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License: GNU General Public License v3.0

Objective-C 47.29% CoffeeScript 8.12% HTML 0.24% JavaScript 42.74% CSS 0.15% Makefile 0.03% C 0.96% Ruby 0.16% Rich Text Format 0.10% Shell 0.20%

uebersicht's Issues

Different widgets on different displays/spaces

Thanks for an awesome utility, I really love it!

I really would like to have the ability to place a widget on a specific desktop/space. I think that the GeekTools-guy told me that there wasn't any way to identify the current desktop/space. And with desktop/spaces I refer to the different "views" per display presented in the Mission Control.

Multi-monitor Support

I could potentially have 3 displays, maybe even more, and it would be nice to be able to use this on more than one monitor or be able to specify which monitors you would like this to run on. I would think the ideal workspace would be to have separate Uebersicht environments on each monitor that are independent of each other. That way if one were to crash you could force a refresh to get it back.

All up in the air at this point and some ideas flying around in my head. This might even be planned for.


@keyframes get borked

I was playing with adding some CSS3 animations and found that in the Stylus section, if I add an @keyframes section, it compiles as #widget-id@keyframes and pretty much breaks the whole thing. I'm assuming this is because Übersicht inserts the main id automatically for any rules at the base level.

Any possibility of having the keyframes compile separately?

Ignore "Show Desktop" Mission Control

When using a hot key or hot corner for the Show Desktop action from Mission Control, it would be great if the uebersicht widgets stayed in place. Often times I Show Desktop specifically to see a widget, so if they are getting swept of the screen it can be a bit of a hassle to find them.

Get a 404 trying to load icons.svg

I've setup Übersicht at home with the widgets folder sitting in my Dropbox and everything works fine. When I installed Übersicht at work and changed the location of the widgets folder to the same Dropbox folder the icons for weather.widget are not working (just shows a square).

The debug console shows a 404 error: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404" even though the file is definitely there. Even if I change the folder to a local folder outside of Dropbox I have the same issue. The widget still works fine on my home computer.

screenshot 2014-07-11 08 48 00

Handling of special characters in output


I have a simple widget that runs 'cat' on a text file.

The text file has special characters in it (Danish 'æ' 'ø' 'å').

When Übersicht shows the output, those characters show as question marks:
screen shot 2014-10-03 at 14 04 42

Any ideas how can fix this?

Here is the output part of the widget:

render: (output) -> """


both displays

currently the menubar icon offers options for "show on built-in display" and "show on thunderbolt display" (or whatever the other display is) -- is it possible to add a "show on all displays" option? I think mirroring would be sufficient for this feature.

Issue with quotes not coming through

Appologies in advance, I must be missing something very obvious. Any idea why the double quotes get stripped in this (simplified) widget code? I am expecting "Erik" as the output and I get Erik

command:'echo "\"Erik\""'
# the refresh frequency in milliseconds
refreshFrequency: 30000

render: (output) ->

style: """
  color: #FFFFFF
  font-family: Helvetica Neue
  left: 300px
  bottom: 110px

    font-size: 2em
    font-weight: 100
    margin: 0
    padding: 0

A few questions on widget writing

Hoping to understand the runtime env better so I can code some widgets:

• Is Uebersicht limited to one screen right now? How do you control which screen it's running on? It seems that positioning the widgets off one screen doesn't make it appear in the others.

• It seems render doesn't have access to global variables set before it. Are they not in scope for some reason?

note = "bob"
command: "date"
refreshFrequency: 10000
render: (output) -> """
  <h3>#{output} #{note}</h3>

• Can I make calls to external modules within the render or update methods? As I understand it, this is executed in node so I should be able to require modules, right?

loremIpsum = require('lorem-ipsum')
loremString = loremIpsum();

Specifically I am hoping to make use of the vast node.js ecosystem to generate the HTML content for the widget

• Why is command mandatory/required. With the update: (output, domEl) -> mechanism and access to node.js modules, one could get all the info they need without resorting to calling a shell.

• When the coffeescript compiles but throws an exception at run time, the debug console doesn't show it (admittedly because it shows browser side output, not node.js output). Where can I see the node.js side errors?

I am sure I'll have others but for now this would help tremendously. Looks like the start of a great app. I am tired of Geektool idiosyncracies.

Widgets are clickable when desktop is disabled

i've been using ubersicht for about 2 days now, and i noticed that few or almost no developers use the user-select css tag. i was wondering if we could get a little checkbox to disable click/select events and the right click context menu.

Übersicht/widgets will not load

Running Yosemite public beta and Übersicht/widgets will not load. Do not see the "welcome to" widget.

Conversation had on the main page is posted below:

ME - For starters let me say that I'm a novice (understatement) when it comes to coding and the like, but I'm attempting to learn. Secondly, the widgets and the app look beautiful (from the pictures I've seen). I'm familiar with GeekTool and wanted to give Übersicht a try, however I can't seem to get any of the widgets to load.

I'm running the public beta of Yosemite, I don't know if that matters?

Any insight is appreciated.

felixhageloh Mod Brian • 8 hours ago
Sorry to hear you are having troubles! The Yosemite beta should work fine. How are you trying to install the widgets? Also, did you see the 'getting started' widget when you installed the app?

ME- The 'getting started' widget did not load upon starting the application for the first time. I installed widgets according to the guide on the widgets page.

Do I need all the coffee libraries installed? The NodeJS stuff? Or should it work without the need to install all of that?

felixhageloh Mod Brian • 40 minutes ago
I see! Can you open the debug console and see if there are any errors? The best is to open an issue here: and post a screenshot of the errors, if you can.

ME - That's the odd thing, when I load up the console I only get a couple of html tags, no code, no nothing. It's like the application doesn't know where to look.

I check the settings and all the paths are correct (files in the right place regarding widgets).

In one of the posts on the forums (or maybe it was the blog) I read that the Üs need to be replaced, is that still necessary? And to what extent should I remove/change them?

felixhageloh Mod Brian • 5 minutes ago
The newest beta is much more stable, so the renaming isn't necessary anymore, so that shouldn't be the problem.

Could you open an issue on the github page I linked before and we'll see if we can solve this. Thanks!

Frequent crashes

I'm getting this same crash at least once a day right now. I haven't been able to narrow it down to a single widget or event, but it does always seem to happen when CPU load is high.

I'm going to disable all widgets and enable them one at a time for profiling to see if it's something I pushed too far, but thought you might have input based on the crash log.

You can kind of see what I have running in this post on my blog, if you're curious. I also have a repo going. If you want to incorporate any of them, they're bundled according to spec. Let me know if you have any questions on those, too!

Try/catch in update

I'm JSON.parseing an API that doesn't have a very good data policy; they return XML rather than JSON in a lot of situations. I never care about the XML, so I just need a way of avoiding parsing errors, but doing a try/catch inside of update seems to break the widget. Is there a better way to handle things like this?

Including other js files/libraries to widget.

May be I am missing something. Excuse me, if so. What I am trying to do is to include a third-party javascript file to achieve something. But I found no working way on this. So far I tried adding <script> tag and using getSource method of JQuery. Please, can anyone help me out on this?


Hi Felix,

wonderful app, thanks a lot for sharing it with us. I really like the background images as shown on your widgets page - would you mind sharing them?

Thanks & regards,

Ubersicht freezing on Mavericks

When leaving it to run for extended periods, Ubersicht occasionally stops responding and freezes, sending one core on my MacBook Pro Retina 13" to 100% usage.

Widgets installed: Mini Top Mem, Simple Clock, Top CPU, Total Memory (all from System Monitor Set), Spotify Current Track, and Network Thoroughput.

Anchor link click support

I made a widget including some html anchor link tag. They display well with underline link, but nothing happens when I click the link. It would be nice if the link click is supported.

Shortcut to widgets gallery

I find this somehow difficult to locate widgets gallery.
There would be great to have link in context menu.

Background blur: widgets never update

I built a few widgets with the recently revealed background blur method. You can see them here. The problem is: my desktop picture is set to change every 30 minutes. When it changes, widgets never pick up the new wallpaper. I have to click the menubar item and choose "Refresh All Widgets" from the menu. Here's a screenshot:

Is it the app or is there something wrong with my widgets?

Lock widgets to one monitor when multiple displays used

I currently have a multiple display setup and the widgets seems to move between them every so often. Is there a way to lock the widget window to a single display, either by preference or by specifying that they will always remain on the primary display as set in the Monitor preference pane?

Multiuser support?

When logged in simultaneously with two user accounts, Übersicht [0.2 (6)] can only be used with one user. When I launch Übersicht for the second user, Übersicht flickers permanently and displays the same widgets that are defined for the first user.

(I don't have developer tools installed so I can't compile from the latest source to see if this issue is already resolved.)

Questions regarding white space

from Disqus:

am a Geektool user, and I am trying to port over my geeklets to Übersicht. A couple of them, however, have newlines in the output string, and ASCII escape sequences to change colors. I understand that all the color changes should be taken care of by html and css, and I will try and do just that, however I am not entirely clear how to manage strings on multiple lines. I tried using a

tag, but not even in that case the newlines are kept...
Thanks in advance for any help

Documentation update to include indentation tip

I love this application! It's giving me my first opportunity to work with Coffee Script, and I've discovered that if your indentation isn't correct your widget may not work. Would you mind adding a note to your readme about this? My widget did not work until I converted tabs to two spaces, and changed space-indented lines from an indent with of four characters down to two.

Lastly, though is helpful, it wasn't telling me about this error. It did let me know of other errors, which was nice.

Force update of a specific widget via commandline

Hi! I have a imap idle script running on my machine and I want to "push" a notification to uebersicht for updating the widget every new mail arrives. Could be this possible in a future? I really like some kind of widgets awaiting for input instead of reloading a script every X seconds. Thank you for your work!

CPU / Energy usage

Even with only two infrequently-updating (10 min, 1 hr) widgets, avg energy impact is 30+. No other app I'm using this morning is >6 (flash plugin). Localnode CPU is ~40%.

MBP w/ Übersicht 0.3. Not using any background blurs, though I do have a pair of partially-transparent images displayed.

Question: Is this about what others are seeing? It's consistent across Übersicht and computer restarts.

(Other question: Will it always be this high? Is there hope of it being reduced in future builds?)

Widgets positioning: Auto-layout or allow drag'n'drop

Just installed Übersicht and it’s really exciting! I immediately installed a few widgets and some where overlapping. So my idea is to either to add auto-layouting (when adding widgets check if the suggested space is free - if not move down/right - and save the overwritten position in a config) or even allow drag'n'drop (not sure if that’s even possible).


Bring Uebersicht to front (what?!??!)

I had a crazy idea today. Wouldn't it be useful to through a configurable keystroke to bring the Uebersicht web view as the frontmost window until the keys are depressed and it goes back to the back-most window?

I love having the widgets on the background but I'd love to occasionally and immediately (especially on a laptop) see them up front for a second, to check something.

What do you think?

Force refresh menu item

It'd be really great if there were a menu item that would cause all of the widgets to refresh on command. Sometimes I lose network connectivity on my laptop, and I don't want to have to either wait or unload and reload it if it has a long refresh time.

Simple widget runs once-per-second

command: 'echo ""',

updateFrequency: 60000,

style: [
    '@import “/mywidgets-base/base.css"',

render: function(output) {
    return ''

When I have the debug console open, I can see it updating this widget about once per second, instead of the once-per-minute I would prefer.

Initial launch of application fails

Still receiving the error "Übersicht” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash." tried downloading via safari and chrome with no success. Tried extracting it from the .zip using the default 'Archiver Utility' plus 'The Unarchiver' and even tried downloading it on windows and extracting it there. No luck. I have no idea how it's becoming damaged in between downloading and unzipping/executing.

Feature Request: Input

Interacive input/form elements would be awesome.
I'm working on a todo-list widget. checkboxes kind of thing.
this may require some type of 2-way binding, meaning two update functions maybe? one timed, one on widget interaction.
might be too complicated.

Widgets and Mac Layers

Not sure if this is even possible with the way this plugin works, but as I have been developing my widget I had someone ask if there was a way to keep the particular widget on top of other windows.

It would be cool if there is a way we could have widgets that have mac side z-index so they can be above other mac windows or on the desktop. But like I said before; I don't think it would be possible.

Server is not started/working

Today I installed Übersicht on the Mac in the office, but when I wanted to install it at home there were no widgets on my desktop.

The log files revealed that the app could not find the server (this message is repeated every 5 seconds)

20/08/2014 21:43:19.723 Übersicht[66950]: http://localhost:41416/ failed to load: A server with the specified hostname could not be found. Reloading...

Then I checked out the project and started the server manually:

$ coffee -d ~/Uebersicht/ -p 445566
server started on port 445566
watching /Users/florian/Uebersicht
registering widget loadbar-widget-index-coffee
pushing changes
registering widget pretty-weather-widget-index-coffee
pushing changes

Again, I could not open localhost:445566 in the browser.

I also tried to disable some stuff (like OS X Firewall and Little Snitch) with no effect.

Changing number of monitors

I have a nice three-monitor (laptop + 2) setup at my desk – plenty of room to display lots of widgets. When I take my laptop to a meeting, it would be great to automatically disable some widgets, enable others (battery) and reposition them on a smaller screen.

Don't need to detect number of monitors or anything – there are other programs that do this – but an ability to have groups of widgets and their screen position would be wonderful.

Workaround for now, I suppose, is to have a "desktop" and "laptop" folder with duplicate widgets and different locations specified…

Widgets stopped updating

Port 41416 is still active, and receives requests.
I tried loading one of the widget's URL in my browser, and that works (it returns up to date data).
But my widgets, namely the default mem and cpu widgets, have been stuck for a while, showing very old data.

Let me know what I should try, to identify the issue.
I won't touch anything.

screen shot 2014-06-19 at 15 42 38

Übersicht running a file that has been removed from widgets directory

I was in the process of writing a new widget when I managed to create some really funky behavior. I removed the widget and after killing the process multiple times and restarting, it's still running the code that has been removed from the directory altogether.
screen shot 2014-07-07 at 6 40 33 pm
screen shot 2014-07-07 at 6 42 11 pm

EDIT: The issue persisted across multiple uninstall/reinstall cycles. It looks like deleting the cache fixed the problem. Just before the issue began, I was changing my system's date to debug my widget... that might have something to do with the root cause of the issue.

Feature: Choose active widgets

It might be cool to add a UI for widget selection. Maybe move the .widget folder to/from a widget-bin folder or something.

Support multiple monitors

When I use my laptop with two displays my second display has less windows open on it. Thus I would prefer to have widgets display on my second screen. Is there a way to make widgets display only there...? I looked in Preferences but could not see an option.

Have I missed something...?

Regards, J

Error Building Xcode Project

Here is the error: Developer ID Application: Felix Hageloh: no identity found Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1

Any idea on how to resolve this to build the Xcode project successfully? I have "No Code Signing" set as the default setting.


Can you do a step by step installation guide? It's not easy to figure out how to install if one did never use coffee script or xcode

Question: Displaying data as a score ticker

I'm not as familiar with CSS styles, etc, and I think I need to use a table format for this, but not sure how to make that work. I have a python script/widget combo that right now collects a bunch of current sports score data based on sports that I identify (MLB, NFL, etc). So I get current scores/schedules for all games for all sports that I picked.

The output from Python (which was the easiest way for me to do this at this point), is a list of the sports and games separated by a ";". For example:

MLB: Atl Phi Pre-Game (1:10 PM); MLB: Mia NYM Pre-Game (1:10 PM);MLB: TB Bos Pre-Game (1:10 PM); MLB: Bal Min Pre-Game (1:35 PM);MLB: StL Pit Pre-Game (2:15 PM);MLB: ChC Mil Pre-Game (2:20 PM); MLB: Cle Det Pre-Game (4:05 PM); MLB: Oak Sea Pre-Game (4:05 PM);
MLB: SD Ari Pre-Game (4:10 PM); MLB: Col SF Pre-Game (4:10 PM);
MLB: KC Tex Pre-Game (8:10 PM); MLB: LAD Was Pre-Game (8:10 PM);
NFL: No Games Scheduled Today;CFB: No Games Scheduled Today;

My widget script will take these and can split them:
lines = temp.split ";"

But what I want to do is display each line of data one a time, like a ticker, overwriting the previous line.

So first:
MLB: Atl Phi Pre-Game (1:10 PM)

Then replace that with:
MLB: Mia NYM Pre-Game (1:10 PM)

And so on..

Then the next time the widget refreshes, the python script gets all of the updates and then the widget would display them again...

This way, I keep the data on one line on the desktop and don't have a lot of clutter... Once I get this working, I'll post the widget along with the python script...


Does not run in Yosemite - sparkle.framework

Just downloaded the newest version from the website as I was unable to successfully update it using the in-app prompt. Upon launch, application crashes before any UI loads. Looked at the crash logs and found these lines:

Library not loaded: @loader_path/../Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle
Referenced from: /Applications/ÜÜbersicht
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Applications/Ü code signature invalid for '/Applications/Ü'

/Applications/Ü code signature invalid for '/Applications/Ü'

/Library/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle: mach-o, but wrong architecture

Any thoughts?

Separate positioning from widget code

Absolute positioning of widgets causes multiple problems, and the positioning of widgets should be separated from the main code.

Currently, every widget author has to define a certain position on the screen, and users are expected to change this to suit their own setup. This makes updating widgets tricky (they've almost always been edited by the user).

Furthermore, users who have both a desktop machine and a MacBook have the problem of not being able to sync widgets as-is across devices, due to the different screen sizes.

I'm at the most extreme end of this problem, as I have a 30" Cinema display on my desk and an 11" MBA in my bag.

I'd like to be able to sync my widgets across machines, but have a machine-specific config file that says whether a given widget should be displayed, and if so, where exactly.

I suggest giving each widget an ID along the lines of com.domain.widget-name and having a stylesheet in, say, ~/.uebersicht/com.domain.widget-name with which I can override any settings in the widget's code. And also the option to deactivate a widget on a specific machine.

Background blur and spaces

I managed to implement the background blur on my widgets, and it looks great. I still have to fidget with size and position, as the blurred picture looks wider than the real background, but that's another issue.
When I tried to switch spaces, that have different background pictures, the blurred canvas retains whatever picture was displayed when the last refresh occurred. Examples in the included pictures.
schermata 2014-09-09 alle 18 06 54
schermata 2014-09-09 alle 18 07 03

password storage

is there any method for non-plaintext password storage for widgets that require authentication?
can we access env vars in the coffeescript?

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