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faceverification's Introduction


A messy code for developing a face verfication program.

It includes a C++ face detection / alignment program, joint bayesian and several supplementary codes. My Caffe model define file is also provided. Note that I use a fresh layer called Insanity to replace the ReLU activation. The Insanity layer can be found in my Caffe repository. Please feel free to use the codes if you need.

If you are also interested in face verification, please contact me via the issue.

The CASIA-webface dataset is really very dirty, and I believe that if someone could wash it up, the accuracy would increase further. If you did so, please kindly contact me. I will pay for it.

Good News: @潘泳苹果皮 and his colleagues have washed the CASIA-webface database manually. After washing, 27703 wrong images are deleted. The washed list can be downloaded from . Great thanks to them!


2017/04/21 The project page of my new paper, NormFace: L2 HyperSphere Embedding for Face Verification, is created on Using the new loss functions to fine-tune a network, the accuracy will increase a little bit higher.

2017/02/18 I trained a center-face model on MS-Celeb-1M dataset and get 99.3% on LFW. Here is the model ( and the aligned LFW images ( To run the evaluation, you need to load LFW pairs by getPairs.m in, extract feature by ReadFeatureLFW.m and get the accuracy by lfwPCA.m. The function pcaApply used in lfwPCA.m is from pdollar-toolbox.

Recently I talked with Yandong Wen. He said that there were more than 1,000 identities' overlap between MS-Celeb-1M and LFW. So this accuracy, 99.3%, is not a reliable value, and the performance on other datasets may not be very good.

2015/07/05 Added a matlab face alignment wrapper (MatAlignment.cpp). Now you can do the face alignment job in matlab. A demo (VerificationDemo.m) is also privided.


  1. Training DeepID (pure softmax network).

    create database. done.

    iteration 360,000, lr=0.01,

     lfw verification: L2 : 95.9%, jb : 

    iteration 500,000, lr=0.001,

     lfw verification: L2 : 96.8%, jb : 93.3% (strongly overfit, it's >99% for lfw training set).

    iteration 660,000, lr=0.0001,

     lfw verification: L2 : 96.78% (converged)

    Accuracy on training set is about 89.5%~91.5%. LFW result with L2 or cosine has reached what the paper claimed. Joint Bayesian seems to be strongly overfit. The main reason is that I only train Joint Bayesian on the lfw training set, not CASIA-WebFace. Joint Bayesian for over 10,000 classes is too costy for my PC.

    This model is public available now: . Mean file is in .

    Another model with resolution of 64*64 is trained. By ensembling the two models, accuracy increases to 97.18%.

  2. Training DeepID2 (siamese network)

    create database. done.

    My GPU memory is only 2GB. It is too slow to train a siamese network. I need Titan X!!!

faceverification's People


happynear avatar


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faceverification's Issues

Follow your step,but only get 73% verification correct rate

First, thank you for your contribution.

I follow your step, used CASIA data and 'mnist_siamese_solver.prototxt', 'CASIA_train_test.prototxt' in 'caffe_proto' folder training CNN without mean file by caffe. After 500,000 iterations, validation set accuracy rate is about 72%. Cnn seems already fitting.

Then, I write matlab code to extracting features and L2 Classification for LFW dataset. But only get 73% verification correct rate.

The matlab code is:

dr_lfw_features = [];
for i= 1:length(fileLines)
    im = imread( fileLines{i} );    
    im = rgb2gray(im);
    im = imresize(im, [100 100]);
    im = single(im);
    im = im /128.0;
    im = im';
    drop5_data = net.forward({im});
    drop5_data = reshape(drop5_data{1}, 1, 320);
    fprintf('iamge is %s, i = %d\n', fileLines{i}, i);
    dr_lfw_features = [dr_lfw_features; drop5_data];

test_Intra = pairlist_lfw.IntraPersonPair;
test_Extra = pairlist_lfw.ExtraPersonPair;
test_pair = [test_Intra; test_Extra];

F1_index = test_pair(:,1);
F2_index = test_pair(:,2);

AllFeature1 = dr_lfw_features(F1_index, :);
AllFeature2 = dr_lfw_features(F2_index, :);

num = length(AllFeature1);
F1 = AllFeature1;
F1 = bsxfun(@rdivide, F1, sqrt(sum(F1.^2,2)));
F2 = AllFeature2;
F2 = bsxfun(@rdivide, F2, sqrt(sum(F2.^2,2)));
thresh2 = zeros(num,1);
for i = 1:num
    thresh2(i) = pdist2( F1(i,:),F2(i,:) );
hist(thresh2(1:3000), 500);
hist(thresh2(3001:end), 500);

accuracies = zeros(10,1);
for i=1:10
    test_idx = [(i-1) * 300 + 1 : i*300, (i-1) * 300 + 3001 : i*300 + 3000];
    train_idx = 1:6000;
    train_idx(test_idx) = [];
    same_label = ones(6000,1);
    same_label(3001:6000) = 0;
    cmd = [' -t 0 -h 0'];
    model = svmtrain(same_label(train_idx),thresh2(train_idx),cmd);
    [class, accuracy, deci] = svmpredict(same_label(test_idx),thresh2(test_idx),model);
    accuracies(i) = accuracy(1);
cmd = [' -t 0 -h 0'];
model = svmtrain(same_label,thresh2,cmd);
[class, accuracy, deci] = svmpredict(same_label,thresh2,model);

By hist histogram, you can see the same data threshold and different data threshold obviously inseparable.

I think there are errors in this matlab code, do you have any good suggestions?


为何 我用你的CASIA_deploy.prototxt 提取的pool5层的320维特征 做余弦相似度计算~
阈值用的0.4 是否应该更高?

About joint bayesian




Your centerloss model on MS-Celeb-1M

When I tried to use your centerloss model trained on MS-Celeb-1M, I met some problems:
1, clearly, "Flip" layer is not supported in official caffe version. Would you mind providing the source of your caffe?
2, In some convolutional layers, there is an 'alpha' parameter in weight_filler, which is also not supported in offiical caffe version.

BTW, would you mind sharing your solver.prototxt and train_val.prototxt, since it seems like yours is a little different from the original centerloss repo?



X = sqrt(X);
X = bsxfun(@RDivide,X,sum(X,2));

Which proto to choose

Hi,I'm a new for caffe.I download your files,in the folder of caffe_proto I saw mnist_siamese_train_test.prototxt and a CASIA_train_test.prototxt,which is best for the face vertification.
The second problem is that where is the train.txt and the val.txt?Can you send me if you please(I dowmloaded the @潘泳苹果皮 database).(My email is [email protected])Thanks .

how can i init the net?

Hi, I try to train the net using this code , but I can not see the loss reduce. So I think if there is some init method?



Face Verification

Hello Sir,
Thank you for the models and codes you have provided. We are planning to train a face verification model on the CASIA-WebFace dataset from scratch using the "mnist_siamese_train_test.prototxt" model you provided. I have gone through the papers you specified in the previous issues already. How are you generating the training pairs and also how are you labeling them? Thank you in advance.

Face Verification using caffe step by step

I tried to test the this project (Face Verification demo), But i couldn't.
VerificationDemo.m is not execution file?
By the way, i want c/c++ version,
Would you provide me with it?
honestly, I am a newbie with caffe, so i hope you are guiding me step by step and will be successful to test the face verification at the end of this session.
Thanks in advance.

Washed CASIA-webface data set identities

Hi, is there a list of identities for the Washed CASIA-webface data set? There are just numbers per each identity. I would like to use several databases for training and would like to remove identities that appear at more than one database.

About recognition

I'm confused about two question ,could explain for me.

first i want to know the data you train the net like deepid is using single patch?

the next is have you take a classification to realize the Face recognition with the Features extract from the net like SVM,how much is the accuracy for that。

Face Verification(Caffe Newbie)

Hi, i am new to deep learning and Caffe, may i know how should i use your face verification code? I had built the windows caffe as mentioned in your blog and test the MNist as well. But what should i do to proceed face verification with Caffe?


thanks provide code

I want to use test_lfw.m but i can't find "lbp_lfw_baseline_cvpr13.mat" this file.

where can i get this mat file.THANKS


could you please provide me a deepid2 model based on linux,thank you very much!

Finetune your 96.8 model

Hello, thank you for all your contributions. I was planning to finetune your 96.8 model which you provided in one of the issues (#22) on my dataset. The "CASIA_train_test.prototxt" is the training.prototxt for the model you provided I think. Can you please let me know how to label the training data to finetune this? or how to generate the train.txt file?

about face align

大神您好。 中矫正好的图片您是用什么方法得到的呢?

Insanity layer


Could you please provide some information/papers regarding to Insanity layer?


NN architecture

Hi, thanks for the project.

Are there any papers/description of the NN architecture you use except "Learning face representation from scratch"?

Could you please give some links/description to your "Insanity" layer?


Train centerloss face with L2 normalization layer


I'm currently trying to train the center loss face with L2 normalization layer, more specifically, adding a L2 normalization layer after fc5 before feeding it into the last FC layer. However, after adding this L2 normalization layer, softmax loss is decreasing very slow, compared to the one without L2 normalization layer.

Suggested by others in this issue that the initialization after L2 normalization layer should be carefully chosen, I tried uniform, Gaussian and Xavier. Only uniform can make the softmax loss decease a little bit faster, but still very slow.

Do you have an idea how to train the center loss face with L2 normalization layer? I assume you also used this layer during the training of centerloss face with MS-Celeb-1M since I found this layer in your provided prototxt file, although you commented it.

Any suggestion is appreciated.

LFW with JB


I want to test LFW with JB. I refer your code (

But i feel some weird part with 10-fold cross.
testing = 10;
tmp = pairlist_lfw.IntraPersonPair;
tmp((testing-1)_300+1:testing_300,:) = [];
train_Intra = tmp;
idx = [idx;tmp(:)];
tmp = pairlist_lfw.ExtraPersonPair;
tmp((testing-1)_300+1:testing_300,:) = [];
train_Extra = tmp;

testing = 8;
test_Intra = pairlist_lfw.IntraPersonPair((testing-1)_300+1:testing_300,:);
test_Extra = pairlist_lfw.ExtraPersonPair((testing-1)_300+1:testing_300,:);

train and test data are overlapping. It is correct? Or i should refer your other file? (lfwJB.m ,test_lfw_validate.m) THANK!

About threshold for face authentication

I'm a beginner on face verification and want to ask for you few questions.
how much is the best threshold for face authentication.
Do you have a better model for face verification now? My own model is not good.
Do you know how to calculate the probability that the two faces belong to one person。
many thanks.

ContrastiveLoss Layer takes 3 vs. 4 bottom blob(s) as input?

My ContrastiveLoss Layer is as flows like you:

layer {
name: "loss"
type: "ContrastiveLoss"
bottom: "fc6_1"
bottom: "fc6_2"
bottom: "label_1"
bottom: "label_2"
top: "fc6_loss"
margin: 0
loss_weight: 0.001

but it occurs the following error messages:

Check failed: ExactNumBottomBlobs() == bottom.size() (3 vs. 4) ContrastiveLoss Layer takes 3 bottom blob(s) as input.

So I want to know if do you have the same problem?


你好,非常感谢共享关于人脸的网络模型。我现在有一个问题,就是我同样使用Casia的数据,但是训练时候网络收敛的非常慢,lr = 0.01时,迭代几千次后 softmax_loss 依然在 8.9 左右, test accuracy 在 0.001 左右,请问这是否有问题? 谢谢!

About DeepID2

Recently, I still try to implement the DeepID model from DeepID1 to DeepID2, however, I have implemented your DeepID1 model, but the DeepID2 model is always incorrect, the model is not only non-convergent but also wrong. So, I wonder if you still research the DeepID2 model and have you made some new progress?

caffe: Siamese network not converge

I'm currently testing the Siamese algorithm to study the similarity between rgb images.
However, I have a convergence problem (I think it's because of the margin m).

Thanks for any help





由 @潘泳苹果皮清理的 CASIA-webface dataset ,我在百度云上下载之后,文件损坏不能打开。(试了好几次)。想请问您,您那边下载下来的文件可以用吗?


deepid caffe实现训练问题

在caffe上跑deepid训练,数据集CASIA,训练过程中,验证率只能达到60%-65%波动,请问大神你的模型训练过程中验证率 test-net accuracy能达到多少,谢谢



input data/diff size does not match target blob shape, input data/diff size: [ 100 100 1 2 ] vs target blob shape: [ 100 100 1 100 ]

大神,运行你的VerificationDemo.m 出现这个问题,请问是什么原因呢?

Error using CHECK (line 4)
input data/diff size does not match target blob shape, input data/diff size: [ 100 100 1 2 ] vs target blob shape: [
100 100 1 100 ]

Error in caffe.Blob/check_data_size_matches (line 72)
CHECK(is_matched, ...

Error in caffe.Blob/check_and_preprocess_data (line 46)

Error in caffe.Blob/set_data (line 26)
data = self.check_and_preprocess_data(data);

Error in caffe.Net/forward (line 122)

Error in VerificationDemo (line 53)
f = net.forward(H);

f = f{1};
if f<same_thresh
fprintf('The two faces are from the same people.\n');
fprintf('The two faces are from different people.\n');
这个判断是不是写反了哦, 小于阈值的是同一个人,反之为不同人。

Exception occurs when loading model

In [5]: net = caffe.Net('CASIA_deploy.prototxt', caffe.TEST)
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 28:16: Message type "caffe.FillerParameter" has no field named "alpha".
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
F0816 19:25:50.492918 22483 upgrade_proto.cpp:79] Check failed: ReadProtoFromTextFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file: CASIA_deploy.prototxt



loss the layer: concate_label

At first, it loss the layer :concate_label.
I also confused if we propogate concate_label into softmax_loss, its loss equals the sum of two single softmax_loss.

verification problem


我是Caffe的使用者,我使用CASIA database 訓練出identification 達到82%,但是我想把特徵擷取下來做JB,但是一直無法把辨識率做到90%已上,Feature extract 我是用caffe提供的matlab的函式去做截取的,我在想會不會是擷取特徵上的問題,請問大師你是用哪個方法擷取特徵的呢?


请问特征提取中的f =f{1}是什么意思呢,我调试看好象是取了f的第一列,为什么只取第一列呢,后面的都不要了吗,打扰了

Is PCA helpful?

I recently reproduced your result with your 99.3% model in your matlab code.
There is a interesting thing: in the lfwPCA.m, if you replace thresh1 by thresh2 when training the SVM, the result accuracy is as well as thresh1, about 99.25%.
In my test, i changed [U,mu,vars] = pca( [F1_mu(train_idx,:); F2_mu(train_idx,:)]' ); with [U,mu,vars] = pca( [F1_mu(train_idx,:); F2_mu(train_idx,:)] ); , with the matlab version 2015b. And, i downloaded a applyPCA.m because i didn't find the function in your code. i‘m not sure if these changes matter.

Anyway, i trained a SVM model using the 6000 pairs in LFW with opencv, and used it to test the whole possible pairs formed by total images in LFW. Unfortunately, the acc in same subject pairs is about 82% with the acc in different subject pairs 45%. Do you have some light on this phenomenon?

Invitation from a facial analysis community

Hi, happynear,

Thanks for such an awesome work on face verification. At present, we have built a Tencent academic group to discuss about face detection, alignment and recognition. We are hereby to invite you to join our group and share stuffs on your projects. At the meantime, I think you can also learn from others (teachers and peer students) in our group. It would be great if you choose to join us.

you can find the group number on this page:

About the label

I am puzzled with the "label1" of the layer "pair_data1" and "label2" of the layer "pair_data2". Are the "label1" and "label2" mean class label? Aren't the "same/different" labels need to be generated for each pair before training?

What is the most proper for face verification

Hi feng wang.
I tracked all your research for face verification.
This repo looks some messy as you said, but makes we can see your efforts all and so helpful as well.
You must took trouble and superb experience so much through those days.
First of all, i appreciate to your providing of refined CASIA database, and also to makers.

I want ask a question, what was the best method for face verification among siamese, triplet, joint baysian in aspect of accuracy? which method did you select?
How much accuracy did you achieve at most on lfw so far?

questions about models.

  • you set the batch size as 2 and used euclidean loss in casia_demo,

2 batch size seems not good, loss would very fluctuate.
Did you align order of the dataset in training for two pics from same person makes pair? like below
assume right
assume wrong
in this case, loss is for other one, so it should be increased, not for optimization.

  • you set the 3 loss layers in train in siamese.

in this case, which loss will caffe decrease for optimization?
finally, I contacted xiang wu you referred and tested his model, but accuracy on lfw does not arrive at the one he reported in his repo. just 93% for A_model on lfw without mean image.
i know this question is not for you, but if you have any information about that, i want to ask it also.
Thanks for your helpful reply in advance.


Hi, I have researched the face verification for a period of time and keep learning DeepID recently. I found that your implement the DeepID2 prototxt in "mnist_siamese_train_test". However, I have a problem that need your help.

  1. Firstly, how do you prepare the datasets(Webface), I am not very clear about your webface_pair1_train and webface_pair2_train and webface_pair1_test and webface_pair2_test, how do you partiton the dataset and why you have two training sets and test sets.
    Thanks very much!

confuse on CASIA_train_test.prototxt training loss

I use the CASIA_train_test.prototxt with my dataset(2000person and 50 image for each total 10W+).
I want to training deepid network using CASIA_train_test.prototxt. Only change the "ip1" layer output num from 10575 to 2000.
but it cannot make the soft loss reduce, and the test accuracy is very small.

In the right case, what's the accuracy will be achieved?
and what about the loss?

my alignment data like this.

DeepID model

I have some trouble with understanding these models you gave out. Cuz I'm not familiar with how siamese network works in Caffe, I can't see why for example conv11 and conv12 have different numbers of output (asymmetric). Have you tried training without a siamese structure like what the first version of DeepID does? I've been working on this for weeks however the best result I've achieved is only about 82%. Did you also crop patches to train ensemble models?

How to generate MatAlignment.mexw64 with opencv 3.0

I builded the caffe-windows from your link and generated the caffe_.mexw64 file
Then build the VerificationDemo.m in the MATLAB by addpath(caffe matlab path)
It shows error:
Invalid MEX-file 'D:\FaceVerification-master\FaceVerification-master\MatAlignment.mexw64': The specified module could not be found.

I used dependency walker to check the dependencies for the MatAlignment.mexw64 file
It shows
OPENCV_CORE248.DLL error opening file.the system cannot find the file specified

I have opencv 3.0 ,How to build MatAlignment.mexw64 with opencv 3.0?

FaceVerification in caffe-windows

Hi, Mr.Wang,
I found a directory named "faceverification" and also faceverification.cpp in caffe-windows, which is another project owned by you, is there any differences between that one and here?

I compiled the faceverification.cpp with caffe-windows successfully, however, I do not know how to train a model which could be used by it:

DEFINE_string(model, "",
"The model definition protocol buffer text file..");
DEFINE_string(weights, "",
"Optional; the pretrained weights to initialize finetuning. "

"Cannot be set simultaneously with snapshot.");

Net caffe_test_net(FLAGS_model, TEST);

I could not find any document on how to train the related model, there is a run_verification.bat and 2 prototext files, but I do not know how to use it :)

BTW, Is there any pre-trained model which I could use in this project? thanks a lot.

Anguo Yang

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