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Flexible bottom sheet component built with Framer Motion to provide buttery smooth UX while keeping accessibility in mind ๐Ÿช

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License: MIT License

TypeScript 97.37% CSS 1.36% HTML 0.84% JavaScript 0.43%
accessibility bottom-sheet framer-motion modal reactjs

react-modal-sheet's Issues

The A11ySheet example seems not working


import { useButton } from '@react-aria/button'
import { useDialog } from '@react-aria/dialog'
import { FocusScope } from '@react-aria/focus'
import { OverlayProvider, useModal, useOverlay } from '@react-aria/overlays'
import { OverlayTriggerState } from '@react-stately/overlays'
import { styled } from 'linaria/react'
import React from 'react'
import ReactModalSheet from 'react-modal-sheet'

type Props = {
    sheetState: OverlayTriggerState

const Sheet = ({ sheetState, children, }: Props) => {
    return (
        <StyledSheet {} isOpen={sheetState.isOpen} onClose={sheetState.close}>
                <FocusScope contain autoFocus={false} restoreFocus>
                    <SheetComp sheetState={sheetState}>{children}</SheetComp>

export default Sheet

const SheetComp = ({ sheetState, children }) => {
    const containerRef = React.useRef(null)
    const dialog = useDialog({}, containerRef)
    const overlay = useOverlay({ onClose: sheetState.close, isOpen: true, isDismissable: true }, containerRef)


    return (
            <StyledSheet.Container {...overlay.overlayProps} {...dialog.dialogProps} ref={containerRef}>

const StyledSheet = styled(ReactModalSheet)`
    .react-modal-sheet-container {
        background-color: var(--color-background);
    .react-modal-sheet-header {
        background-color: var(--color-background);
        border-bottom: 0.5px solid var(--color-border);
        border-radius: var(--border-radius) var(--border-radius) 0 0;
    .react-modal-sheet-drag-indicator {
        background-color: var(--color-background-opacity);
    .react-modal-sheet-content {
        /* custom styles */
    .react-modal-sheet-backdrop {
        /* custom styles */

Got error:

Uncaught Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.

Check the render method of `SheetComp`.

renderBackdrop={false} not working

how can i access this layouts
but react-modal-sheet block all layouts


        onSnap={(si) => setSnapIndex(si)}
            backgroundColor: '#151617',
            <Sheet.Header />
              <Box bgcolor="background.paper" className="bottom-sheet-content">
              some elements

its too slow

This library has many options, it is perfect, but it is very slow when there is a lot of data in it and it creates problems especially in the performance of other component.

can you fix that and update library ? ๐Ÿ™

Type Error

Getting an error like this when using TypeScript.

Property 'onViewportBoxUpdate' is missing in type '{ children: Element[]; }' but required in type 'Pick<MotionProps, "style" | "transformTemplate" | "transformValues" | "variants" | "transition" | "onViewportBoxUpdate" | "onBeforeLayoutMeasure" |

allow for relative snappoints

Hey again,

noticed a bug:
If i set the snappoint to e.g 600 (which is the height i want to have on desktop) causes the mobile ui to "oversnap" the sheet out of the viewport (because the phone im testing this with has actually <600 px viewport height)

any ideas how to prevent this from happening?

Navigate to a page where sheet is already open skips opening animation

I tried to open the bottom sheet as soon as the user navigates to a page with the following code:

//on PageOne.tsx
<Link href="/book/123"> Go to next page (PageTwo)</Link>

export const PageTwo: NextPage = () => {
    const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(true);
            <BottomSheet isOpen={isOpen} onClose={setIsOpen} >

But when PageTwo is reached, the opening animation has already happened and can't be seen. Here's a small video I recorded to illustrate:


How can I make the user see this animation? I've worked with another bottom sheet lib in the past and that was possible, is there any animation config I'm missing?
Thank you!

Black space appears when mobile keyboard is visible

If we will try to pull the sheet upwards forcefully Black space appears when the mobile keyboard is visible. Black space is visible just above the keyboard.

Browser(Android)- Chrome(92.0.4515.159)
Browser(iOS)- Safari
react-model-sheet (v1.4.1)

In iOS

In Android
Screenshot_2021-09-10-13-41-07-648_com android chrome

animation or smooth opening transition does not occur when opening the modal

problem can be seen here

my code is like this :

import React from 'react';
import Sheet from 'react-modal-sheet';
import { isMobile } from 'helpers/CommonHelper';
import BottomContentModal from './BottomContentModal';

function BottomSheetModal ( {
springConfig } )
const mainClass= "modal-main ";
const ref = React.useRef();
const mobile = ( window.innerWidth <= 960 ) ;

const modalClose = () => {

if (mobile)
return (

{ header ?
</Sheet.Header> :
<Sheet.Content style={{ paddingBottom: ref.current?.y }} >
content={content && content}
modalClasseName={"modal "+modalClass +" "+ ( addClass ? addClass:" ")}
ref={modalRef} />
<Sheet.Backdrop />

let newContent = <React.Fragment>
{header && header}
{content && content}
return (
<BottomContentModal content={newContent} modalClasseName={mainClass + modalClass + " " + ( addClass ? addClass:" ")} ref={modalRef} />
export default BottomSheetModal;

any idea what it could be?

Couldn't run with Next js

Hi @Temzasse
I intended to use your library with Nextjs and server side rendering but it seems it can't be done.
Even I importing using dynamic and ssr : false

Do you have any direction?

LazyMotion Support/Integration


first of all: Great work and thank you for this lib.

I was wondering if you see any way to support LazyMotion ( inside your package.

I tested an initial implementation (really just replacing the motion import with m) and published it for my personal project.

The caveat is of course the requirement to use LazyMotion in a root component which needs to be handled in user space (afaik).

Do you think there is any way to support both lazy and non-lazy users? Or is this a bad idea?
Maybe the solution would be to have a build step which replaces the import and publish two separated packages?

If you don't care about this, I would try to regularly fetch the upstream changes and update my published package.



Is not scrollable when tried with actual mobile phone.

Hi there,

So I tried to use this for the next project. And it worked perfectly when I tried here in the browser but when I tried with the actual phone, I was unable to scroll. I tried exactly what it stated here. Could you please take a look and let me know please?
Thank you.

UPDATE: I was able to scroll when I disable the drag to close function.

My code:

<Sheet isOpen={isMSOpen} onClose={() => setMSOpen(false)}>
            <Sheet.Header />
              { => (
                <div style={{ color: "#000", background: "#aaa" }}>
                  <h5 key={}>{post.title}</h5>

set id for sheet for custom styling

could you allow us to set an id for the sheet container?

Right now this assumes that only one sheet would exist on the page, however i am using multiple (and want to have them different widths on desktop) but custom styling is always applied to the classes.

Something like <Sheet id="custom-sheet"></Sheet> should be enough

Edit: Seems like setting an id for sheet.container actually works, however typescript is unable to identify the props. Maybe you could update the PropTypes with React.ButtonHTMLAttributes and Framer-Motion Props?

Scroll overflow content without modal moving

There are two issues I want to bring up:

I have a modal with limited height, and the content inside is overflowing. I want to be able to scroll the content inside using touch on mobile, but the modal moves everything I try to scroll the content. Ideally only when I drag the header should the modal move.

I expect that setting disableDrag={true} prop on <Sheet.Content/> should fix the issue by preventing the entire modal from moving when pointer events are directed towards the content, but it doesn't seem to change anything.

I am only able to scroll the content using touch when disableDrag={true} is set on the parent <Sheet/>. This is my attempted temporary solution using a hook. The hook is updating properly, but <Sheet> doesn't update in response to the updated prop?

const [isDragDisabled, setIsDragDisabled] = useState(true);


<Sheet disableDrag={isDragDisabled} onClose={onClose} isOpen={isOpen}>
		<div onPointerEnter={() => setIsDragDisabled(false)} onPointerLeave={() => setIsDragDisabled(true)}>
			<Sheet.Header />

Hiding header at Full snap.

I used 3 snap points i.e [0.925, 0.53, 0.19], the starting snap point is 0.19.

in the modal I used all the elements like this...

I was trying to hide the header at full snap. How do I do that? I tried to get the snapIndex and use it but it is not giving the right index at each snap point.

Typescript Implementation Issue

Hi, I am really love your work for this react-modal-sheet. However, I face implementation issue. Would be great if you can take a look.

I know you are busy with your job, any help will be appreciated.

Typescript implementation with "react-modal-sheet": "^0.1.3",

Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type 'Pick<MotionProps, "inherit" | "transition" | "style" | "static" | "drag" | "onDrag" | "onDragEnd" | "onDragStart" | "onAnimationStart" | "transformTemplate" | "transformValues" | ... 31 more ... | "custom">': static, positionTransition, layoutTransition, _dragValueX, and 4 more.

    17 |       <Sheet isOpen={true} onClose={() => {}}>
  > 18 |         <Sheet.Backdrop />
       |          ^
    19 |       </Sheet>

Any idea for this issue?


Syntax Suggestions

What do you think about syntax like this?

import { useSheet, SheetProvider } from 'react-modal-sheet'

// root of app
  <XSheet />
  <SomewhereElseInApp />

const SomewhereElseInApp = (props) => {
  const {
    openSheet, // this would default to opening sheet-1
  // all the options below are optional including the ID since you can pass the ID to openSheet
  } = useSheet('x-sheet-id', {
  return (
      <div onClick={() => openSheet('sheet-id-2')}>Opens Sheet 2 with no props</div>
      <div onClick={() => openSheet('sheet-id-1', props)}>Opens Sheet 1 and passes props to it</div>
      <div onClick={() => openSheet({ name: 'cool', ...props })}>Opens X Sheet and passes props to it</div>

import { Sheet } from 'react-modal-sheet'

const XSheet = () => {
  const {
    ...props // these are the props passed from `openSheet`
  } = useSheet('x-sheet-id')
  return (
      {/* whatever content for the sheet */}

This allows us to reuse the same action sheet throughout the app only having to import it once, and passing different props to it wherever we want to use it.

is it possible dynamic snap add point ?

how can i make dynamic size ?



and I found another issue !
when I set snap points like [0.9, 0.3,0] on Snap method not called correctly and return -1 or not called

please check this issue

Property 'onClick' does not exist on Sheet.Backdrop

Typescript is complaining that onClick property does not exist when I try to use with the Sheet.Backdrop component.

Here's the full error

Type '{ onClick: () => any; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & Pick<MotionProps, "style" | "transformTemplate" | "transformValues" | "variants" | "transition" | "onViewportBoxUpdate" | ... 39 more ... | "onAnimationComplete"> & RefAttributes<...>'.
  Property 'onClick' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & Pick<MotionProps, "style" | "transformTemplate" | "transformValues" | "variants" | "transition" | "onViewportBoxUpdate" | ... 39 more ... | "onAnimationComplete"> & RefAttributes<...>'.ts(2322)

Here's the code snippet I'm using in my project

import React from 'react';
import Sheet from 'react-modal-sheet';

export function ShareEpisodeModal({ isOpen, setIsOpen }) {

  return (
      <Sheet isOpen={isOpen} onClose={() => setIsOpen(false)}>
          <Sheet.Header />
          <Sheet.Content>{/* Your sheet content goes here */}</Sheet.Content>

        <Sheet.Backdrop onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)} />

Maybe I'm just missing something here? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks

Request: allow users to pass in onDragEnd, onDragStart, onDrag callbacks

Use case: After drag I would like my component to internally update its state and track that the Sheet is opened at 600.

Interface could be something like ...

const Component = () => {
  // closed initially
  const [sheetPosition, setSheetPosition] = useState(0);

  return (
      snapPoints={[600, 400, 100])
      onDragEnd={({snapPoint}) => {

On we can add a

if (props.onDragEnd) {

What do you think? Happy to contribute if you think this makes sense or if there's potentially a way for me to know the snappoint without passing in a callback!

How to disable close modal-sheet

Hello friends
how to make my modal-sheet always be displayed on screen as 100px drag max 500px and can't close modal-sheet when height is 100px

Close immediately upon backdrop onTap

Is there a setting to make the bottom sheet close immediately when backdrop is tapped?

It seems there is a default delay in the animation when closing.
Opening is much quicker.

Thank you!

Content in Sheet.Content does not scroll

In my use case, the content of the sheet exceeds the vertical view of the sheet. When I try to scroll on a phone or PC, the sheet refuses to allow me to scroll down and view the rest of the content. On PC scroll works 70% of the time. However, on Android or iOS scroll does not work at all.

Upon disablingDrag the content became scrollable again, however I am no longer able to close the sheet.
Furthermore, I noticed that the page behind the sheet scrolls as well when I try to scroll the content in the sheet itself.

Is there a solution that would allow me to be able to scroll the content and to also close the sheet?


translateY(calc(env(safe-area-inset-top) + 12px)) scale(0.954023); in rootId it does not work correctly


first of all, give thanks for the great work


when I select rootId to do the iOS effect, the div generates excessive top margin, and it doesn't do the effect like this in the demo , I would like to know what I am doing wrong ?, embed my Tag <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover"/>,
I am using Nextjs, and I try to use env () in the official site of next and it seems to have a similar behavior, maybe something specific to the DOMVirtual, maybe they should look for an alternative to that effect ...


env() CSS in Nextjs Page:


Scrolling & Snap points: Unable to scroll to bottom while snap

Hi! First of all, thank you for this awesome library ๐Ÿค˜ I'm having an issue with the scroll behaviour and was wondering if you have any idea on how to solve this.

I have a modal-sheet with 2 positions: 'Full' screen and half screen. snapPoints = [-50, 0.5]. Inside the modal-sheet there's content with a height that's smaller than the 'full' screen modal-sheet, but bigger than the half screen modal-sheet. This results in the content not being scrollable while the modal-sheet is in half screen since the content isn't really overflowing.

Do you have any idea on how to make that work?

Thank you in advance.

Server Side Rendering


currently using this component for SSR is impossible because src/sheet.tsx uses ReactDOM.createPortal(... document.body)
document is undefined inside SSR (in my case next.js)

How to get current active snap?

I am trying to adjust the wrapping container height based on which is the active current point, onSnap, returns negative values. So hard to identify which is the active snap

How to get y value of sheet on drag

Is it possible to invoke a function as the user drags the modal to get the y position of the sheet? Readme mentions using refs, but unclear on how to go about getting the latest values. I tried the following

const ref = useRef();

useEffect(() => {
// Use the latest y value
},[ref.current.y] ]

<Sheet ref={ref}> ... </Sheet>

Animation Not Working in Safari

Using it with FocusTrap

header: {
    opacity: 0,
    [theme.breakpoints.up('xl')]: {
      '& .react-modal-sheet-header': {
        height: '32px !important',
      '& + .react-modal-sheet-content': {
        flex: '0 1 auto !important',
        overflow: 'visible !important',
  content: {
    display: 'flex',
    flexDirection: 'column',
    justifyContent: 'space-between',
    height: '100%',
    [theme.breakpoints.up('xl')]: {
      flexDirection: 'row',
      flexWrap: 'wrap',

        onClose={() => props.setOpen(false)}
        snapPoints={width > widthBreakpoint ? [195] : [600]}>
          <Sheet.Header className={classes.header} />
          <FocusTrap active={props.isOpen}>
        <Sheet.Backdrop />

Without Focus Trap Its working as expected
ezgif com-gif-maker

Scroll conflicts when using inside a scrollable view


first I would like to thank you for providing this nice and easy library, we never tell it enough to OpenSource contributors so thank you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป.

Now I would like to share two problems I've encountered using this library, to provide a bit of context I'm trying to build a marketplace and I would like at the same time I'm using the Infinite scroll to be able to pop this modal on top and having a scroll on it.

On that first problem, sometimes I'm taking control of the background instead of the first plan.


On that second one, you can see on IOS15 with the latest safari on an iPhone 12 pro-Max that I've some issue with the address bar, the utile fact is that I don't encounter this issue with for some reason, I've tried to compare my code and yours a bit seems not so different.


I guess something might conflict somewhere, maybe you could help me or give me some insight ? :)


SSR Support for Sheet.Content

Hi there,

would it be possible to output the Sheet.Content to the html on the server-side?
Currently it is not possible because createPortal references part of the document (not available on the server), right?.

If the user could decide how/where to mount the Sheet this would be possible right? i.e. opting out of the createPortal logic and putting it somewhere else in the regular React tree.

Feature request: add support for from top direction?


I want to use the modal sheet as a swippable header, which is basically a mirrored version but probably also needs to handle the point events (like the header in the Playstation App).

Any idea or advice on how to make it? Thanks.

Issue, app breaking: strange dependency errors

Installing this in my project caused weird typescript errors in many components. Uninstalling the library and reinstalling yarn.lock and node_modules fixed the errors. It looks like the newest version of this library probably has some weird dependency bugs that need fixing ASAP to be usable for many users.

EDIT: After some debugging, I found that installing this library upgraded @types/react-dom in yarn.lock to v18 even though my react version was still v17. This was the cause of the bug.


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