/sequence/18093560_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_18143602/sequence/18143602_mated.bam -b /data/seq/processed-genomes/RTG/F2_Daughters/F2_18186561/sequence/18186561_mated.bam 2> freebayes.debug
Segmentation fault


cigar item: M100
... finished pushing new alignments
updating variants
updating registered alleles
erasing old registered alignments
erasing old input variant alleles
erasing old genotype likelihoods
updating reference sequence cache
getting alleles
done getting alleles
at start of main loop
current reference base is N
processing position 17092808 in sequence Chr1
updating alignment queue
currentPosition = 17092807; currentSequenceStart = 0; currentSequence end = 17092906
currentAlignment.Position == 17092807, currentAlignment.AlignedBases.size() == 100, currentPosition == 17092807, currentSequenceStart == 0 .. + currentSequen
currentAlignment.Name == 92632067
registering alignment 0 17092807 17092807
alignment readName 92632067
alignment isPaired 1
alignment isMateMapped 1
alignment isProperPair 1
alignment mapQual 55
alignment sampleID 363
alignment position 17092807
alignment length 100
alignment AlignedBases.size() 100
alignment GetEndPosition() 17092906
alignment end position 17092907
alignment cigar M100
current sequence pointer: 17092807
cigar item: M100

Error: std::allocator<char> > > >&, AlleleParser*): Assertion `!a->empty()' failed

Hi Erik

Looks like we've found another bug.
When running the latest commit of freebayes (094879e) with our dataset it's aborting with the error below.

A subset bam (35MB) which triggers the bug can be found at:

The reference is the same as I've used in the previous reports. If you need any additional information please let me know.



./freebayes/bin/freebayes -v freebayes-output.vcf -f /data/seq/indexed-genomes/bos_taurus/umd31MT/umd31MT.fa -b subset-2012-01-05-error.bam
freebayes: ResultData.cpp:161: vcf::Variant& Results::vcf(vcf::Variant&, long double, long double, Samples&, std::string, std::vector<Allele, std::allocator >&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int> > >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, int, GenotypeCombo&, bool, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> > > > >&, std::map<int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator >, std::less, std::allocator<std::pair<const int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator > > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, AlleleParser*): Assertion `!a->empty()' failed.

With freebayes -d output:
position: Chr1:571963 coverage: 1076
insufficient alternate observations
position: Chr1:571964 coverage: 1069
insufficient alternate observations
position: Chr1:571965 coverage: 1058
insufficient alternate observations
position: Chr1:571966 coverage: 1065
insufficient alternate observations
position: Chr1:571967 coverage: 1068
allele group A
allele group C:571966:4X1M1X1M5X:GCTATTTAGGGT
reference:1:A has support of 48 in individual 10841297 and fraction 1
complex:12:GCTATTTAGGGT has support of 1 in individual 363 and fraction 0.0188679
building haplotype alleles, currently there are 2 genotype alleles
allele group A
allele group C:571966:4X1M1X1M5X:GCTATTTAGGGT
allele group C:571977:2X2I1M1X3M3X:TGAGGCCTCGAC
allele group S:571971:1X:A
allele group S:571974:1X:T
reference:1:A has support of 1 in individual 17108826 and fraction 1
complex:12:GCTATTTAGGGT has support of 1 in individual 363 and fraction 0.5
complex:12:TGAGGCCTCGAC has support of 1 in individual 96329 and fraction 0.333333
snp:1:A has support of 1 in individual 501038 and fraction 0.5
snp:1:T has support of 1 in individual 346 and fraction 0.5
allele group A
allele group C:571977:2X2I1M1X3M3X:TGAGGCCTCGAC
allele group C:571981:1X3M2X:TTCCAT
allele group S:571971:1X:A
allele group S:571974:1X:T
reference:1:A has support of 1 in individual 17108826 and fraction 1
complex:12:TGAGGCCTCGAC has support of 1 in individual 96329 and fraction 0.333333
complex:6:TTCCAT has support of 1 in individual 346 and fraction 0.333333
snp:1:A has support of 1 in individual 501038 and fraction 0.5
snp:1:T has support of 1 in individual 346 and fraction 0.333333
allele group A
allele group C:571966:4X1M1X1M5X9M:GCTATTTAGGGTTGTCTCCCA
allele group C:571966:8M1X6M1X3M2X:AAAGTCTGTCACTGTTTCCAT
allele group S:571966:5M1X15M:AAAGTATGACACTGTCTCCCA
reference:1:A has support of 37 in individual 10841297 and fraction 1
complex:23:AAAGTCTGACATGAGGCCTCGAC has support of 1 in individual 96329 and fraction 0.0212766
complex:21:GCTATTTAGGGTTGTCTCCCA has support of 1 in individual 363 and fraction 0.025641
complex:21:AAAGTCTGTCACTGTTTCCAT has support of 1 in individual 346 and fraction 0.00877193
snp:1:AAAGTATGACACTGTCTCCCA has support of 1 in individual 501038 and fraction 0.0212766
built haplotype alleles, now there are 5 genotype alleles
pVar = 1.03827e-05 0.0001 pHom = 0.99999 1 - pHom = 1.03827e-05
position: Chr1:571988 coverage: 1055
insufficient alternate observations
position: Chr1:571989 coverage: 1050
allele group A
allele group M:571988:2X:GT
reference:1:A has support of 46 in individual 10841297 and fraction 1
mnp:2:GT has support of 1 in individual 346 and fraction 0.0075188
building haplotype alleles, currently there are 2 genotype alleles
allele group A
allele group M:571988:2X:GT
reference:1:A has support of 1 in individual 346 and fraction 0.5
mnp:2:GT has support of 1 in individual 346 and fraction 0.5
allele group A
allele group D:571988:1D1M
allele group M:571988:2X:GT
reference:1:A has support of 45 in individual 10841297 and fraction 1
deletion:1:G has support of 1 in individual 18093560 and fraction 0.0714286
mnp:2:GT has support of 1 in individual 346 and fraction 0.00763359
built haplotype alleles, now there are 3 genotype alleles
genotype alleles: reference:1:A|deletion:1:G|mnp:2:GT
pVar = 0.00055255 0.0001 pHom = 0.999447 1 - pHom = 0.00055255
calculating marginal likelihoods
freebayes: ResultData.cpp:161: vcf::Variant& Results::vcf(vcf::Variant&, long double, long double, Samples&, std::string, std::vector<Allele, std::allocator >&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int> > >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, int, GenotypeCombo&, bool, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> > > > >&, std::map<int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator >, std::less, std::allocator<std::pair<const int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator > > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, AlleleParser*): Assertion `!a->empty()' failed.

Setting --indel-exclusion-window can result in std::out_of_range error

When --index-exclusion-window is set to something other than -1, Freebayes can abort with the error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  vector<bool>::_M_range_check

Furthermore, when --indel-exclusion-window is not set, Freebayes seems to behave as if it's set to minus one (-1) ( and not zero (0) the default specified in the help ( and in long_opts (

I have posted a sample reference and bam file along with debug output that demonstrates these cases at

Inconsistent ALT column, INFO and GT fields


I got calls that contain inconsistent description of variants given below.
Even though number of ALT alleles is 1 according to ALT field, AF (for instance) demonstrate that there are 2 ALT alleles and GT was assigned to be 1/2 using "missing" allele. Some incompatibilities between REF/ALT and TYPE field can also be seen.


7 151552404 . TCCCACACACCGCCCTCCACACACACCATGCTCC T 50000 . AB=0.168484,0.814668;ABP=966.208,870.792;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=170,822;CIGAR=34M,1M1D;DP=1009;DPRA=0,0;EPP=4.28764,173.442;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=5.5,5.5;MQM=56.5294,59.9635;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=272.642;PAIRED=0.823529,0.972019;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=C:3;RO=0;RPP=267.879,11.2947;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=3.8278,92.4475;SRP=0;TYPE=del;XAI=0.0164645,0.00101542;XAM=0.0376921,0.0152932;XAS=0.0212277,0.0142778;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:678:0:0:120,545:4165,52257:-4771.58,-133.319,-442.72 1/2:50000:331:0:0:50,277:1746,27270:-2472.74,-56.8534,-174.959
6 160868701 . GGCCCAGCTGTGTCTTC AGCCCAGCTGTGTCTTC 50000 . AB=0.486726,0.513274;ABP=3.3562,3.3562;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=110,116;CIGAR=17M,1X;DP=226;DPRA=0,0;EPP=111.11,12.0706;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60.2182,60.3362;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=255.397;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=G:3;RO=0;RPP=208.392,36.0317;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=135.746,147.975;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.00863394,0.000139043;XAM=0.0189943,0.00108513;XAS=0.0103604,0.000946087;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:151:0:0:77,74:2714,2378:-214.341,-1.20113,-244.612 1/2:50000:75:0:0:33,42:1239,1368:-123.446,-1.269,-111.885
10 71649083 . AGGGGGCAGGGAGGAGCATGAAGGACAGAGGGTGGAACTTCTGGGCTGCGAACAGTGCACCTGGTACTCACCCT GGGGGGCAGGGAGGAGCATGAAGGACAGAGGGTGGAACTTCTGGGCTGCGAACAGTGCACCTGGTACTCACCCT 50000 . AB=0.6375,0.3625;ABP=16.1477,16.1477;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=51,29;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=80;DPRA=0,0;EPP=18.3809,15.6647;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=59.098,61.1034;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=43.8963;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;RO=0;RPP=105.24,65.983;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=21.7871,15.6647;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0,0;XAM=0.000537201,0.0052643;XAS=0.000537201,0.0052643;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:57:0:0:35,22:1173,741:-67.0268,-1.61597,-105.905 1/2:50000:23:0:0:16,7:504,222:-20.2971,-1.53425,-45.675
15 51675932 . ATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGTTAATGTCCCTGTTTCTGTGTTTTGATGCAGGACCTC A 50000 . AB=0.756757,0.108108;ABP=24.1968,52.3673;AC=3,1;AF=0.75,0.25;AN=4;AO=38,4;CIGAR=56M,1M2D;DP=47;DPRA=0,3.7;EPP=54.4399,11.6962;EPPR=0;HWE=-6.53213;LEN=1,2;MEANALT=2.5,4;MQM=61.1053,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=6.23832;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2;RO=0;RPP=69.0688,11.6962;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=69.0688,11.6962;SRP=0;TYPE=del;XAI=0.00475303,0;XAM=0.0115667,0.00352113;XAS=0.00681365,0.00352113;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:93.8485:37:0:0:28,4:931,342:-56.0333,-30.1931,-108.725 1/1:27.0968:10:0:0:10,0:328,0:0,-3.0103,-29.848
5 60790037 . TTGTGTTTTCGTTTTGAACAATTTTCTAAAGGTCTGTTTTTCCCCATTAGGTGCGGGAGATGTTA CTGTGTTTTCGTTTTGAACAATTTTCTAAAGGTCTGTTTTTCCCCATTAGGTGCGGGAGATGTTA 50000 . AB=0.565217,0.434783;ABP=8.10854,8.10854;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=78,60;CIGAR=65M,1X;DP=138;DPRA=0,0;EPP=31.5178,3.15506;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60.4103,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=162.338;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=T:2|TTG:2;RO=0;RPP=172.385,27.4756;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=31.5178,40.0701;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.00052931,0.000228311;XAM=0.00278156,0.00112921;XAS=0.00225225,0.000900901;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:80:0:0:42,38:1391,1392:-125.646,-1.09387,-125.521 1/2:50000:58:0:0:36,22:1164,795:-71.9114,-1.70987,-105.083
7 121943642 . AGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCC GGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCC 50000 . AB=0.481132,0.518868;ABP=3.33807,3.33807;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=51,55;CIGAR=50M,1X;DP=106;DPRA=0,0;EPP=74.5837,27.6861;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60.6275,58.1636;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=90.5747;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2|AGGA:4;RO=0;RPP=97.0649,46.0055;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=74.5837,90.2245;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000268601,0.00329528;XAM=0.00353417,0.00354435;XAS=0.00326556,0.000249066;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:73:0:0:31,42:1026,1465:-132.199,-1.38757,-92.671 1/2:50000:33:0:0:20,13:654,443:-40.2108,-1.17571,-59.187
8 26484064 . TTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTTTGTCCGCACTAGGGGTA GTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTTTGTCCGCACTAGGGGTA 50000 . AB=0.415584,0.584416;ABP=7.77626,7.77626;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=32,45;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=77;DPRA=0,0;EPP=56.2114,49.3833;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=63.0625,65.2;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=48.8243;PAIRED=1,0.977778;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=T:3;RO=0;RPP=72.4974,49.3833;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=56.2114,84.1269;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000856164,0.00185271;XAM=0.00285572,0.00245331;XAS=0.00199956,0.000600601;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:57:0:0:25,32:916,945:-85.3453,-1.16178,-82.8064 1/2:50000:20:0:0:7,13:241,403:-36.58,-1.13119,-22.0343
15 51675932 . ATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGTTAATGTCCCTGTTTCTGTGTTTTGATGCAGGAC A 50000 . AB=0.759259,0.12963;ABP=34.5369,67.3502;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=41,7;CIGAR=53M,1M2D;DP=54;DPRA=0,0;EPP=60.6867,3.32051;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,2;MEANALT=3.5,3.5;MQM=60,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=25.7613;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2;RO=0;RPP=92.0407,3.32051;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=60.6867,10.7656;SRP=0;TYPE=del;XAI=0.00167056,0;XAM=0.00483175,0.00394107;XAS=0.00316119,0.00394107;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:111.88:37:0:0:28,4:939,339:-56.9444,-31.3891,-110.621 1/2:50000:17:0:0:13,3:418,233:-27.1025,-8.06829,-43.3614
8 26484064 . TTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTTTGTCCGCACTAGGGGTA GTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTTTGTCCGCACTAGGGGTA 50000 . AB=0.475177,0.524823;ABP=3.76493,3.76493;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=67,74;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=141;DPRA=0,0;EPP=108.311,41.0404;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=61.3134,62.7432;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=108.609;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=T:3;RO=0;RPP=148.499,49.9611;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=108.311,130.834;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000204457,0.000928154;XAM=0.00146218,0.00240231;XAS=0.00125773,0.00147415;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:100:0:0:49,51:1479,1314:-118.518,-1.10775,-133.412 1/2:50000:41:0:0:18,23:529,566:-51.1861,-1.03664,-47.9039
8 26484064 . TTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTTTGTCCGCACTAGGGGTA GTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTTTGTCCGCACTAGGGGTA 50000 . AB=0.681818,0.318182;ABP=28.2783,28.2783;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=60,28;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=88;DPRA=0,0;EPP=116.506,28.1373;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=62.1167,64.1786;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=35.9969;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=T:3;RO=0;RPP=133.299,28.1373;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=116.506,63.8115;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000497128,0.00146771;XAM=0.00145529,0.00146771;XAS=0.000958162,0;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:156.337:62:0:0:53,9:1852,260:-23.6889,-8.35665,-167.029 1/2:50000:26:0:0:7,19:251,581:-52.5958,-2.00869,-22.9486
15 51675932 . ATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGTTAATGTCCCTGTTTCTGTG A 50000 . AB=0.619469,0.247788;ABP=17.0192,65.4449;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=70,28;CIGAR=39M,1M1D;DP=113;DPRA=0,0;EPP=107.365,55.4358;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=4,4;MQM=61.4143,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=45.5621;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2;RO=0;RPP=146.452,63.8115;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=114.686,55.4358;SRP=0;TYPE=del;XAI=0.00444718,0.0167559;XAM=0.00733719,0.020701;XAS=0.00289001,0.00394514;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:79:0:0:49,20:1612,1200:-169.917,-65.679,-206.759 1/2:50000:34:0:0:21,8:694,480:-74.34,-33.2852,-93.3673
15 95019874 . TAGATAGACAGACAGACAGATAAAGAGATCTCCTGTGTTT CAGATAGACAGACAGACAGATAAAGAGATCTCCTGTGTTT 50000 . AB=0.8,0.1;ABP=34.2795,58.6;AC=3,1;AF=0.75,0.25;AN=4;AO=89,5;CIGAR=40M,1X;DP=100;DPRA=0,0;EPP=106.094,13.8677;EPPR=0;HWE=-6.53213;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=3.5,3.5;MQM=62.7079,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=8.52413;PAIRED=0.988764,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=TAGA:11;RO=0;RPP=171.092,13.8677;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=99.8482,13.8677;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.00259821,0;XAM=0.00491433,0.00853041;XAS=0.00231612,0.00853041;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/1:124.92:60:0:0:57,1:1779,32:-7.65333,-20.4463,-164.92 1/2:37.0207:40:0:0:32,4:990,145:-34.1275,-27.2494,-110.049
3 116163674 . CACACACACGTGTAGACGCGCGCA C 50000 . AB=0.972789,0.0272109;ABP=288.419,288.419;AC=3,1;AF=0.75,0.25;AN=4;AO=211,4;CIGAR=24M,1M8D;DP=215;DPRA=0,2.16176;EPP=88.2329,5.18177;EPPR=0;HWE=-6.53213;LEN=1,8;MEANALT=1.5,2;MQM=82.0237,83.5;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=10.4104;PAIRED=0.981043,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=CA:11;RO=0;RPP=435.504,3.0103;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=92.0201,5.18177;SRP=0;TYPE=del;XAI=0.00989964,0;XAM=0.0224026,0.00710113;XAS=0.012503,0.00710113;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:45.212:147:0:0:143,4:4982,483:-44.6775,-36.9802,-448.728 1/1:50000:68:0:0:68,0:2312,0:0,-20.47,-208.42
15 51675932 . ATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGTTAATGTCCCTGTTTCTGTGTTTTGATGCAGGACCTCCGGG A 50000 . AB=0.833333,0.119048;ABP=43.5445,55.9529;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=35,5;CIGAR=60M,1M2D;DP=42;DPRA=0,0;EPP=70.5741,3.44459;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,2;MEANALT=3,3;MQM=61.3714,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=9.00947;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2;RO=0;RPP=70.5741,3.44459;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=79.0118,6.91895;SRP=0;TYPE=del;XAI=0.00391933,0;XAM=0.00560576,0.0028169;XAS=0.00168643,0.0028169;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:39.1282:19:0:0:17,1:559,85:-13.775,-10.1633,-56.0539 1/2:50000:23:0:0:18,4:592,302:-33.304,-8.75845,-59.0232
5 60790037 . TTGTGTTTTCGTTTTGAACAATTTTCTAAAGGTCTGTTTTTCCCCATTAGGTGCGGGAGATGTTAAAGATGAGG CTGTGTTTTCGTTTTGAACAATTTTCTAAAGGTCTGTTTTTCCCCATTAGGTGCGGGAGATGTTAAAGATGAGG 50000 . AB=0.519435,0.480565;ABP=3.93874,3.93874;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=147,136;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=283;DPRA=0,0;EPP=44.5046,19.3602;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60.0952,60.0956;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=220.359;PAIRED=0.993197,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=T:2|TTG:2;RO=0;RPP=313.59,19.3602;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=41.4321,53.0819;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000415335,0.000604351;XAM=0.00199211,0.00193248;XAS=0.00157678,0.00132813;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:213:0:0:113,100:3600,3663:-330.036,-1.43435,-324.319 1/2:50000:70:0:0:34,36:1068,1330:-120.069,-1.03439,-96.4341
6 32634226 . GAGCCTGTTCCCAGAGTGGCGGCT ATGCCTGTTCCCAGAGTGGCGGCT 50000 . AB=0.5,0.5;ABP=3.0103,3.0103;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=6,6;CIGAR=24M,2X;DP=12;DPRA=0,0;EPP=3.0103,4.45795;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,2;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=79,71.3333;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=13.712;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=GA:2;RO=0;RPP=3.0103,4.45795;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=4.45795,4.45795;SRP=0;TYPE=mnp;XAI=0.00347222,0.0143162;XAM=0.0222148,0.0222842;XAS=0.0187426,0.007968;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:116.65:8:0:0:4,4:151,129:-11.9325,-0.563142,-13.9675 1/2:59.3049:4:0:0:2,2:77,64:-6.08,-0.425969,-7.315
15 51675932 . ATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGTTAATGTCCCTGTTTCTGTGTTTTGATGCAGGACCTCCGGGAGCCGGCGGGTTGC A 50000 . AB=0.80597,0.179104;ABP=57.4916,62.9365;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=54,12;CIGAR=74M,1M1D;DP=67;DPRA=0,0;EPP=103.541,14.5915;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2.5,2.5;MQM=60.1852,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=11.4247;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2;RO=0;RPP=111.745,21.1059;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=95.6598,21.1059;SRP=0;TYPE=del;XAI=0.002812,0.00141243;XAM=0.00709205,0.00371139;XAS=0.00428005,0.00229896;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:52:0:0:40,11:1330,993:-93.1042,-7.87469,-122.912 1/2:49.6168:15:0:0:14,1:471,80:-8,-3.33936,-42.7264
6 160868701 . GGCCCAGCTGTGT AGCCCAGCTGTGT 50000 . AB=0.5,0.5;ABP=3.0103,3.0103;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=86,86;CIGAR=13M,1X;DP=172;DPRA=0,0;EPP=100.07,20.0791;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=61.1628,60.3256;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=172.277;PAIRED=1,0.988372;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=G:3;RO=0;RPP=156.629,43.4098;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=112.998,119.765;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.00898023,0;XAM=0.0145866,0.00158273;XAS=0.00560636,0.00158273;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:116:0:0:63,53:2224,1690:-152.419,-1.31704,-200.513 1/2:50000:56:0:0:23,33:839,1062:-95.9018,-1.35699,-75.8748
8 26484064 . TTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTT GTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTT 50000 . AB=0.542553,0.457447;ABP=4.48875,4.48875;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=51,43;CIGAR=57M,1X;DP=94;DPRA=0,0;EPP=105.24,25.2805;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=68.6471,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=107.206;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=T:3;RO=0;RPP=113.755,29.7245;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=105.24,87.8997;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.00268601,0.000637146;XAM=0.00374589,0.00224658;XAS=0.00105988,0.00160943;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:61:0:0:34,27:1185,821:-74.1941,-1.16447,-106.999 1/2:50000:33:0:0:17,16:574,520:-47.125,-0.866992,-51.9976
16 70708159 . CATAAGGCTGCTGCACCCCACCCTGACTGATCCTCCTAACGCCCCCTCACCTGGC TATAAGGCTGCTGCACCCCACCCTGACTGATCCTCCTAACGCCCCCTCACCTGGC 50000 . AB=0.357143,0.642857;ABP=7.97367,7.97367;AC=3,1;AF=0.75,0.25;AN=4;AO=35,19;CIGAR=1X,55M;DP=54;DPRA=0,0;EPP=20.9405,44.2683;EPPR=0;HWE=-6.53213;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=65.5714,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=8.77464;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;RO=0;RPP=10.5174,44.2683;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=41.7866,44.2683;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.00157099,0;XAM=0.00320253,0.00692378;XAS=0.00163154,0.00692378;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/1:38.1084:26:0:0:25,1:749,23:-2.3,-6.41181,-67.7096 1/2:50000:28:0:0:10,18:282,621:-56.235,-1.3108,-25.662
3 116163674 . CACACACACGTGTAGA C 50000 . AB=0.934426,0.0601093;ABP=302.994,310.588;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=171,11;CIGAR=16M,1M8D;DP=183;DPRA=0,0;EPP=67.0243,26.8965;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,8;MEANALT=2.5,2.5;MQM=79.6901,76.3636;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=75.515;PAIRED=0.982456,0.909091;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=CA:11;RO=0;RPP=365.697,3.20771;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=70.6815,3.20771;SRP=0;TYPE=del;XAI=0.00974759,0;XAM=0.0232181,0.00792613;XAS=0.0134705,0.00792613;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:122:0:0:114,7:3765,789:-74.825,-28.7243,-341.97 1/2:50000:61:0:0:57,4:1960,488:-45.14,-12.6453,-176.744
7 121943642 . AGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA GGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA 50000 . AB=0.497238,0.497238;ABP=3.0223,3.0223;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=90,90;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=181;DPRA=0,0;EPP=114.576,34.2795;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2.5,2.5;MQM=60.1556,61.6;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=172.411;PAIRED=0.988889,0.988889;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2|AGGA:4;RO=0;RPP=181.457,84.1751;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=128.087,114.576;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000975547,0.00352352;XAM=0.00375719,0.00535228;XAS=0.00278164,0.00182876;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:128:0:0:62,65:2003,2136:-195.358,-4.26609,-183.383 1/2:50000:53:0:0:28,25:912,836:-75.5744,-0.998452,-82.4057
8 2967631 . GAATTGTTGATCACAATTACAGATATTTTGACTTGAGAGGTTCTCATACCAAACAGCAATGTAATCGTT CAATTGTTGATCACAATTACAGATATTTTGACTTGAGAGGTTCTCATACCAAACAGCAATGTAATCGTT 50000 . AB=0.519481,0.480519;ABP=3.77173,3.77173;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=120,111;CIGAR=69M,1X;DP=231;DPRA=0,0;EPP=63.8839,26.9747;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60,60.7027;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=234.564;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;RO=0;RPP=34.9309,66.5699;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=169.779,157.967;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000382617,0.000378999;XAM=0.015046,0.0203813;XAS=0.0146633,0.0200023;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:161:0:0:89,72:3091,2467:-222.373,-1.59024,-278.537 1/2:50000:70:0:0:31,39:1138,1367:-123.381,-1.2183,-102.787
8 26484064 . TTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTTTGTCCGCA GTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTTTGTCCGCA 50000 . AB=0.513274,0.486726;ABP=3.18325,3.18325;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=58,55;CIGAR=65M,1X;DP=113;DPRA=0,0;EPP=120.42,46.0055;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60.6724,63.3818;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=107.005;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=T:3;RO=0;RPP=128.956,51.3749;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=120.42,113.913;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000292227,0.000747198;XAM=0.00251536,0.00224187;XAS=0.00222313,0.00149468;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:80:0:0:43,37:1448,1101:-99.3876,-1.14756,-130.657 1/2:50000:33:0:0:15,18:527,520:-47.0889,-0.918145,-47.7813
2 242594622 . CGTGCCACCAGAGGTCAGGGCTGGGGGCGGGTGTGTGTTGCTAATGTGTATCTGTTCCCTGCAGCGCAAATGG TGTGCCACCAGAGGTCAGGGCTGGGGGCGGGTGTGTGTTGCTAATGTGTATCTGTTCCCTGCAGCGCAAATGG 50000 . AB=0.509579,0.490421;ABP=3.2183,3.2183;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=133,128;CIGAR=73M,1X;DP=261;DPRA=0,0;EPP=94.8489,5.45321;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60,60.1094;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=345.187;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;RO=0;RPP=291.816,64.083;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=94.8489,81.4547;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000105899,0.000225392;XAM=0.00149795,0.00106999;XAS=0.00139205,0.000844595;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:148:0:0:72,76:2472,2506:-225.87,-1.20724,-222.823 1/2:50000:113:0:0:61,52:2191,1673:-150.892,-1.28001,-197.549
7 121943642 . AGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA GGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA 50000 . AB=0.495238,0.504762;ABP=3.03098,3.03098;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=52,53;CIGAR=1X,74M;DP=105;DPRA=0,0;EPP=16.5402,93.5156;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=61.2115,61.9811;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=119.564;PAIRED=1,0.981132;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2|AGGA:4;RO=0;RPP=45.7716,118.098;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=63.3104,93.5156;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.00343595,0.000535934;XAM=0.00474986,0.00104937;XAS=0.00131392,0.000513437;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:68:0:0:36,32:1250,1056:-95.37,-1.06629,-112.847 1/2:50000:37:0:0:16,21:581,671:-60.7095,-1.02834,-52.6531
8 26484064 . TTTCTTATCCCTTA GTTCTTATCCCTTA 50000 . AB=0.526786,0.473214;ABP=3.70827,3.70827;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=59,53;CIGAR=14M,1X;DP=112;DPRA=0,0;EPP=106.394,65.3275;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=62.1525,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=79.2301;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=T:3;RO=0;RPP=131.127,71.8828;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=106.394,109.576;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000235405,0;XAM=0.00253219,0.00101989;XAS=0.00229679,0.00101989;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:69:0:0:29,40:983,1178:-106.315,-1.39595,-88.809 1/2:50000:43:0:0:30,13:1068,402:-36.4892,-2.38108,-96.476
7 121943642 . AGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA GGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA 50000 . AB=0.338129,0.661871;ABP=34.6451,34.6451;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=47,92;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=139;DPRA=0,0;EPP=59.6072,93.7401;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=59.1915,62.75;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=70.9087;PAIRED=1,0.98913;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2|AGGA:4;RO=0;RPP=73.2828,118.665;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=73.2828,169.553;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000725545,0.000958273;XAM=0.00217103,0.00469928;XAS=0.00144549,0.003741;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:105:0:0:36,69:1180,2390:-215.446,-3.37801,-106.528 1/2:50000:34:0:0:11,23:355,813:-73.5235,-1.77851,-32.2727
7 121943642 . AGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA GGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA 50000 . AB=0.585586,0.414414;ABP=10.0725,10.0725;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=65,46;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=111;DPRA=0,0;EPP=111.551,51.3492;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=61.2,59.2174;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=107.693;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2|AGGA:4;RO=0;RPP=135.604,71.1757;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=119.301,78.5398;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000449401,0.00157742;XAM=0.00130476,0.00498269;XAS=0.000855361,0.00340527;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:76:0:0:49,27:1593,926:-83.683,-2.42394,-143.695 1/2:50000:35:0:0:16,19:523,639:-57.8463,-0.927531,-47.3969
10 71649083 . AGGGGGCAGGGAGGAGCATGAAGGACAGAGGGTGGAACTTCTGGGCTGCGAACAGTGCACCTGGTACTCACCCT GGGGGGCAGGGAGGAGCATGAAGGACAGAGGGTGGAACTTCTGGGCTGCGAACAGTGCACCTGGTACTCACCCT 50000 . AB=0.678363,0.321637;ABP=50.262,50.262;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=116,55;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=171;DPRA=0,0;EPP=42.621,6.20829;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60,60.7091;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=155.905;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;RO=0;RPP=237.829,122.441;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=42.621,6.20829;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0,0;XAM=0.00249449,0.00721128;XAS=0.00249449,0.00721128;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:87:0:0:57,30:1847,978:-88.346,-2.89719,-166.554 1/2:50000:84:0:0:59,25:1862,791:-71.5064,-4.0988,-167.896
15 41272371 . TCAGGACTCTAGCCCTGGTTTGGTTGAAGGAAGTCGGAGGGCCCAGATGGTTACCGTCCTCCAGAGGGGTTGGT GCAGGACTCTAGCCCTGGTTTGGTTGAAGGAAGTCGGAGGGCCCAGATGGTTACCGTCCTCCAGAGGGGTTGGT 50000 . AB=0.828947,0.171053;ABP=145.87,145.87;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=126,26;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=152;DPRA=0,0;EPP=53.2644,43.4331;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=38.5134;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;RO=0;RPP=251.179,43.4331;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=65.0524,59.4686;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.00116319,0.0127484;XAM=0.0027345,0.0156197;XAS=0.00157132,0.00287124;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:167.608:76:0:0:65,11:1920,292:-26.5455,-10.1203,-173.095 1/2:50000:76:0:0:61,15:1802,407:-36.9013,-7.42486,-162.475
6 32551831 . C A 50000 . AB=0.666667,0.333333;ABP=5.18177,5.18177;AC=3,1;AF=0.75,0.25;AN=4;AO=12,3;CIGAR=1X,1M;DP=15;DPRA=0,1.5;EPP=29.068,9.52472;EPPR=0;HWE=-6.53213;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=1.5,2;MQM=73.1667,52.3333;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=3.46574;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=CA:20;RO=0;RPP=29.068,9.52472;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=29.068,9.52472;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.0353802,0.0133129;XAM=0.0603255,0.0388804;XAS=0.0249454,0.0255675;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:59.4562:9:0:0:6,3:177,106:-9.89333,-0.784991,-16.225 1/1:15.1851:6:0:0:6,0:189,0:0,-1.80618,-17.325
7 121943642 . AGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGT GGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGT 50000 . AB=0.4375,0.5625;ABP=7.35324,7.35324;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=56,72;CIGAR=70M,1X;DP=128;DPRA=0,0;EPP=99.951,33.8935;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60,58.3889;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=148.217;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2|AGGA:4;RO=0;RPP=116.082,90.9549;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=107.861,78.4086;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0,0.00252589;XAM=0.00122405,0.00327664;XAS=0.00122405,0.000750751;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:80:0:0:32,48:1006,1794:-161.834,-1.74175,-90.8544 1/2:50000:48:0:0:24,24:719,838:-75.7692,-0.940942,-65.0096
15 41272371 . TCAGGACTCTAGCCCTGGTTTGGTTGAAGGAAGTCGGAGGGCCCAGATGGTTACCGTCCTCCAGAGGGGTTGGT GCAGGACTCTAGCCCTGGTTTGGTTGAAGGAAGTCGGAGGGCCCAGATGGTTACCGTCCTCCAGAGGGGTTGGT 50000 . AB=0.834286,0.16;ABP=172.869,178.726;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=146,28;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=175;DPRA=0,0;EPP=75.8885,47.6806;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2.5,2.5;MQM=60.137,60;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=44.9424;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;RO=0;RPP=286.254,47.6806;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=84.4554,63.8115;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000581415,0.0115443;XAM=0.00201064,0.0148685;XAS=0.00142923,0.00332418;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:99:0:0:85,13:2598,366:-35.2879,-16.0707,-236.195 1/2:50000:76:0:0:61,15:1802,407:-36.9013,-7.42486,-162.475
6 32551831 . CACACTCAGATTCCCAGCTCACGGGGACTCAGGCCCCGCCCGCGGCC AACACTCAGATTCCCAGCTCACGGGGACTCAGGCCCCGCCCGCGGCC 50000 . AB=0.5,0.5;ABP=3.0103,3.0103;AC=3,1;AF=0.75,0.25;AN=4;AO=11,5;CIGAR=1X,47M;DP=16;DPRA=0,1.66667;EPP=12.6832,6.91895;EPPR=0;HWE=-6.53213;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=1.5,2;MQM=72.9091,60.2;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=3.46574;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=CA:20;RO=0;RPP=12.6832,6.91895;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=26.8965,13.8677;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.0341694,0.029926;XAM=0.0637302,0.0495888;XAS=0.0295609,0.0196628;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:116.801:10:0:0:5,5:152,168:-15.456,-0.608899,-13.984 1/1:15.1851:6:0:0:6,0:189,0:0,-1.80618,-17.325
7 121943642 . AGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGT GGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGT 50000 . AB=0.407692,0.592308;ABP=12.6316,12.6316;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=53,77;CIGAR=70M,1X;DP=130;DPRA=0,0;EPP=101.382,37.5565;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60,59.0649;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=148.217;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2|AGGA:4;RO=0;RPP=109.576,76.3609;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=109.576,107.946;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0,0.0036225;XAM=0.00237805,0.0043245;XAS=0.00237805,0.000702001;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:82:0:0:29,53:909,1968:-177.491,-2.5849,-82.1234 1/2:50000:48:0:0:24,24:719,838:-75.7692,-0.940942,-65.0096
16 70708159 . CATAAGGCTGCTGCACCCCACCCTGACTGATCCTCCTAACGCCCCCTCACCTGGCTGGTGATGTCTGAAGGCAT TATAAGGCTGCTGCACCCCACCCTGACTGATCCTCCTAACGCCCCCTCACCTGGCTGGTGATGTCTGAAGGCAT 50000 . AB=0.688889,0.311111;ABP=16.956,16.956;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=31,14;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=45;DPRA=0,0;EPP=61.9202,3.0103;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60,63.5;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=31.6348;PAIRED=1,1;PAIREDR=0;RO=0;RPP=70.3259,8.59409;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=61.9202,12.937;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0,0.000978474;XAM=0.00349624,0.00303493;XAS=0.00349624,0.00205646;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:32:0:0:24,8:819,229:-20.8963,-2.61101,-74.0513 1/2:137.388:13:0:0:7,6:243,154:-14.1167,-0.678873,-22.2171
8 26484064 . TTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTT GTTCTTATCCCTTATTTGGTTATTTGGTTTATCTATTAAAAGTCCACTTCTCTATTT 50000 . AB=0.516484,0.483516;ABP=3.22506,3.22506;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=47,44;CIGAR=57M,1X;DP=91;DPRA=0,0;EPP=96.5684,60.0608;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=67,60.6818;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=81.9436;PAIRED=1,0.977273;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=T:3;RO=0;RPP=105.07,66.97;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=96.5684,74.2741;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.00180323,0.000311333;XAM=0.00266974,0.000618458;XAS=0.000866503,0.000307125;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:60:0:0:30,30:1044,924:-83.468,-0.988945,-94.308 1/2:50000:31:0:0:17,14:596,399:-36.195,-0.908385,-53.9906
7 121943642 . AGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA GGGAAGGAAGGGAGGGAAGGAAAGGATCTCCGTTTTGCATTGTACTTGCCTTTCCACACACTTCGCAAGTGAAA 50000 . AB=0.503597,0.496403;ABP=3.02592,3.02592;AC=2,2;AF=0.5,0.5;AN=4;AO=70,69;CIGAR=74M,1X;DP=139;DPRA=0,0;EPP=114.686,29.4771;EPPR=0;HWE=4.77121;LEN=1,1;MEANALT=2,2;MQM=60.4714,60.5942;MQMR=0;NS=2;NUMALT=2;ODDS=107.783;PAIRED=0.985714,0.985507;PAIREDR=0;REPEAT=A:2|AGGA:4;RO=0;RPP=138.138,55.9124;RPPR=0;RUN=1,1;SAP=130.072,105.258;SRP=0;TYPE=snp;XAI=0.000609773,0.00337232;XAM=0.00315101,0.00498556;XAS=0.00254124,0.00161324;XRI=0;XRM=0;XRS=0;technology.ILLUMINA=1,1;BVAR GT:GQ:DP:RO:QR:AO:QA:GL 1/2:50000:103:0:0:49,54:1593,1919:-173.065,-1.15775,-143.695 1/2:50000:36:0:0:21,15:667,525:-47.6,-1.09139,-60.3476

freebayes randomly stops after a certain position

Hi Erik,

I am having a couple of issues with freebayes:

  1. It randomly stops after reaching a certain position. Here is the command used to run freebayes:
    freebayes -f hg19.fa -b filename.M20.bam --min-coverage 12 -q 10 --no-mnps --no-indels -F 0.25 -d debug -v filename.vcf 2> debug2.txt &

Here are the last few lines from debug2.txt

post-filtering coverage of 1 is less than --min-coverage of 12
position: chr1:249223925 coverage: 0
no alleles left at this site after filtering
position: chr1:249223926 coverage: 0
no alleles left at this site after filtering
no more alignments in input
total sites: 249213920
processed sites: 129
ratio: 5.17628e-07

"no more alignments in input" is definitely not be the case. It has alignments from all chromosomes.

  1. I tried giving it a target file and runs into same problem. It stops outputting after reaching chr2.

Here are a couple lines from the debug file
position: chr2:242627225 coverage: 17
insufficient alternate observations
position: chr2:242627226 coverage: 16
insufficient alternate observations
next position 242627227 outside of current target right bound 242627227
chr3 37033979 3703515337033979_37035154
getting first variant
got first variant
next position 37035154 outside of current target right bound 37035154
chr3 37038110 3703819937038110_37038200
getting first variant
got first variant
next position 37038200 outside of current target right bound 37038200
chr3 37042446 3704254337042446_37042544
getting first variant
got first variant
next position 37042544 outside of current target right bound 37042544
chr3 37045892 3704596437045892_37045965
getting first variant
got first variant

  1. Using samtools, I extracted chr3 alignments and re-ran freebayes only on those alignments with the targeted file. That worked fine. Do you have any suggestions?
  2. I am also running into
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'. Do you know of a workaround this?

I will be happy to provide you with an example of the bam file if you need it.


Incorrect defaults displayed in help

In the help there are a couple of defaults which are incorrect.

-x --indel-exclusion-window shows a default of 0, however, on line 296 of Parameters.cpp is set to -1

 IDW = -1;                     // -x --indel-exclusion-window

-T --theta shows a default of 0.0001, however on line 297 of Parameters.cpp is set to 0.001

 TH = 10e-3;              // -T --theta


How about adding an option to require an alternate allele to appear in at least a certain fraction of forward vs. reverse reads?

Assertion `!a->empty()' failed.


I'm running freebayes (v9.9.2-14-g3e07445-dirty) on my data and get the following error:

freebayes: ResultData.cpp:164: vcf::Variant& Results::vcf(vcf::Variant&, BigFloat, long double, Samples&, std::string, std::vector<Allele>&, std::map<std::basic_string<char>, int>, int, std::vector<std::basic_string<char> >&, int, GenotypeCombo&, bool, std::map<std::basic_string<char>, std::vector<Allele*> >&, std::map<std::basic_string<char>, std::vector<Allele*> >&, std::map<Allele*, std::set<Allele*> >&, std::map<int, std::vector<Genotype> >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char> >&, AlleleParser*): Assertion `!a->empty()' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

My call is like follows:

$ freebayes \
   --vcf pool.vcf \
   --fasta-reference galGal4.fa \
   --ploidy 30 \
   --pooled-discrete \
   --use-best-n-alleles 3 \
   --use-mapping-quality \
   --min-alternate-count 3 \
   --bam WL_POOL.test.bam \
   --pvar 0.8

I looked at the source to figure why the assertion fails and also modified the source slightly to show the line in the bam file cause the issue (basically printing the same values as if alt were identical to ref in that block):

variant at gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|:4563864
alt is empty
== TTC

The problematic region in my bam looks like this:

gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563861 N       32      t$TtttttTtt-5nnnnntTttttTtTTTTTtTttTT-5NNNNNTtt DBHAHJJDJGADJGJJDIDDDFDHDHFJCHB5
gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563862 N       32      T-4NNNNtttttTt*tTttttT-4NNNNtTT-4NNNNTTTtTt-4nnnntTtTtt^]T      <HCHJJDJIADJHHJDIDBDDDHDHFJDBDBC
gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563863 N       29      t-3nnnttt-3nnntTt-3nnn*tT-3NNNt-3nnnttttTTTTtT-3NNN*tTtTttT     F?HIJDJIABJDDJIDDDDIBHFHDHDAC
gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563864 N       27      *t*tT**t*tttt-2nnTTTTt-2nn*tT-2NNtTttTT FHJJDJI=JDHJIDDDDIHFBDFDCC:
gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563865 N       26      **t-1n*t-1nT-1N**t*t-1nt-1nt-1n*TT-1N**t-1n*tTttTT      F3HJGDJI=J?GJIBDJHDBDDD<FB
gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563866 N       25      ********c$*********tTttTT^]T    F3FJJ?JI=JCJI:JHHBD?D@FD?
gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563867 N       25      cccccCccccccCcccCcccCCC^]C^]C   F3FJJ?JIJCJI:JHHBDD>F71CC
gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563868 N       27      cccccCcccccccCcccCcccCCCCC^]C   F<DJJ>JHIJHJH@JHH>DDAFA:CCC
gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563869 N       28      tttttTtttttttTttttTtttTTTTTT    F?FJJ:JHJIGIHAJHH?7DD;F:DCCC
gi|358485511|ref|NC_006088.3|   4563870 N       27      cccccCcccccccCccccCccCCCCCC     F>FJJ@JIJIHJI>JJH;;DDH=?FFC

Is there any solution you can figure from those infos? I could also provide the full dataset by email/ftp so you can reproduce the error.


  • Michael

Question about the genotype format (GT) in the output file

For a pooled sample where there are reads of 2 diploid organisms (--ploidy=4) let's pretend that the genotype output (GT) of freebayes is:


As I understand it, the first two ones (1/1..) represent the genotype of the first organism while the rest of the numbers (..0/1) represent the genotype of the second organism. Is this interpretation correct?

Thanks in advance

compilation error, ambiguous overload

I'm receiving the following compilation error:

cd src && make
make[1]: Entering directory /home/kyle/freebayes/src' g++ -O3 -Wno-deprecated -c Parameters.cpp convert.h: In function โ€˜bool convert(const std::string&, T&)โ€™: convert.h:9: error: ambiguous overload for โ€˜operator!=โ€™ in โ€˜iss.std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::tellg [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]() != s->std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::size [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>, _Alloc = std::allocator<char>]()โ€™ convert.h:9: note: candidates are: operator!=(std::streamoff, size_t) <built-in> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/bits/postypes.h:143: note: bool std::fpos<_StateT>::operator!=(const std::fpos<_StateT>&) const [with _StateT = __mbstate_t] make[1]: *** [Parameters.o] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory/home/kyle/freebayes/src'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Compilation problem

I got problem when compling.
I'm not a sudo and I guess I'm not able to change /usr/local/bin in case needed.
the gcc version I'm using is 3.4.5 (sorry, I can't change it) and I see the newest version is 4.0.2 under a name 'gcc4'
I don't know whether I'm still able to install freebayes.

-bash-3.00$ make
cd src && make
make[1]: Entering directory /==MYNAME==/ekg-freebayes-f6b1ab7/src' g++ -O3 -c freebayes.cpp In file included from freebayes.cpp:25: Allele.h: In constructorAllele::Allele(AlleleType, std::string&, long double, long double_, char_, unsigned int, int, int, std::string, std::string&, std::string&, std::string&, bool, long double, std::string, short int, bool, bool, bool)':
Allele.h:173: warning: passing long double' for converting 1 oflong double phred2ln(int)'
In file included from freebayes.cpp:27:
AlleleParser.h:32:31: ../vcflib/Variant.h: No such file or directory
In file included from freebayes.cpp:27:
AlleleParser.h: At global scope:
AlleleParser.h:135: error: vcf' has not been declared AlleleParser.h:135: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration ofVariantCallFile' with no type

Segmentation fault with the --only-use-input-alleles when calling indels

When I try to run FreeBayes with the --only-use-input-alleles option to regenotype indels I am getting a segfault. I have pasted the command and valgrind results below. Running the same command without the -l and -@ parameters works without a problem.

==31906== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==31906== Copyright (C) 2002-2009, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==31906== Using Valgrind-3.5.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==31906== Command: freebayes/bin/freebayes -b /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/indel_consensus_test/NA19238.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.YRI.exome.20111114.bam -v NA19238.freebayes.vcf -f /users/challis/refs/human_g1k_v37.fasta -l -@ ../NA19238.mpileup.nofilt.vcf -_ -I -X -u
==31906== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==31906== at 0x459542: AlleleParser::getNextAlleles(Samples&, int) (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x407333: main (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== Invalid read of size 8
==31906== at 0x476988: mergeCigar(std::string const&, std::string const&) (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x43447C: Allele::mergeAllele(Allele const&, AlleleType) (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x4526AA: AlleleParser::updateInputVariants() (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x458ED1: AlleleParser::toNextPosition() (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x45957C: AlleleParser::getNextAlleles(Samples&, int) (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x407333: main (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== Address 0xfffffffffffffff8 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==31906== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==31906== Access not within mapped region at address 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8
==31906== at 0x476988: mergeCigar(std::string const&, std::string const&) (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x43447C: Allele::mergeAllele(Allele const&, AlleleType) (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x4526AA: AlleleParser::updateInputVariants() (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x458ED1: AlleleParser::toNextPosition() (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x45957C: AlleleParser::getNextAlleles(Samples&, int) (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== by 0x407333: main (in /stornext/snfs6/1000GENOMES/challis/lib/freebayes/bin/freebayes)
==31906== If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
==31906== overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
==31906== possible), you can try to increase the size of the
==31906== main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
==31906== The main thread stack size used in this run was 10485760.
==31906== HEAP SUMMARY:
==31906== in use at exit: 644,571 bytes in 2,502 blocks
==31906== total heap usage: 26,127,022 allocs, 26,124,520 frees, 996,492,741 bytes allocated
==31906== LEAK SUMMARY:
==31906== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==31906== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==31906== possibly lost: 187,639 bytes in 1,502 blocks
==31906== still reachable: 456,932 bytes in 1,000 blocks
==31906== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==31906== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==31906== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==31906== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==31906== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 4 from 4)
Segmentation fault

Allow MNPs to be reported as SNPs

I have a good quality GG/TC MNP:

$ freebayes -f /data/reference/ucsc/hg19/hg19.fa -r chr22:42526560..42526563 -F 0.3  reads.bam 2> /dev/null| cut -f1-6 | grep -v "##"
chr22   42526561    .   GG  TC  49314.7

But I don't want MNPs, I want two SNPs. So I'll use the --no-mnps flag, right? Doesn't work:

$ freebayes -f /data/reference/ucsc/hg19/hg19.fa -r chr22:42526560..42526563 -F 0.3 --no-mnps reads.bam 2> /dev/null| cut -f1-6 | grep -v "##"

OK, so how about adding in --no-complex? That doesn't even give the best SNPs:

$ freebayes -f /data/reference/ucsc/hg19/hg19.fa -r chr22:42526560..42526563 -F 0.3 --no-mnps --no-complex reads.bam 2> /dev/null| cut -f1-6 | grep -v "##"
chr22   42526561    .   G   C   62.4447
chr22   42526562    .   G   C   0.0781914

Weird, so what about trying to force it to produce the best alleles?

$ freebayes -f /data/reference/ucsc/hg19/hg19.fa -r chr22:42526560..42526563 -F 0.3 --use-best-n-alleles 1 --no-mnps --no-complex reads.bam 2> /dev/null| cut -f1-6 | grep -v "##"
chr22   42526561    .   G   C   62.4447
chr22   42526562    .   G   C   0.0781914

So how I can get freebayes to report the GG/TC as two individual SNPs?


I've run freebayes 3bec28e with BWA-generated BAM files and got the following messages for 2 out of 3 samples (3 independent BAM files)

sample A output:
Exception: Unable to read reference sequence base past end of current cached sequence

sample B otput:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::substr

on the other hand, sample C does not give me error .

please let me know if any further information is needed, in case of sample A a specific reference sequence cuases the error an I may report it here or elsewhere as needed

thanks in advance

Compilation problem

The compilation goes smoothly until this point:

AlleleParser.cpp: In member function โ€˜void AlleleParser::openBams()โ€™:
AlleleParser.cpp:43: error: โ€˜class BamTools::BamMultiReaderโ€™ has no member named โ€˜SetIndexCacheModeโ€™
AlleleParser.cpp:43: error: โ€˜NoIndexCachingโ€™ is not a member of โ€˜BamTools::BamIndexโ€™
make[1]: *** [AlleleParser.o] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Could you suggest how I can fix this problem? Thanks.

floating point exception

freebayes --fasta-reference RefSeq.fasta test.bam -dd
loading fasta reference RefSeq.fasta
Number of target regions: 0
Opening BAM fomat alignment input file: test.bam ...
Number of ref seqs: 17
no sample list file given, reading sample names from bam file
found 1 samples



source=freeBayes version 0.2.3



INFO=<ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of samples with data">

INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total read depth at the locus">

INFO=<ID=AC,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total number of alternate alleles in called genotypes">

INFO=<ID=AN,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total number of alleles in called genotypes">

INFO=<ID=BCF,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description="Forward-strand base count: the number of observations on the forward strand for, the reference, the first alternate, the second alternate, and so on for each alternate">

INFO=<ID=BCR,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description="Reverse-strand base count: the number of observations on the reverse strand for, the reference, the first alternate, the second alternate, and so on for each alternate">

INFO=<ID=SB,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Strand bias for the alternate allele: a number between 0 and 1 representing the ratio of forward strand sequence reads showing the alternate allele to all reads, considering only reads from individuals called as heterozygous">

INFO=<ID=AB,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Allele balance at heterozygous sites: a number beween 0 and 1 representing the ratio of reads showing the reference allele to all reads, considering only reads from individuals called as heterozygous">

INFO=<ID=ABB,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description="Allele balance counts: two numbers giving the numbers of sequence reads from apparent heterozygotes which show reference and alternate alleles for the site">

INFO=<ID=RUN,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Homopolymer run length: the number of consecutive nucleotides in the reference genome matching the alternate allele prior to the current position">

INFO=<ID=SNP,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="SNP alleles"

INFO=<ID=TS,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="transition SNP"

INFO=<ID=TV,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="transversion SNP"

INFO=<ID=CpG,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="CpG site (either CpG, TpG or CpA)"

INFO=<ID=INS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Length of insertion allele, if present"

INFO=<ID=DEL,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Length of deletion allele, if present"


FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,"Genotype Quality">

FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,"Read Depth">

FORMAT=<ID=RA,Number=1,Type=Integer,"Reference allele observations">

FORMAT=<ID=AA,Number=1,Type=Integer,"Alternate allele observations">

FORMAT=<ID=BCF,Number=2,Type=Integer,"Number of forward-strand reference and alternate allele observations">

FORMAT=<ID=BCR,Number=2,Type=Integer,"Number of reverse-strand reference and alternate allele observations">


Floating point exception

segmentation fault

Hello freebayes developers and users,

I am new to SNP calling and freebayes. I am trying to call SNPs for different geographical strains (pooled samples). The datasets vary in coverage between 70x to some 7x. Freebayes (v 0.9.6) works nicely on the big dataset. But for the low coverage datasets freebayes stops with segmentation fault. I am running for example:
freebayes --pooled --min-coverage 5 --min-alternate-fraction 0.2 --no-complex --ploidy 10 --vcf SNPs-let-freebayes.vcf --debug --fasta-reference reference.fasta sorted.bam

See the last lines of debug below.
I was trying to create a test dataset to post here for debugging, but I cant identify any particular contig or so that seems to cause the problem. If I run freebayes twice on the exact same dataset with the same parameters the segmentation fault occurs at the same point (at the same contig), but if I take just the last contig that was analysed when the segmentation fault happened, map reads onto that one and redo freebayes with the exact same parameters it works without error. I am stuck..

I would highly appreciate any ideas and/or assistance!

much obliged,

position: 1032053_len_1505_COV_52.328_gc_37.17_r:618 coverage: 5
allele group D:617:1M3D
allele group S:617:1X:G
allele group S:617:1X:T
deletion:3:A has support of 1 in individual unknown and fraction 0.2
snp:1:G has support of 2 in individual unknown and fraction 0.4
snp:1:T has support of 2 in individual unknown and fraction 0.4
building haplotype alleles, currently there are 4 genotype alleles
allele group D:617:1M3D
allele group D:618:1M4D
allele group S:618:1X:C
allele group S:619:1X:G
deletion:3:A has support of 1 in individual unknown and fraction 0.25
deletion:4:T has support of 1 in individual unknown and fraction 0.25
snp:1:C has support of 1 in individual unknown and fraction 0.25
snp:1:G has support of 1 in individual unknown and fraction 0.25
allele group D:618:1M4D
allele group I:622:1M1I:CG
allele group S:618:1X:C
allele group S:619:1X:G
allele group S:622:1X:G
snp:1:G has support of 3 in individual unknown and fraction 0.428571
built haplotype alleles, now there are 0 genotype alleles
/var/spool/slurmd/job10677564/slurm_script: line 24: 2052 Segmentation fault

Called variants with same base as reference sequence

Freebayes will ouput variant calls that have the same base as the reference sequence:

#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER
5       165062085       .       G       G       82.086  .  

These cause GATK variant manipulation tools to raise an error when working downstream with Freebayes calls, which identified the issue.

Here is a BAM file with 2 reads that reproduces the problem, using the Broad GRCh37 genome:
ftp://[email protected]/bundle/1.2/b37/human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz

freebayes -b freebayes_nochange_call.bam -v test_nochange.vcf -f  GRCh37.fa

Please let me know if any other information would be helpful.

Crash when "alt is the same as the reference"

Dear freebayes devs,

I pulled and compiled freebayes from GIT today. It identifies itself as version 0.9.5. I have hundreds of BAM files but recent versions of freebayes (0.9.4 and 0.9.5) are not able to handle a particular site in one of these files. Version 0.8.9 handled the site (in that it didn't crash) but overall seemed considerably slower at SNP calling this data. Recent freebayes versions crash with an error message when it gets to a certain position at chromosome "Group12" in this file:


freebayes -b 10154640-10164640.bam -f ref.fasta -v test_Group12.20120503.vcf -r Group12:10154651..


variant at Group12:10154652
alt is the same as the reference
C == C
freebayes: ResultData.cpp:166: vcf::Variant& Results::vcf(vcf::Variant&, long double, long double, Samples&, std::string, std::vector<Allele, std::allocator >&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int> > >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, int, GenotypeCombo&, bool, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> > > > >&, std::map<int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator >, std::less, std::allocator<std::pair<const int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator > > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, AlleleParser_): Assertion `_a != var.ref' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

Samtools tview of that position reveals that 10154651 is followed by an "nc" insertion in a single read:

    10154641  10154651   10154661
.............. .................
..........      ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
......                    ,,,,,,

It looks rather odd and probably represents an edge case that freebayes does not currently handle. I prepared an archive for Erik a while ago with a small BAM file and the reference genome. The archive although zipped is rather large and I'd like to keep the data at least pseudo-private for now, so contact me if more information and the data itself is needed to fix this bug.

In the meantime, is there anything I can do to make freebayes tolerate the site and just ignore? I suppose I can tweak my pipeline to for instance run freebayes twice, before and after the site, and then merge the outputs but that is an ugly solution :-)

Best regards,

Assertion `*a != var.ref' failed.

Hi Erik

Looks like I've found another one. This appears to be very rare, I've only observed it occurring on 1 of our 31 Chromosomes (the rest ran to completion :-) ).

When running:
freebayes -v freebayes-pop-Chr26c.vcf -f /data/seq/indexed-genomes/bos_taurus/umd31MT/umd31MT.fa -b Chr26-issue.bam 2> Attempt-3-Chr26-error

We get the following error:

freebayes: ResultData.cpp:162: vcf::Variant& Results::vcf(vcf::Variant&, long double, long double, Samples&, std::string, std::vector<Allele, std::allocator >&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int> > >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, int, GenotypeCombo&, bool, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> > > > >&, std::map<int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator >, std::less, std::allocator<std::pair<const int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator > > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, AlleleParser_): Assertion `_a != var.ref' failed.

An example BAM file can be found here:

As usual it's the same reference as before.
Using the latest build of freebayes: 31cffd8

tail of freebayes -d output

allele group S:7163650:1X:G
complex:4:TAGA has support of 2 in individual 10841297 and fraction 1
reference:1:G has support of 1 in individual 17108826 and fraction 1
snp:1:G has support of 1 in individual 17144784 and fraction 1
allele group C:7163649:1X2M1I:TAGA
allele group G
allele group S:7163649:1M1X1M:GGG
allele group S:7163649:1X2M:AAG
complex:4:TAGA has support of 2 in individual 10841297 and fraction 0.0606061
reference:1:G has support of 30 in individual 10841297 and fraction 0.909091
snp:1:GGG has support of 1 in individual 17144784 and fraction 0.0344828
snp:1:AAG has support of 1 in individual 10841297 and fraction 0.030303
built haplotype alleles, now there are 4 genotype alleles
genotype alleles: complex:4:TAGA|reference:1:G|snp:1:GGG|snp:1:AAG
pVar = 1 0.0001 pHom = 1.67445e-12 1 - pHom = 1
calculating marginal likelihoods
position: Chr26:7163653 coverage: 805
allele group A
allele group I:7163652:1I3M:AAAA
reference:1:A has support of 35 in individual 10841297 and fraction 1
insertion:1:AAAA has support of 1 in individual 17144784 and fraction 0.0384615
building haplotype alleles, currently there are 2 genotype alleles
allele group A
allele group I:7163652:1I3M:AAAA
reference:1:A has support of 5 in individual 10841297 and fraction 1
insertion:1:AAAA has support of 1 in individual 17144784 and fraction 0.5
allele group A
allele group I:7163652:1I3M:AAAA
reference:1:A has support of 35 in individual 10841297 and fraction 1
insertion:1:AAAA has support of 1 in individual 17144784 and fraction 0.0384615
built haplotype alleles, now there are 2 genotype alleles
genotype alleles: reference:1:A|insertion:1:AAAA
pVar = 0.000175625 0.0001 pHom = 0.999824 1 - pHom = 0.000175625
calculating marginal likelihoods
freebayes: ResultData.cpp:162: vcf::Variant& Results::vcf(vcf::Variant&, long double, long double, Samples&, std::string, std::vector<Allele, std::allocator >&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, int> > >, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, int, GenotypeCombo&, bool, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> > > > >&, std::map<int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator >, std::less, std::allocator<std::pair<const int, std::vector<Genotype, std::allocator > > > >&, std::vector<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > > >&, AlleleParser_): Assertion `_a != var.ref' failed.

Segfault (backtrace available)

Latest freebayes code from github segfaults on a single bam file with no additional arguments beside a reference fasta file and an output vcf file. Here is a full backtrace from a build with debugging symbols and no optimization:

(gdb) bt full 15
#0 0x00000035196328a5 in raise () from /lib64/

No symbol table info available.
#1 0x0000003519634085 in abort () from /lib64/

No symbol table info available.
#2 0x000000351962ba1e in __assert_fail_base () from /lib64/

No symbol table info available.
#3 0x000000351962bae0 in __assert_fail () from /lib64/

No symbol table info available.
#4 0x00000000004bb7db in Results::vcf (this=0x7fffffffbc10, var=..., pHom=0.00039014887204923429120329977036994717, bestComboOddsRatio=3.9120230054624967541091612455161908, samples=..., refbase="G",

altAllelesIncludingNulls=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, repeats=std::map with 0 elements, sampleNames=std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {...}, coverage=1, genotypeCombo=..., bestOverallComboIsHet=true, 
alleleGroups=std::map with 1 elements = {...}, genotypesByPloidy=std::map with 1 elements = {...}, sequencingTechnologies=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, parser=0x7b7590) at ResultData.cpp:159
    refReadsLeft = 22697744
    refEndLeft = 22697768
    adjustedAltAlleles = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{type = ALLELE_SNP, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 391, 
        currentReferencePosition = 0x7fffffffac48, currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffab60 "\220R[\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 391, bpLeft = 391, bpRight = 825832192, basesLeft = 539499352, 
        basesRight = 53, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "S:391:1X:A", mapQuality = 0, lnmapQuality = 0, 
        readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = false, cigar = "1X", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}}
refBasesLeft = 4294946912
refReadSNPSum =
comboMap = std::map with 1 elements = {
["genot_T_10"] = 0x159f3b0
referencePosition = 391
minEndMatch = 0
adjustedCigar = std::map with 1 elements = {
["S:391:1X:A"] = "1X"
PRETTY_FUNCTION = "vcf::Variant& Results::vcf(vcf::Variant&, long double, long double, Samples&, std::string, std::vector<Allele, std::allocator >&, std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::"...
refBasesRight = 32767
refReadsRight = 0
refmqsum = 0
refEndRight = 0
refProperPairs = 0
refObsCount = 32767
refObsBySequencingTechnology = std::map with 0 elements
parameters = @0x7b7590
altAlleles = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{type = ALLELE_SNP, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 391,
currentReferencePosition = 0x7fffffffac48, currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffab60 "\220R[\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 391, bpLeft = 391, bpRight = 825832192, basesLeft = 539499352,
basesRight = 53, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "S:391:1X:A", mapQuality = 0, lnmapQuality = 0,
readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = false, cigar = "1X", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}}
minStartMatch = 0
refReadMismatchSum =
refReadIndelSum =
#5 0x000000000040c323 in main (argc=6, argv=0x7fffffffd038) at freebayes.cpp:763

    bestGenotypeComboByMarginals = {<std::vector<SampleDataLikelihood*, std::allocator<SampleDataLikelihood*> >> = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, probObsGivenGenotypes = 0, permutationsln = 0, 
      alleleCounters = std::map with 0 elements, genotypeCounts = std::map with 0 elements, posteriorProb = 0, priorProb = 0, priorProbG_Af = 0, priorProbAf = 0, priorProbObservations = 0, priorProbGenotypesGivenHWE = 0}
    allSampleDataLikelihoods = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0
    alts = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{type = ALLELE_SNP, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 391, currentReferencePosition = 0x7fffffffac48, 
        currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffab60 "\220R[\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 391, bpLeft = 391, bpRight = 825832192, basesLeft = 539499352, basesRight = 53, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, 
        sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "S:391:1X:A", mapQuality = 0, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, 
        readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = false, cigar = "1X", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}}
var = {vcf = 0x7b7b78, sequenceName = "", position = 297, id = "", ref = "", alt = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {"A"}, alleles = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, altAlleleIndexes = std::map with 0 elements,
originalLine = "", filter = "", quality = 32.088687370313728, info = std::map with 0 elements, infoFlags = std::map with 0 elements, format = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, samples = std::map with 0 elements,
sampleNames = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {"unknown", "genot_T_10"}, outputSampleNames = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {"unknown", "genot_T_10"}, lastFormat = ""}
repeats = std::map with 0 elements
coverage = 1
sampleListPlusRef = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {"unknown", "genot_T_10"}
usingNull = false
genotypeCombos = std::list = {
[0] = {<std::vector<SampleDataLikelihood*, std::allocator<SampleDataLikelihood*> >> = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0x159f3b0}, probObsGivenGenotypes = 0, permutationsln = 0,
alleleCounters = std::map with 1 elements = {["S:391:1X:A"] = {frequency = 2, observations = 0, forwardStrand = 0, reverseStrand = 0, placedLeft = 0, placedRight = 0, placedStart = 0, placedEnd = 0}},
genotypeCounts = std::map with 1 elements = {[0x15c5140] = 2}, posteriorProb = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProb = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbG_Af = 0,
priorProbAf = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbObservations = 0, priorProbGenotypesGivenHWE = -nan(0xc000000000000000)},
[1] = {<std::vector<SampleDataLikelihood*, std::allocator<SampleDataLikelihood*> >> = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0x159f3f0}, probObsGivenGenotypes = -0.6931471805599453094286904741849753,
permutationsln = 0.69314718060378311000578610556743797, alleleCounters = std::map with 2 elements = {["G"] = {frequency = 1, observations = 0, forwardStrand = 0, reverseStrand = 0, placedLeft = 0, placedRight = 0,
placedStart = 0, placedEnd = 0}, ["S:391:1X:A"] = {frequency = 1, observations = 0, forwardStrand = 0, reverseStrand = 0, placedLeft = 0, placedRight = 0, placedStart = 0, placedEnd = 0}},
genotypeCounts = std::map with 1 elements = {[0x15c50c0] = 2}, posteriorProb = -3.9219733365063924946432999396606078, priorProb = -3.2288261559464471852146094654756325, priorProbG_Af = 0,
priorProbAf = -3.2288261559464471852146094654756325, priorProbObservations = 0, priorProbGenotypesGivenHWE = -nan(0xc000000000000000)},
[2] = {<std::vector<SampleDataLikelihood*, std::allocator<SampleDataLikelihood*> >> = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0x159f430}, probObsGivenGenotypes = -7.8287893161797557084469190158415586, permutationsln = 0,
alleleCounters = std::map with 1 elements = {["G"] = {frequency = 2, observations = 0, forwardStrand = 0, reverseStrand = 0, placedLeft = 0, placedRight = 0, placedStart = 0, placedEnd = 0}},
genotypeCounts = std::map with 1 elements = {[0x15c5040] = 2}, posteriorProb = -7.8387396472236514489810577099859756, priorProb = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbG_Af = 0,
priorProbAf = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbObservations = 0, priorProbGenotypesGivenHWE = -nan(0xc000000000000000)}
pHom = 0.00039014887204923429120329977036994717
hasHetCombo = true
alleleGroups = std::map with 1 elements = {
["S:391:1X:A"] = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0x15a81f0}
ploidies = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {2}
invariantSampleDataLikelihoodsByPopulation = std::map with 1 elements = {
["DEFAULT"] = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0
bestComboOddsRatio = 3.9120230054624967541091612455161908
bestOverallComboIsHet = true
referenceBase = "G"
genotypeAlleles = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{type = ALLELE_REFERENCE, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "G", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0,
currentReferencePosition = 0x2aaaaaac44d0, currentReferenceBase = 0x351920c2b2 "H\211C [\303\017\037\204", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 0, bpLeft = 423759832, bpRight = 53, basesLeft = -12856,
basesRight = 32767, strand = 4294954448, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "G", mapQuality = 14459, lnmapQuality = 0,
readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = 144, isPaired = 145, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = 143, cigar = "1M", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, {type = ALLELE_SNP, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 391,
currentReferencePosition = 0x7fffffffac48, currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffab60 "\220R[\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 391, bpLeft = 391, bpRight = 825832192, basesLeft = 539499352,
basesRight = 53, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "S:391:1X:A", mapQuality = 0, lnmapQuality = 0,
readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 172, in next
elt = self.item.dereference()
RuntimeError: Attempt to take contents of a non-pointer value.
, processed = false, cigar = "1X", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}}
variantSampleDataLikelihoodsByPopulation = std::map with 1 elements = {
["DEFAULT"] = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {
[0] = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {{name = "genot_T_10", genotype = 0x15c5140, prob = 0, marginal = 0, sample = 0x15a57a8, hasObservations = true, rank = 0}, {name = "genot_T_10", genotype = 0x15c50c0,
prob = -0.6931471805599453094286904741849753, marginal = 0, sample = 0x15a57a8, hasObservations = true, rank = 1}, {name = "genot_T_10", genotype = 0x15c5040, prob = -7.8287893161797557084469190158415586,
marginal = 0, sample = 0x15a57a8, hasObservations = true, rank = 2}}
inputAlleleCounts = std::map with 0 elements
inputLikelihoodCount = 0
posteriorNormalizer = 0.010242521251532290663379602506377619
sampleDataLikelihoodsByPopulation = std::map with 1 elements = {
["DEFAULT"] = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {
[0] = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {{name = "genot_T_10", genotype = 0x15c5140, prob = 0, marginal = 0, sample = 0x15a57a8, hasObservations = true, rank = 0}, {name = "genot_T_10", genotype = 0x15c50c0,
prob = -0.6931471805599453094286904741849753, marginal = 0, sample = 0x15a57a8, hasObservations = true, rank = 1}, {name = "genot_T_10", genotype = 0x15c5040, prob = -7.8287893161797557084469190158415586,
marginal = 0, sample = 0x15a57a8, hasObservations = true, rank = 2}}
samplesWithData = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.

    genotypeCombosByPopulation = std::map with 1 elements = {
      ["DEFAULT"] = std::list = {
        [0] = {<std::vector<SampleDataLikelihood*, std::allocator<SampleDataLikelihood*> >> = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0x159f3b0}, probObsGivenGenotypes = 0, permutationsln = 0, 
          alleleCounters = std::map with 1 elements = {["S:391:1X:A"] = {frequency = 2, observations = 0, forwardStrand = 0, reverseStrand = 0, placedLeft = 0, placedRight = 0, placedStart = 0, placedEnd = 0}}, 
          genotypeCounts = std::map with 1 elements = {[0x15c5140] = 1}, posteriorProb = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProb = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbG_Af = 0, 
          priorProbAf = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbObservations = 0, priorProbGenotypesGivenHWE = 0},
        [1] = {<std::vector<SampleDataLikelihood*, std::allocator<SampleDataLikelihood*> >> = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0x159f3f0}, probObsGivenGenotypes = -0.6931471805599453094286904741849753, 
          permutationsln = 0.69314718060378311000578610556743797, alleleCounters = std::map with 2 elements = {["G"] = {frequency = 1, observations = 0, forwardStrand = 0, reverseStrand = 0, placedLeft = 0, placedRight = 0, 
              placedStart = 0, placedEnd = 0}, ["S:391:1X:A"] = {frequency = 1, observations = 0, forwardStrand = 0, reverseStrand = 0, placedLeft = 0, placedRight = 0, placedStart = 0, placedEnd = 0}}, 
          genotypeCounts = std::map with 1 elements = {[0x15c50c0] = 1}, posteriorProb = -3.9219733365063924946432999396606078, priorProb = -3.2288261559464471852146094654756325, priorProbG_Af = 0, 
          priorProbAf = -3.2288261559464471852146094654756325, priorProbObservations = 0, priorProbGenotypesGivenHWE = 0},
        [2] = {<std::vector<SampleDataLikelihood*, std::allocator<SampleDataLikelihood*> >> = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0x159f430}, probObsGivenGenotypes = -7.8287893161797557084469190158415586, 
          permutationsln = 0, alleleCounters = std::map with 1 elements = {["G"] = {frequency = 2, observations = 0, forwardStrand = 0, reverseStrand = 0, placedLeft = 0, placedRight = 0, placedStart = 0, placedEnd = 0}}, 
          genotypeCounts = std::map with 1 elements = {[0x15c5040] = 1}, posteriorProb = -7.8387396472236514489810577099859756, priorProb = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbG_Af = 0, 
          priorProbAf = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbObservations = 0, priorProbGenotypesGivenHWE = 0}
    comboProbs = std::vector of length 3, capacity 4 = {-0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, -3.9219733365063924946432999396606078, -7.8387396472236514489810577099859756}
    cb = "G"
    genotypesByPloidy = std::map with 1 elements = {
      [2] = std::vector of length 3, capacity 3 = {{<std::vector<GenotypeElement, std::allocator<GenotypeElement> >> = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{allele = {type = ALLELE_REFERENCE, referenceName = "", 
                referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "G", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0, currentReferencePosition = 0x2aaaaaac44d0, currentReferenceBase = 0x351920c2b2 "H\211C [\303\017\037\204", length = 1, 
                referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 0, bpLeft = 423759832, bpRight = 53, basesLeft = -12856, basesRight = 32767, strand = 4294954448, sampleID = "", readID = "", 
                baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "G", mapQuality = 14459, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, 
                isProperPair = 144, isPaired = 145, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 172, in next
elt = self.item.dereference()
RuntimeError: Attempt to take contents of a non-pointer value.
, processed = 143, cigar = "1M", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, count = 2}}, ploidy = 2, alleles = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{type = ALLELE_REFERENCE, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "G",
sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0, currentReferencePosition = 0x2aaaaaac44d0, currentReferenceBase = 0x351920c2b2 "H\211C [\303\017\037\204", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 0,
bpLeft = 423759832, bpRight = 53, basesLeft = -12856, basesRight = 32767, strand = 4294954448, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1,
currentBase = "G", mapQuality = 14459, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = 144, isPaired = 145, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true,
indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = 143, cigar = "1M", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, {type = ALLELE_REFERENCE, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "G", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0,
currentReferencePosition = 0x2aaaaaac44d0, currentReferenceBase = 0x351920c2b2 "H\211C [\303\017\037\204", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 0, bpLeft = 423759832, bpRight = 53,
basesLeft = -12856, basesRight = 32767, strand = 4294954448, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "G",
mapQuality = 14459, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = 144, isPaired = 145, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true,
indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = 143, cigar = "1M", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}}, alleleCounts = std::map with 1 elements = {["G"] = 2}, homozygous = true, permutationsln = 0},
{<std::vector<GenotypeElement, std::allocator >> = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{allele = {type = ALLELE_REFERENCE, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "G",
sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0, currentReferencePosition = 0x2aaaaaac44d0, currentReferenceBase = 0x351920c2b2 "H\211C [\303\017\037\204", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 0,
bpLeft = 423759832, bpRight = 53, basesLeft = -12856, basesRight = 32767, strand = 4294954448, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1,
currentBase = "G", mapQuality = 14459, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = 144, isPaired = 145, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true,
indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = 143, cigar = "1M", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, count = 1}, {allele = {type = ALLELE_SNP, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 391,
currentReferencePosition = 0x7fffffffac48, currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffab60 "\220R[\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 391, bpLeft = 391, bpRight = 825832192,
basesLeft = 539499352, basesRight = 53, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "S:391:1X:A",
mapQuality = 0, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true,
indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = false, cigar = "1X", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, count = 1}}, ploidy = 2, alleles = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{type = ALLELE_REFERENCE, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "G",
sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0, currentReferencePosition = 0x2aaaaaac44d0, currentReferenceBase = 0x351920c2b2 "H\211C [\303\017\037\204", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 0,
bpLeft = 423759832, bpRight = 53, basesLeft = -12856, basesRight = 32767, strand = 4294954448, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1,
currentBase = "G", mapQuality = 14459, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = 144, isPaired = 145, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true,
indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = 143, cigar = "1M", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, {type = ALLELE_SNP, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 391,
currentReferencePosition = 0x7fffffffac48, currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffab60 "\220R[\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 391, bpLeft = 391, bpRight = 825832192, basesLeft = 539499352,
basesRight = 53, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "S:391:1X:A", mapQuality = 0,
lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 172, in next
elt = self.item.dereference()
RuntimeError: Attempt to take contents of a non-pointer value.
, processed = false, cigar = "1X", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}}, alleleCounts = std::map with 2 elements = {["G"] = 1, ["S:391:1X:A"] = 1}, homozygous = false, permutationsln = 0.69314718060378311000578610556743797},
{<std::vector<GenotypeElement, std::allocator >> = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{allele = {type = ALLELE_SNP, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A",
sequencingTechnology = "", position = 391, currentReferencePosition = 0x7fffffffac48, currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffab60 "\220R[\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 391,
bpLeft = 391, bpRight = 825832192, basesLeft = 539499352, basesRight = 53, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0,
lnquality = 1, currentBase = "S:391:1X:A", mapQuality = 0, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false,
genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = false, cigar = "1X", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, count = 2}}, ploidy = 2, alleles = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {{type = ALLELE_SNP, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A",
sequencingTechnology = "", position = 391, currentReferencePosition = 0x7fffffffac48, currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffab60 "\220R[\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 391, bpLeft = 391,
bpRight = 825832192, basesLeft = 539499352, basesRight = 53, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1,
currentBase = "S:391:1X:A", mapQuality = 0, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true,
indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = false, cigar = "1X", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, {type = ALLELE_SNP, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 391,
currentReferencePosition = 0x7fffffffac48, currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffab60 "\220R[\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 1, repeatRightBoundary = 391, bpLeft = 391, bpRight = 825832192, basesLeft = 539499352,
basesRight = 53, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "S:391:1X:A", mapQuality = 0,
lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = false, cigar = "1X", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}}, alleleCounts = std::map with 1 elements = {["S:391:1X:A"] = 2}, homozygous = true, permutationsln = 0}}
results = {<std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, Result, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > const, Result> > >> = std::map with 1 elements = {[
"genot_T_10"] = {<std::vector<SampleDataLikelihood, std::allocator >> = std::vector of length 3, capacity 4 = {{name = "genot_T_10", genotype = 0x15c5140, prob = 0,
marginal = -0.020192852295428031197518296650794678, sample = 0x15a57a8, hasObservations = true, rank = 0}, {name = "genot_T_10", genotype = 0x15c50c0, prob = -0.6931471805599453094286904741849753,
marginal = -3.9322158577579247853896887709979069, sample = 0x15a57a8, hasObservations = true, rank = 1}, {name = "genot_T_10", genotype = 0x15c5040, prob = -7.8287893161797557084469190158415586,
marginal = -7.8489821684751837397274465413232747, sample = 0x15a57a8, hasObservations = true, rank = 2}}, name = "genot_T_10", observations = 0x15a57a8}}, }
hasSampleLikelihoods = true
pVar = 0.9996098511279507656973088158824936
bestCombo = {<std::vector<SampleDataLikelihood*, std::allocator<SampleDataLikelihood*> >> = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0x159f3b0}, probObsGivenGenotypes = 0, permutationsln = 0,
alleleCounters = std::map with 1 elements = {["S:391:1X:A"] = {frequency = 2, observations = 0, forwardStrand = 0, reverseStrand = 0, placedLeft = 0, placedRight = 0, placedStart = 0, placedEnd = 0}},
genotypeCounts = std::map with 1 elements = {[0x15c5140] = 2}, posteriorProb = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProb = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbG_Af = 0,
priorProbAf = -0.0099503310438957405341386941444170589, priorProbObservations = 0, priorProbGenotypesGivenHWE = -nan(0xc000000000000000)}
parser = 0x7b7590
out = @0x7b88e8
processed_sites = 73
alleles = empty std::list
samples = {<std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, Sample, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > const, Sample> > >> = std::map with 1 elements = {[
"genot_T_10"] = {<std::map<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> >, std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator > const, std::vector<Allele*, std::allocator<Allele*> > > > >> = std::map with 1 elements = {[
"S:391:1X:A"] = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0x15a81f0}}, }}, }
allGenotypeAlleles = std::vector of length 4, capacity 4 = {{type = ALLELE_GENOTYPE, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "A", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0,
currentReferencePosition = 0x0, currentReferenceBase = 0x0, length = 1, referenceLength = 0, repeatRightBoundary = 0, bpLeft = 0, bpRight = 0, basesLeft = 0, basesRight = 0, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "",
readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "A", mapQuality = -4468, lnmapQuality = , readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0,
readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 172, in next
elt = self.item.dereference()
RuntimeError: Attempt to take contents of a non-pointer value.
, processed = false, cigar = "", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, {type = ALLELE_GENOTYPE, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "T", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0, currentReferencePosition = 0x0,
currentReferenceBase = 0x3519207a9f "H\203\370\377\017\205\177\373\377\377L\215\rk6\001", length = 1, referenceLength = 0, repeatRightBoundary = 0, bpLeft = 0, bpRight = 0, basesLeft = 421588620, basesRight = 53,
strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "T", mapQuality = -12288, lnmapQuality = ,
readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 172, in next
elt = self.item.dereference()
RuntimeError: Attempt to take contents of a non-pointer value.
, processed = false, cigar = "", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, {type = ALLELE_GENOTYPE, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "G", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0,
currentReferencePosition = 0x351ba156d4, currentReferenceBase = 0x352023f17a "", length = 1, referenceLength = 0, repeatRightBoundary = 0, bpLeft = 465653760, bpRight = 1, basesLeft = 421617537,
basesRight = 0, strand = 465656440, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "G", mapQuality = -21463,
lnmapQuality = , readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = 54, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = 97, genotypeAllele = true,
indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = 160, cigar = "", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}, {type = ALLELE_GENOTYPE, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "C", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0,
currentReferencePosition = 0x351920c280, currentReferenceBase = 0x7fffffffcda0 "\311@\236Zcn\346\377\376?", length = 1, referenceLength = 0, repeatRightBoundary = 0, bpLeft = 1, bpRight = 0, basesLeft = 429439808,
basesRight = 53, strand = 2619342848, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0}, quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "C", mapQuality = 0, lnmapQuality = 0,
readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false, genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 172, in next
elt = self.item.dereference()
RuntimeError: Attempt to take contents of a non-pointer value.
, processed = true, cigar = "", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}}
nullAllele = {type = ALLELE_NULL, referenceName = "", referenceSequence = "", alternateSequence = "N", sequencingTechnology = "", position = 0, currentReferencePosition = 0x0, currentReferenceBase = 0x0, length = 1,
referenceLength = 0, repeatRightBoundary = 0, bpLeft = 0, bpRight = 0, basesLeft = 0, basesRight = 0, strand = STRAND_FORWARD, sampleID = "", readID = "", baseQualities = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {0},
quality = 0, lnquality = 1, currentBase = "N:0:N", mapQuality = 0, lnmapQuality = 0, readMismatchRate = 0, readIndelRate = 0, readSNPRate = 0, isProperPair = false, isPaired = false, isMateMapped = false,
genotypeAllele = true, indelMask = Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/../share/gdb/python/libstdcxx/v6/", line 189, in to_string
% (self.typename, int (finish - start), int (end - start)))
RuntimeError: Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.
, processed = false, cigar = "1N", alignmentAlleles = 0x0}
parameters = @0x7b7590
allowedAlleleTypes = 126
total_sites = 892


(gdb) info registers

rax 0x0 0
rbx 0x2aaaaaeea000 46912500572160
rcx 0xffffffffffffffff -1
rdx 0x6 6
rsi 0x52ea 21226
rdi 0x52ea 21226
rbp 0x54021e 0x54021e
rsp 0x7fffffff9b08 0x7fffffff9b08
r8 0xfefefefefefefeff -72340172838076673
r9 0xfefefeff092d6364 -72340172667264156
r10 0x8 8
r11 0x246 582
r12 0x54022d 5505581
r13 0x5404c0 5506240
r14 0x7b7858 8091736
r15 0x0 0
rip 0x35196328a5 0x35196328a5 <raise+53>
eflags 0x246 [ PF ZF IF ]
cs 0x33 51
ss 0x2b 43
ds 0x0 0
es 0x0 0
fs 0x0 0
gs 0x0 0


(gdb) x/16i $pc
=> 0x35196328a5 <raise+53>: cmp $0xfffffffffffff000,%rax
0x35196328ab <raise+59>: ja 0x35196328bf <raise+79>
0x35196328ad <raise+61>: repz retq
0x35196328af <raise+63>: nop
0x35196328b0 <raise+64>: test %eax,%eax
0x35196328b2 <raise+66>: jg 0x3519632895 <raise+37>
0x35196328b4 <raise+68>: test $0x7fffffff,%eax
0x35196328b9 <raise+73>: jne 0x35196328cf <raise+95>
0x35196328bb <raise+75>: mov %esi,%eax
0x35196328bd <raise+77>: jmp 0x3519632895 <raise+37>
0x35196328bf <raise+79>: mov 0x3596da(%rip),%rdx # 0x351998bfa0
0x35196328c6 <raise+86>: neg %eax
0x35196328c8 <raise+88>: mov %eax,%fs:(%rdx)
0x35196328cb <raise+91>: or $0xffffffffffffffff,%eax
0x35196328ce <raise+94>: retq
0x35196328cf <raise+95>: neg %eax


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